Relación de la genotipificación de Helicobacter pylori con la forma e intensidad de la gastritis en población adulta portadora de patología gástrica benigna

ARAYA O, JUAN CARLOS; Anabalón R, Leonardo; ROA E, IVÁN; Bravo E, María; Villaseca H, Miguel Ángel; GUZMÁN G, PABLO; Roa S, Juan Carlos


Background: The damaging capacity of Helicobacter pylori is variable and depends, in part, on its genetic polymorphism. Aim: To study H pylori genes vacA, cagA and iceA and the relationship of these genotypes with the features of acute damage in chronic gastritis. Material and methods: Gastric endoscopic biopsies were obtained in 75 adults for pathological study and genetic typification of H pylori by specific PCR. Results: In only 64 cases, complete information was available. In 53 of these, there was H pylori infection demonstrated by PCR. Twenty one percent had infection by two or more H pylori strains, vacA gene had genotypes s2/m2, s1/m1 and s1/m2 in 36, 25 and 8% of cases respectively, cagA gene was present in 49% of infected patients. iceA gene had genotypes iceA 1 ad iceA 2 in 15 and 60% of patients respectively. The presence of cagA or alleles s1/m1 and s1/m2 of vacA gene was directly correlated with polymorphonuclear infiltration and the severity of epithelial damage. The genotype s2/m2 of vacA gene was significantly associated with a milder or absent mucosal damage. No association was found between iceA alleles and the pathological features of gastritis. Conclusions: Alleles of vacA and cagA genes of H pilory are associated with the severity of gastric mucosal damage

Más información

Título según SCIELO: Relaci�n de la genotipificaci�n de Helicobacter pylori con la forma e intensidad de la gastritis en poblaci�n adulta portadora de patolog�a g�strica benigna
Título de la Revista: Revista médica de Chile
Volumen: 132
Número: 11
Editorial: Sociedad Médica de Santiago
Fecha de publicación: 2004
Página de inicio: 1345
Página final: 1354
Idioma: es
