Ética animal, fundamentos empíricos, teóricos y dimensión práctica

Aguilera, Bernardo; Lecaros, Juan Alberto; Valdés, Erick; Aguilera, Bernardo; Lecaros, Juan Alberto; Valdés, Erick


Humanity has benefited from the history of the use of animals in many different ways. Since the past and very recently, especially in the last three years, a growing concern has arisen regarding you and we have continued to abuse them. The best problem is the huge amount of scientific publications and investigations that address the acclaimed animal ethics ever since bigger and more complex perspectives. This book intends to offer a wide range of ethical and philosophical questions that have appeared since then mainly in the academic field, but also from social and political movements around animal ethics. In question, we analyze how possible cognitive capacities of different species and their degree of sophistication. An approach to the test is also offered from the various ethical theories. Finally, its practical application to the most hot topics in the relationship between humans and animals is evolved, in its interaction with the free life of these, integrating elements of environmental ethics and the seized of its susceptible protection and integration as legal and political subjects in their legal systems.

Más información

Editorial: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Pontificia Comillas
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Página final: 386
Idioma: Español
URL: https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/libro?codigo=733274