l-Malate (-2) Protonation State is Required for Efficient Decarboxylation tol-Lactate by the Malolactic Enzyme ofOenococcus oeni

Acevedo, Waldo; Canon, Pablo; Gomez-Alvear, Felipe; Huerta, Jaime; Aguayo, Daniel; Agosin, Eduardo


Malolactic fermentation (MLF) is responsible for the decarboxylation ofl-malic into lactic acid in most red wines and some white wines. It reduces the acidity of wine, improves flavor complexity and microbiological stability. Despite its industrial interest, the MLF mechanism is not fully understood. The objective of this study was to provide new insights into the role of pH on the binding of malic acid to the malolactic enzyme (MLE) ofOenococcus oeni.To this end, sequence similarity networks and phylogenetic analysis were used to generate an MLE homology model, which was further refined by molecular dynamics simulations. The resulting model, together with quantum polarized ligand docking (QPLD), was used to describe the MLE binding pocket and pose ofl-malic acid (MAL) and itsl-malate (-1) and (-2) protonation states (MAL(-)and MAL(2-), respectively). MAL(2-)has the lowest increment G(binding), followed by MAL(-)and MAL, with values of -23.8, -19.6, and -14.6 kJ/mol, respectively, consistent with those obtained by isothermal calorimetry thermodynamic (ITC) assays. Furthermore, molecular dynamics and MM/GBSA results suggest that only MAL(2-)displays an extended open conformation at the binding pocket, satisfying the geometrical requirements for Mn(2+)coordination, a critical component of MLE activity. These results are consistent with the intracellular pH conditions ofO. oenicells-ranging from pH 5.8 to 6.1-where the enzymatic decarboxylation of malate occurs.

Más información

Título según WOS: l-Malate (-2) Protonation State is Required for Efficient Decarboxylation tol-Lactate by the Malolactic Enzyme ofOenococcus oeni
Título de la Revista: MOLECULES
Volumen: 25
Número: 15
Editorial: MDPI AG
Fecha de publicación: 2020


Notas: ISI