Caracterización fenomenológica de las conductas repetitivas impulsivas orientadas hacia el cuerpo y el trastorno por excoriación en estudiantes universitarios

Martínez-Aguayo, Juan Carlos; Middleton, Felipe; Nahuelcura, Katyna; Arancibia, Marcelo; Meza-Concha, Nicolás; Sepúlveda, Elisa; Gepp, Alejandro; Escobar, Rocío; Madrid, Eva


" Introduction: Body-focused repetitive impulsive behaviors (BFRIB) are characterized by skin, nail and hair removing, scratching and/or biting, that configurate a mental disorder in some cases. Excoriation disorder (ED) or dermatillomania has been recently added as a specific disorder in DSM-5 obsessive-compulsive spectrum. Its phenomenology describes a behavior that emerges from anxiety, followed by a progressive psychic tension and then a pleasurable sensation, concluding in many times in guilt. Evidence has reported a greater incidence of ED in college students; however, studies in Latin America are scarce. Objective: To establish frequence and phenomenological features of BFRIB and ED in college students. Methods: We performed a cross-sectional study through the application of a self-administered questionnaire about ED aspects in college students. Results: 440 students were included; 22.2% felt always or almost always the impulse to scratch their skin until they were injured; 13.2% made these actions many times a day and 4.3% deployed considerable efforts in resisting them. Most frequent reported affects were guilt, shame, repentance, and self-reproach; 24.1% thought these behaviors were abnormal and 6.1% considered they constitute a pathology. According to DSM-5 and authors’ criteria, four cases of ED were found (0.91%), when psychiatric and medical comorbidities were discarded. Conclusion: Although BFRIB were frequent in college students, dermatillomania frequency was similar to general population. A characteristic phenomenology was described, similar to the evidence reported one."

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Título según WOS: ID SCIELO:S0717-92272017000400221 Not found in local WOS DB
Título según SCIELO: Caracterización fenomenológica de las conductas repetitivas impulsivas orientadas hacia el cuerpo y el trastorno por excoriación en estudiantes universitarios
Título de la Revista: Revista chilena de neuro-psiquiatría
Volumen: 55
Número: 4
Editorial: Sociedad de Neurología, Psiquiatría y Neurocirugía
Fecha de publicación: 2017
Página de inicio: 221
Página final: 230
Idioma: es
