Suggestions to improve the Chilean regulation of manipulation of terrestrial vertebrates in natural populations in the context of scientific research

D'Elia, Guillermo; Jaksic, Fabian; Bacigalupe, Leonardo D.; Bozinovic, Francisco; Canto, Jhoann L.; Correa, Claudio; Fonturbel, Francisco E.; Lison, Fulgencio; Mendez, Marco A.; Nespolo, Roberto; Opazo, Juan C.; Palma, R. Eduardo; Rau, Jaime R; Rodriguez, Sara M.; Rodriguez-Serran, Enrique; et. al.


In Chile, the manipulation for scientific purposes of terrestrial vertebrates from natural populations is conducted previous authorization of the Agricultural and Livestock Service and various Bioethics Committees. Obtaining such authorizations is becoming increasingly complex. The procedures do not fit the reality of scientific work, and they seem to be based on unjustified assessments of the effects of animal handling on natural populations. The aim of this commentary is to initiate a discussion in order to establish a norm of scientific manipulation of terrestrial vertebrates adjusted to biological reality and that does not interfere with scientific research.

Más información

Título según WOS: Suggestions to improve the Chilean regulation of manipulation of terrestrial vertebrates in natural populations in the context of scientific research
Título según SCOPUS: Suggestions to improve the chilean regulation of manipulation of terrestrial vertebrates in natural populations in the context of scientific research [Sugerencias para mejorar la regulación chilena de manipulación de vertebrados terrestres en poblaciones naturales en el contexto de investigaciones científicas]
Título según SCIELO: Sugerencias para mejorar la regulación chilena de manipulación de vertebrados terrestres en poblaciones naturales en el contexto de investigaciones científicas
Título de la Revista: GAYANA
Volumen: 83
Número: 1
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Página de inicio: 63
Página final: 67
Idioma: Spanish
