Comparative and phylogenetic analysis of a novel family of Enterobacteriaceae-associated genomic islands that share a conserved excision/integration module

Pina-Iturbe, A; Ulloa-Allendes, D; Pardo-Roa, C; Coronado-Arrazola, I; Salazar-Echegarai, FJ; Sclavi, B; Gonzalez PA; Bueno, SM

Más información

Título según WOS: Comparative and phylogenetic analysis of a novel family of Enterobacteriaceae-associated genomic islands that share a conserved excision/integration module
Título según SCOPUS: Comparative and phylogenetic analysis of a novel family of Enterobacteriaceae-associated genomic islands that share a conserved excision/integration module
Título de la Revista: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
Volumen: 8
Editorial: Nature Publishing Group
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Idioma: English
