Feasible Novozym 435-Catalyzed Process to Fatty Acid Methyl Ester Production from Waste Frying Oil: Role of Lipase Inhibition

Azócar, Laura; CIudad, Gustavo; Muñoz, Robinson; Jeison, David; Toro, Claudio; Navia, Rodrigo; Rakesh R. Sharma

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Fecha de publicación: 2012
Página de inicio: 277
Página final: 302
Notas: 2. Azócar L., Ciudad G., Muñoz R., Jeison D., Toro C., Navia R. Feasible Novozym 435-Catalyzed Process to Fatty Acid Methyl Ester Production from Waste Frying Oil: Role of Lipase Inhibition. En: Enzyme Inhibition and Bioapplications 2012, Ed. Rakesh R. Sharma by InTech Open Access Publisher. ISBN 978-953-51-0585-5.