Particular issues regarding the patrimonial liability of the state for human rights violations in Chile

Jofre, Rodrigo Castillo

Keywords: derecho a la reparación, responsabilidad del Estado, Derechos Humanos, imprescriptibilidad, acción de indemnización


The regime of patrimonial liability of the State has undergone significant development in recent decades in matters of human rights violations, in application of international standards on the right to reparation of the victims. In the case of Chile, its incorporation has been incomplete and unsystematic, with advances in jurisprudence and administrative measures of transitional justice. Four areas are reviewed in which the international norms of the right to reparation challenge the regime of State liability in Chile: the imprescriptibly of the action, the proof regarding the quality of victim and holder of the right, the application of res judicata to cases in the matter, and the extension of the reparable damage. It is concluded that there is a settled reception in the jurisprudence of the first two elements, while, in the case of the latter, their incorporation is incipient in the jurisprudence.

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Título según WOS: ID WOS:000996378000007 Not found in local WOS DB
Título de la Revista: REVISTA CES DERECHO
Volumen: 14
Número: 1
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Página de inicio: 88
Página final: 109


Notas: ISI