
Ziyad S. Haidar

Professor and Scientific Director (Faculty of Dentistry), Founder and Director (BioMAT'X R&D&I - HAiDAR I+D+i LAB), Claustro of Professors (PhD Program in BioMedicine, CiiB, Faculty of Medicine)


Las Condes, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Biomaterials; Nanotechnology; Drug Delivery Systems; Tissue Engineering; Regenerative Medicine; Polymers; Liposomes; Pharmaceutics


  •  Oral and MaxilloFacial Surgery and Prosthetics, Geriatric Oral Implantology. Canada, 2005
  •  Health Care Organizations Management, John Molson School of Business. Canada, 2009
  •  Oro-Dental Implantology, THE UNIVERSITY OF MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY OF NEW JERSEY. Estados Unidos, 2003
  •  Doctor in Dental Surgery (DDS), AJMAN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. Emiratos Arabes Unidos, 2002
  •  PostDoctorado EN INGENIERIA BIOMEDICA, Shriners Hospitals for Children (Orthopedics)-Canada. Canada, 2010
  •  BioNanoEngineering and Pharmaceutics, MCGILL UNIVERSITY. Canada, 2010
  •  Health Care Organizations Management, John Molson School of Business. Canada, 2009
  •  Healthcare Project Management, Cambridge Business Association (CBA-LABS). Chile, 2020

Experiencia Académica

  •   Professor and Scientific Director Full Time



    Santiago, Chile

    2014 - At present

  •   Founder and Director of BioMAT'X (HAiDAR R&D&I) LAB Full Time



    Santiago, Chile

    2014 - At present

  •   Chair of Excellence / Associate Professor / PI Full Time


    Science of Ceramic Processes and Surface Treatments (SPCTS)

    Limoges, Francia

    2013 - 2014

  •   Associate Professor / Principal Investigator Full Time

    Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR)


    Nanos, Biopolis St, Singapur, Singapur

    2012 - 2013

  •   Assistant Professor and Scientific Director Full Time


    Molecular Pharmaceutics

    Salt Lake City, Estados Unidos

    2010 - 2012

  •   Interim Dean Full Time


    Clinical and Surgical Dentistry

    Dubai, Emiratos Arabes Unidos

    2010 - 2010

  •   Post-Doctoral Fellow/Scholar (Basic and Applied Clinical Research) Full Time


    Biomedical Engineering

    Montreal, Quebec, Canada

    2009 - 2010

  •   Teaching Assistant (UnderGraduate) Part Time



    Montreal, Quebec, Chile

    2003 - 2009

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Associate Professor (Chair of Excellence in BioEngineering) Full Time

    Université de Limoges

    Limoges, Francia

    2013 - 2014

  •   Assistant Professor and Scientific Director Full Time

    University of Utah

    Salt Lake City, Utah, Estados Unidos

    2010 - 2012

  •   Post-Doctoral Scholar (Research and Clinical) Full Time

    McGill University Health Center and Montreal Shriners Hospital

    Montreal, Quebec, Canada

    2009 - 2010

  •   Research Professor and Scientific Director Full Time

    Universidad de los Andes

    Santiago, Chile

    2014 - At present

  •   Researcher Full Time

    McGill University Health Center and Montreal Royal Victoria Hospital

    Montreal, Quebec, Canada

    2003 - 2009

  •   Associate Professor / Principal Investigator Full Time

    Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology

    Singapore, Singapur

    2012 - 2013

  •   Dean (Interim), College of Dentistry Full Time


    Dubai, Emiratos Arabes Unidos

    2010 - 2010

  •   Scientific Director (UTAH PI) Full Time

    Utah-Inha DDS (Advanced Therapeutics Research Center)

    Songdo-dong, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, Corea del Sur

    2010 - 2012

  •   Adjunct Professor (Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery) Full Time

    Inha University hospital

    Inhang-ro, Jung-gu, Incheon, Corea del Sur

    2010 - 2012

  •   Founder and Executive Director Full Time

    BioMAT'X R&D&I (HAiDAR I+D+i)

    Las Condes, Santiago RM, Chile

    2015 - At present

Formación de Capital Humano

A lo largo de mi carrera, he contribuido significativamente a la formación de capital humano a nivel mundial, asesorando a estudiantes de pregrado y posgrado (maestría y doctorado) en sus tesis y proyectos de investigación en Canadá, Estados Unidos, Corea del Sur, Japón, Singapur, China, Francia, Alemania, Líbano, Chile, Costa Rica, México, Argentina y Brasil. Además, he capacitado y guiado a mis diversos equipos, compuestos por personas de diferentes orígenes, edades y culturas, a través del aprendizaje práctico en metodología de investigación científica, ciencia aplicada y tecnología preclínica y clínica. Al fomentar la colaboración interdisciplinaria, intradisciplinaria y multidisciplinaria y dotarlos de habilidades prácticas, creo que he empoderado a futuros investigadores y profesionales para innovar y sobresalir en sus respectivos campos.

