Eduardo Humberto Saavedra Parra
Associate Professor
Universidad Alberto Hurtado
Santiago, Chile
Economic Efficiency and Market Regulation (e.g. deregulation & welfare impacts); Assessing Competition Policy Issues (e.g. merger & acquisitions); Infrastructure and Economic Development (e.g. social impacts of energy infrastructure)
Commercial Engineer, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 1987
Economic Sciences, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 1986
Economics, CORNELL UNIVERSITY. Chile, 1999
Economics, GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY. Chile, 1990
Economics, CORNELL UNIVERSITY. Chile, 1997
Associate Professor Full Time
Economía y Negocios
Santiago, Chile
1997 - At present
Visiting Scholar Other
Washington, DC, Estados Unidos
2006 - 2006
Investigador Asociado Full Time
Santiago, Chile
1989 - 1991
Investigador Asistente Part Time
Economía y Negocios
Santiago, Chile
1985 - 1987
Asesor del Ministro Part Time
Ministerio de Economía y Energía
Santiago, Chile
2000 - 2005
Asesor Full Time
Ministerio de Hacienda
Santiago, Chile
1991 - 1997
Judge (Ministro Titular) Full Time
Tribunal de Defensa de la Libre Competencia
Santiago, Chile
2014 - At present
With my research, I plan to produce a pass-through of the new knowledge by introducing graduate students on my research lines with thesis work and coauthoring some papers. In addition, I may also get an update of my knowledge by participating in international meetings and conferences, and being in contact with visiting scholars and international experts. In the last 5 years, the following master degree thesis have being produces under my supervision:
* Sobrevivencia de Precios en el Mercado de Combustibles Chileno (J. Cerpa, 2013)
* Pobreza e Inversión en Infraestructura: Datos de Panel a Nivel Mundial (C. Ramos, 2013)
* Subsidios Cruzados en la Determinación de la Tarifa Eléctrica a Clientes Residenciales y el Rol de los Comercializadores (M.J. Reveco, 2013)
* Modelos de Liberalización en el Mercado Eléctrico Residencial y sus Consecuencias en el Bienestar (S. Palacios, 2012)
* Infraestructura y Pobreza en Chile: Estimaciones Usando Dos Modelos Econométricos Alternativos (M. Palacios, 2011)
* Un Modelo de Tarifas y Cargos de Acceso en Comercialización de Energía (G. Escobar, 2010)
Since firms use energy as input for their productive needs (as well as households use it as an intermediate good for consuming other goods), my goal is to put in the agenda the importance of setting the efficient prices for energy (closer to costs) such that they signal scarcity and provide the right incentives for investments. I also plan to produce some publications to policy makers (as technical reports, for instance), and to offer open seminars and conferences to people interested on the topics of my research lines.
President of the Republic Scholarship
Chile, 1994
A 3 years scholarship (tuition payments, health insurance, and maintenance allowance) to study the PhD in Cornell University
Master ILADES-Georgetown
Alemania, 1987
Grant for the Master ILADES-Georgetown program