Contributions to the knowledge of macroalgae of the Gerlache Strait – Antarctica

Keywords: Rhodophyta, Phaeophyceae, Depth, Polar benthic macroalgae


This research is a contribution to the knowledge of some marine macroalgae species collected during the “Admiral Padilla” (2016-2017) and “Admiral Campos” (2018-2019) scientific expeditions, in which the Marine and Coastal Research Institute-Invemar participated with the project “Biodiversity and Oceanographic Conditions of the Gerlache Strait-Biogerlache-Antartica”. Samples were taken using a Shipek dredge, and underwater video recordings were made with a ROV (Remote Operated Vehicle). Six (6) species were identified: four (4) Rhodophyta and two (2) Ochrophyta-Phaeophyceae. Depth and zonation information where the macroalgae were found is included, and their relationship with previous records for the study area.

Más información

Título de la Revista: Bulletin of Marine and Coastal Research
Volumen: 50
Editorial: INVEMAR
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Página de inicio: 213
Página final: 220
Idioma: Ingés - Español