Difusión y Transferencia

A lo largo de mi carrera, he participado activamente en la difusión y transferencia de conocimiento y tecnología, cerrando la brecha entre la investigación y la aplicación práctica, ya sea en la clínica o en la industria. A través de publicaciones, actas, capítulos de libros, libros, presentaciones en conferencias, resúmenes de conferencias/resúmenes ejecutivos, talleres y proyectos de colaboración, entre otros medios, he compartido avances en investigación científica e innovación tecnológica con audiencias globales. Mis esfuerzos se extienden a traducir hallazgos complejos en formatos accesibles, facilitando la transferencia de conocimiento a entornos académicos, clínicos e industriales. Al fomentar redes y asociaciones entre instituciones e industrias en todo el mundo, he contribuido a la implementación de soluciones de vanguardia, asegurando que la academia y las innovaciones beneficien tanto a la comunidad científica como a la sociedad en general.


Article (88)

A novel Chilean salmon fish backbone-based nanoHydroxyApatite functional biomaterial for potential use in bone tissue engineering
Efficient Hydroxyapatite Extraction from Salmon Bone Waste: An Improved Lab-Scaled Physico-Chemico-Biological Process
Anatomical Conditions in Simultaneous Orthognathic Surgery and Structural Rhinoplasty. A Clinical Series
Cambios en la V�a A�rea Despu�s de Cirug�a Ortogn�tica Bimaxilar
Thermal Load and Heat Transfer in Dental Titanium Implants: An Ex Vivo-Based Exact Analytical/Numerical Solution to the 'Heat Equation'
Morfología Ósea Facial en Cirugía Ortognática. ¿Existe Tendencia Hacia el Avance Facial?
Características Morfocuantitativas de la Glándula Submandibular de Ratón (Mus musculus)
COVID-19 y la Odontología: una Revisión de las Recomendaciones y Perspectivas para Latinoamérica
Horizontal Ridge Augmentation of a Single Atrophic Site in the Anterior Maxilla Using Hydroxyapatite and rhBMP-2
Hyposialia and Xerostomy Post Irradiation: Innovative Therapies in the Biomolecular Field
Mathematical Modeling for Pharmaco-Kinetic and -Dynamic Predictions from Controlled Drug Release NanoSystems: A Comparative Parametric Study
Morphological analysis of the human maxillary sinus using three-dimensional printing
PLA/PGA and its co-Polymers in Alveolar Bone Regeneration. A Systematic Review
Statins in dentistry: Game changer or questionable saga?
Three-dimensional Analysis of Nasolabial Soft Tissues While Smiling Using stereophotogrammetry (3dMDTM)
Fibrinolytic alveolitis, since 1896: Contemporary concepts and quandaries
Graftless Maxillary Sinus Lift Using Lateral Window Approach=> A Systematic Review.
Graftless Maxillary Sinus Lift Using Lateral Window Approach=> A Systematic Review.
Nonmotile Single-Cell Migration as a Random Walk in Nonuniformity: The "extreme Dumping Limit"" for Cell-To-Cell Communications"
Quality of life and stability of tooth color change at three months after dental bleaching
Sistemas de Nanopartículas Poliméricas I: de Biodetección y Monitoreo de Glucosa en Diabetes a Bioimagen, Nano-Oncología, Terapia Génica, Ingeniería de Tejidos / Regeneración a Nano-Odontología
Sistemas de Nanopartículas Poliméricas II: Estructura, Métodos de Elaboración, Características, Propiedades, Biofuncionalización y Tecnologías de Auto-Ensamblaje Capa por Capa (Layer-by-Layer Self-Assembly)
The 3 R's for Platelet-Rich Fibrin=> A "Super" Tri-Dimensional Biomaterial for Contemporary Naturally-Guided Oro-Maxillo-Facial Soft and Hard Tissue Repair, Reconstruction and Regeneration.
Use of PRF in combination with synthetic filling materials (HA and ß-TCP) for bone reconstructions [Utilización de PRF asociado a materiales de relleno sintéticos (HA y ß-TCP) en reconstrucciones óseas]
Immunoexpression of E-cadherin and Vimentin in normal oral mucosa, oral epithelial displasia and oral squamous cell carcinoma
