Temporal dynamics of the physical quality of an Andisol under a grazing system subjected to different pasture improvement strategies

Zuniga, F; Ivelic-Saez J.; Lopez, I; Huygens D.; Dorner F.J.

Keywords: grazing, volcanic soil, Pasture improvement strategies, Soil physical quality

Más información

Título según WOS: Temporal dynamics of the physical quality of an Andisol under a grazing system subjected to different pasture improvement strategies
Título según SCOPUS: Temporal dynamics of the physical quality of an Andisol under a grazing system subjected to different pasture improvement strategies
Título de la Revista: Soil and Tillage Research
Volumen: 145
Editorial: Elsevier
Fecha de publicación: 2015
Página de inicio: 233
Página final: 241
Idioma: English
