Star formation in Cometary Globule 1: the second generation

Haikala, L. K.; Makela, M. M.; Vaisanen, P.


Context. Cometary Globule 1 (CG 1) is the archetype Cometary Globule in the Gum nebula. Aims. We attempt to discover stars possibly embedded in the globule head of the Gum nebula and to map distribution of its ISM. Methods. We analyse C(18)O spectral line observations, NIR spectrosopy, narrow and broad band NIR imaging, and stellar photometry to determine the structure of the CG 1 head and the extinction of stars in its direction. Results. A young stellar object (YSO) associated with a bright NIR nebulosity and a molecular hydrogen object (MHO 1411, a probable obscured HH-object) were discovered in the globule. Molecular hydrogen and Br gamma line emission is seen in the direction of the YSO. The observed maximum optical extinction in the globule head is 9(m).2. The peak N(H(2)) column density and the total mass derived from the extinction are 9.0 x 10(21) cm (2) and 16.7 M(circle dot) (d/300 pc)(2). The C(18)O emission in the globule head is detected in a 1'.5 by 4' area with a sharp maximum SW of the YSO. Three regions can be discerned in C(18)O line velocity and excitation temperature. Because of variations in the C(18)O excitation temperature the integrated C(18)O line emission does not follow the optical extinction. It is argued that the changes in the C(18)O excitation temperatures are caused by radiative heating by NX Pup and interaction of the YSO with the parent cloud. No indication of a strong molecular outflow from the YSO is evident in the molecular line data. The IRAS point source 07178-4429 located in the CG 1 head resolves into two sources in the HIRES enhanced IRAS images. The 12 and 25 mu m emission originates mainly in the star NX Puppis and the 60 and 100 mu m emission in the YSO.

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Título según WOS: ID WOS:000284153100112 Not found in local WOS DB
Volumen: 522
Editorial: EDP Sciences
Fecha de publicación: 2010


Notas: ISI