3D printed titanium implants: Colossal FDA-approved leap towards “personalized” maxillo-facial surgery
Autonomous robotics: A fresh era of implant dentistry… is a reality!
Difference in EGFR expression and mean vascular density in normal oral mucosa, oral epithelial dysplasia and oral squamous cell carcinoma
Exosomes as Molecular Markers in Oral Cancer
Formulation and physico-chemical characterization of chitosan-hyaluronan-coated solid lipid nanocapsules for the targeted and release-controlled delivery of paclitaxel
Growth Factor-assisted Distraction Osteogenesis and Histiogenesis.
Influence of the Passive Evaporation of adhesive on the conductance of dentin.
Leukocyte and Platelet-rich Fibrin in Oro-Dental and Maxillo-Facial Surgery=> Evidence from Randomized Controlled Clinical Trials
NanoBioTechnology-guided Distraction Osteogenesis and Histiogenesis.
Nanogram Sensitivity via Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation Factor for Quick Real-Time Kinetic Monitoring of Bio-Macromolecular and -Cellular Interactions
Periodontitis and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Correlation?
Physicochemical characterization of chitosan-hyaluronan-coated solid lipid nanoparticles for the targeted delivery of paclitaxel: a proof-of-concept study in breast cancer cells
Physicochemical characterization of chitosan-hyaluronan-coated solid lipid nanoparticles for the targeted delivery of paclitaxel=> a proof-of-concept study in breast cancer cells
Physicochemical characterization of chitosan-hyaluronan-coated solid lipid nanoparticles for the targeted delivery of paclitaxel=> a proof-of-concept study in breast cancer cells.
Salivary gland radioprotection and functional regeneration via nanotechnology-based protein therapy=> A step closer towards clinical translation and personalization?
Self-assembling Peptide nanoFiber Scaffold RAD16-I in Stem Cell-based Engineering of Mineralized Tissues
Susceptibilidad de Cepas de Candida Oral a Extracto Etanólico del Propóleo Chileno de Olmué
The Use of the Mandibular Ramus for Alveolar Reconstruction in Oral Implantology
Utilidad de Tinción de Tricrómico de Masson en la Cuantificación de Densidad Media Vascular en Mucosa Oral Normal, Displasia Epitelial y Carcinoma Oral de Células Escamosas
Utility of Massons Trichrome Stain in the Quantification of Mean Vascular Density in Normal Oral Mucosa, Epithelial Dysplasia and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
BioEngineering of Oro-Maxillo- Facial Soft and Hard Tissues via L-PRF bioscaffolds
Biopolymers for Liver Regeneration and Repair: An Update.
Natural Guided Regeneration of Oro-Maxillo-Facial Defects by L-PRF: A “Super” Biomaterial for Hard/Soft Tissue bio-Engineering?
Surface functionalization of nanobiomaterials for application in stem cell culture, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine
Surface Functionalization of Nanobiomaterials for Application in Stem Cell Culture, Tissue Engineering, and Regenerative Medicine
Teriparatide: A Potent Perioceutic for Full Periodontium Regeneration?
Use of leukocyte and platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF) in periodontally accelerated osteogenic orthodontics (PAOO): Clinical effects on edema and pain
Use of leukocyte and platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF) in periodontally accelerated osteogenic orthodontics (PAOO): Clinical effects on edema and pain
NanoDentistry: Perspectives on the Role of NanoBiotechnology in Biomaterials, Pharmaceutics and BioDental Tissue Engineering
Novel Core-Shell Nanocapsules for the Tunable Delivery of Bioactive rhEGF: Formulation, Characterization and Cytocompatibility Studies
Novel Core-Shell Nanocapsules for the Tunable Delivery of Bioactive rhEGF=> Formulation, Characterization and Cytocompatibility Studies
