A Dynamic Stochastic Hybrid Model to Represent Significant Wave Height and Wave Period for Marine Energy Representation

Verdejo H.; Awerkin A.; Kliemann W.; Becker C.; Chávez H.; Barbosa, K. A.; Delpiano J.


This paper presents a methodology to represent ocean wave power generation based on real data observation for significant wave height (SWH or>) and wave period (WP or T). This technique is based on a hybrid model, which considers Fourier series and stochastic differential equations, allowing a continuous time representation of the random changes in the parameters associated with wave power generation (and T). The methodology is explained, including estimation methods and a validation procedure. The data series generated by the models erre used to create simulated wave power output applying a transformed matrix and a theoretical model. The results validate the utilization of this technique, when the objective is to obtain a robust dynamic representation of a random process, oriented to linear studies.

Más información

Título según WOS: A Dynamic Stochastic Hybrid Model to Represent Significant Wave Height and Wave Period for Marine Energy Representation
Título según SCOPUS: A dynamic stochastic hybrid model to represent significant wave height and wave period for marine energy representation
Título de la Revista: ENERGIES
Volumen: 12
Número: 5
Editorial: MDPI AG
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Idioma: English
