A novel approach to assess the hydrodynamic effects of a salmon farm in a Patagonian channel: Coupling between regional ocean modeling and high resolution les simulation

Herrera, Julio; Cornejo, Pablo; Sepúlveda, Héctor Hito; Artal, Osvaldo; Quiñones, Renato A.

Más información

Título según WOS: A novel approach to assess the hydrodynamic effects of a salmon farm in a Patagonian channel: Coupling between regional ocean modeling and high resolution les simulation
Título según SCOPUS: A novel approach to assess the hydrodynamic effects of a salmon farm in a Patagonian channel: Coupling between regional ocean modeling and high resolution les simulation
Título de la Revista: AQUACULTURE
Volumen: 495
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Página de inicio: 115
Página final: 129
Idioma: English


Notas: ISI, SCOPUS - WOS Core Collection ISI