Novel Core–Shell Nanocapsules for the Tunable Delivery of Bioactive rhEGF: Formulation, Characterization and Cytocompatibility Studies
Osseo Regeneration of the Cranio-Maxillo-Facial and Oro-Dento-Alveolar Complexes Using a Novel Self-Assembling Peptide Nanofibrous Hydrogel Scaffold and Its Composites
Pannexins In Dentistry: Hype, Hope or Both?
Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation Monitoring: A Powerful Tool for BioNanoScience and Drug Discovery
RESILON™ Toxic to Oral Squamous Carcinoma Cells: A Live/Dead Assay
Self-Assembling Peptide Nano fibrous Hydrogel Scaffold (Puramatrix™) in Regenerative Endodontics
The First PAOO (Periodontally Accelerated Osteogenic Orthodontics) Certification Course in Latin America - Hosted By the Universidad De Los Andes, Santiago De Chile
Layer-by-layer assembly of liposomal nanoparticles with PEGylated polyelectrolytes enhances systemic delivery of multiple anticancer drugs
Alginate-Chitosan versus Chitosan-Alginate Multi-Layered Assembled Systems: In Situ Comparative QCM-D Study
A Novel Self-Assembled Liposome-Based Polymeric Hydrogel for Cranio-Maxillofacial Applications: Preliminary Findings
Formulation, Characterization and Cytocompatibility Evaluation of Novel Core–Shell Solid Lipid Nanoparticles for the Controlled and Tunable Delivery of a Model Protein
Layer-by-Layer Self-Assembly of Polymeric Multi-Layers on Solid Lipid Nanoparticles: A Comparative Study via Dynamic Light Scattering, Transmission Electron Microscope, Atomic Force Microscope and Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation
Radioprotective effect of local delivery of bFGF against radiation-induced salivary gland damage
Re-visiting Edentulism: Complete Removable Dentures vs Implant Overdentures
RNAi Therapeutics: Current Status of Nanoncologic siRNA Delivery Systems
Two-year Sealant Survival in a High Caries Cohort at a Graduate Pedodontic Clinic
A hybrid rhOP-1 delivery system enhances new bone regeneration and consolidation in a rabbit model of distraction osteogenesis
Bio-Inspired/-Functional Colloidal Core-Shell Polymeric-Based NanoSystems: Technology Promise in Tissue Engineering, Bioimaging and NanoMedicine
Biocompatibility and safety of a hybrid core-shell nanoparticulate OP-1 delivery system intramuscularly administered in rats
Developing a dose-response curve of exogenous OP-1 to accelerate bone formation during distraction osteogenesis
Nanoncology: A State-of-Art Update
Wnt signaling is enhanced during new bone regeneration in a mouse model of distraction osteogenesis
Delivery of recombinant bone morphogenetic proteins for bone regeneration and repair. Part A: Current challenges in BMP delivery
Delivery of recombinant bone morphogenetic proteins for bone regeneration and repair. Part B: Delivery systems for BMPs in orthopaedic and craniofacial tissue engineering
Modulated release of OP-1 and enhanced preosteoblast differentiation using a core-shell nanoparticulate system
Novel localized and release-controlled rhBMP-7/rhOP-1 core- shell nanoparticles accelerate tibial distraction osteogenesis in rabbits
A novel OP-1 delivery system for the potential acceleration of regenerate formation and consolidation in distraction osteogenesis
Modulating the Release Kinetics of Paclitaxel from Membrane- Covered Stents Using Different Loading Strategies
Protein release kinetics for core-shell hybrid nanoparticles based on the layer-by-layer assembly of alginate and chitosan on liposomes
Comparison of different mathematical models in controlled pharmacokinetics from nano-delivery systems
Effectiveness of Non-Vital Bleaching and Impact on Quality of Life, 3-months follow-up: A Randomized Double-Blinded Clinical Study
Immunoexpression of E-cadherin and Vimentin in normal oral mucosa, oral epithelial displasia and oral squamous cell carcinoma

Abstract (1)


Editorial (2)

Engineering Solutions for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Rehabilitation and Oro-Dental Healthcare
Oro-dental health and type 2 diabetemellitus [Salud Oro-Dental y Diabetes Tipo 2 Mellitus]

Letter (1)

Antibiotic Stewardship: Integrating a Crucial Element for Dental Practices, Education, and Patient Care

Note (2)

L-prf for use in oro-maxillo-facial surgeries: What do we know?
Regenerative Endodontics and the promise beyond dental pulp disease repair

Proyecto (30)

bioFLOSS=> an innovative bio-active dental floss for a better oro-dental health
Electroestimulación para la regeneración de tejidos=> desde “Prueba-de-Concepto” hasta “Prototipo””
UANDES-KCL=> Fabrication of 3-D bioScaffolds for Cell Therapy and Tissue Engineering
3Dp (Three-Dimensional Printing) for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Applications
DPSCs Oss/Sc=> Porous Co-Polymeric and BioPhotonic Delivery Strategy and Biomaterial for human Dental Pulp Stem Cells in Bone Trauma and Spinal Cord Injury.
Efecto Radioprotector de un Novedoso Sistema Inyectable de Dosis Graduable para la Administración de un Factor de Crecimiento Dual contra el Daño y Deterioro de Glándulas Salivales tras la Irradiación Gamma en la Región Cabeza y Cuello
Novel drug-/nanotech-enforced Dental Adhesives, Resins, Cements and Composites as bioActive Dental Restorative Materials.
Oro-Aid3=> A new direct and localized Tri-phasic controlled intra-oral drug delivery strategy and device (mucco-/bucco-adhesive multi-compartmental membrane) against the Pathogenesis of Oro-Dental Diseases.
A dental perfusion kit for oro-facial pain assessment and for use as a novel bio-dental products testing platform.
Desarrollo de un criterio de predicción clínica de la calidad del LPRF, basado en un análisis estructural/mecánico del biomaterial=> Dentistry meets Engineering. “Imag’n”
Development and Proof-of-Concept Validation of a bio-enhanced “Dental Floss” for Managing/Preventing Dental Caries & Periodontal Disease, as an Over-the-Counter Oral Health Care Adjuvant Tool/Device; BioFLOSS
Formulation and Validation of Coconut Oil- and Copper-based Nano-suspensions for Biomedical and Tissue Engineering Applications.
Nueva tecnología para la producción farmacológica de vesículas extracelulares cargadas con moléculas de acción terapéutica (Part of ExoPOLIS)
PPTiP=> A novel periodontal instrument and graded toolbox for use during Periodontal Examination and Therapy.
X'PLANT 3Ss=> Simple Swift Solutions
nanoVAX=> The development and validation of peptide-tagged nanoparticles for detection and prevention of transplant rejection.
Natural Guided Regeneration of Oro-Maxillo-Facial Defects by modified Leukocyte and Platelet-Rich Fibrin=> nanoL-PRF
Producto Tópico Dental en Base a Nanopartículas y Estatinas para Tratamiento de Enfermedades Periodontales
The Non-Invasive Removal of Failed and Non-Mobile Osseointegrated Titanium Dental Implants
Desarrollo de una Innovadora estrategia terapéutica basada en la utilización de un nuevo producto celular para la regeneración de pulpa dentaria humana
SockGEL=> A Novel Thermo-Responsive Hydrogel for Dental Extraction Socket Preservation
Initiation et mise en place d'un nouveau centre de recherche en biocéramique à l'Université de Limoges (initiation and start-up of a new bioceramics research center at the university of Limoges)
Buccal Delivery Systems
Nanoncology (SiRNA Delivery Systems)
Core-Shell Self-Assembled Systems (nanogels)
Polymeric Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering
Nano-designed platforms for Protein Therapy, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
Layer-by-Layer (LbL) Self-Assembly=> 2-D polyelectrolyte-based drug delivery systems to address in situ bone (tibial) regeneration

Review (4)

NanoBubble-Mediated Oxygenation: Elucidating the Underlying Molecular Mechanisms in Hypoxia and Mitochondrial-Related Pathologies
Neuro-Muscular Dentistry: the "diamond" concept of electro-stimulation potential for stomato-gnathic and oro-dental conditions
The 3 Rs for Platelet-Rich Fibrin: A Super Tri-Dimensional Biomaterial for Contemporary Naturally-Guided Oro-Maxillo-Facial Soft and Hard Tissue Repair, Reconstruction and Regeneration
Quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring: A powerful tool for bionanoscience and drug discovery
Ziyad Haidar

Professor and Scientific Director (Faculty of Dentistry), Founder and Director (BioMAT'X R&D&I - HAiDAR I+D+i LAB), Claustro of Professors (PhD Program in BioMedicine, CiiB, Faculty of Medicine)



Las Condes, Chile



Odontología Integral Adultos

Universidad de La Frontera

Temuco, Chile

Constanza Jiménez



Red de Salud UC Christus

Santiago, Chile

Consuelo Zumarán

Asistente ejecutiva de investigación

InverSkinn SpA

Santiago, Chile

Eduardo Fernandez

Profesor Asociado


santiago, Chile

Bélgica Vásquez


Departamento de Ciencias Básicas

Universidad de La Frontera

Temuco, Chile

Wilfredo González

Profesor Asociado

Patología y Odontología Conservadora

Universidad de Los Andes

Las Condes, Chile

Cristian Sandoval



Universidad de La Frontera



Director Departamento

Odontología Restauradora

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Sergio Viafara

Asistant Researcher


Universidad de Los Andes

Santiago, Chile

Rolando Vernal

Profesor Titular

Departamento de Odontología Conservadora


Santiago, Chile

Javier Campos

Gestor de Propiedad Intelectual

Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana

Santiago, Chile