
Carlos Garcia Garcia

Profesor Asociado

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Valparaiso, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Magnetic materials, nanotechnology, condensed matter, sensors, magnetocaloric effect, shape memory alloys, giant Magnetoimpedance (GMI)


  •  Fisica de Materiales, UNIVERSIDAD DEL PAIS VASCO. España, 2007
  •  Fisica Aplicada, UNIVERSIDAD DE OVIEDO. Chile, 2000
  •  Fisica del Estado Solido, UNIVERSIDAD DEL PAIS VASCO. Chile, 1998
  •  Teaching Certificate European Accreditation, UNIVERSIDAD DEL PAIS VASCO. Chile, 1999

Experiencia Académica

  •   Profesor Asociado Full Time


    Valparaiso, Chile

    2013 - At present

  •   Postdoctoral Fellow Full Time


    Cambridge, Estados Unidos

    2008 - 2010

  •   Postdoctoral Associate Full Time


    Cambridge, Estados Unidos

    2010 - 2011

  •   Profesor Asociado Full Time

    Bogazici University

    Science and arts

    Istanbul, Turquia

    2011 - 2013

Formación de Capital Humano

Courses Taught

• Introduction to Physics (Physics 100). UTFSM
• General Physics (Physics 110). UTFSM
• Experimental Physics Undergraduate (FIS 200). UTFSM
• Experimental Physics Postgraduate (FIS 300). UTFSM
• Laboratory of Advance Physics (FIS 469). UTFSM
• Topics in Condensed Matter. Introduction to nanofabrication and characterization techniques (FIS 495). UTFSM
• Topics in Condensed Matter. Computational methods for applied problems (FIS 495). UTFSM
• Topics in Condensed Matter. Fundaments of ultrahigh vacuum and Cryogenic (FIS 495). UTFSM
• Electronic Physics (Physics 290). UTFSM
• Electricity and Magnetism (Physics 201). Bogazici University.
• Solid State Physics (Physics 462). Bogazici University.
• Solid State Physics II (Physics 641). Bogazici University.
• Introduction to Research I (Physics 491). Bogazici University.
• Introduction to Research II (Physics 492). Bogazici University.
• Special Topics in Physics: Nanofabrication. Bogazici University.
• Special Topics in Physics: Sensors and Actuators. Bogazici University.
• Mathematics I, Mathematics II and Computation (as an instructor). UNC

Undergraduate’s final research project and research internship:
• Sevde Arpaci, “Numerical analysis of experimental magnetocaloric parameters” (Bogazici)
• Kerim Ture, “Remote Control of the R&S ZVA40 Vector Network Analyzer” (Bogazici)
• Ufuk Kilic, “Micromagnetic simulation of the effect of microwave field on magnetic multilayers under external magnetic field” (Bogazici)
• Erkam Bodur, “Analysis of the change of entropy and refrigerant capacity in NiMnSn samples exhibiting magnetocaloric effect” (Bogazici)
• Adnan Basar, “Micromagnetic simulation of the ferromagnetic resonance in magnetic nanostructures” (Bogazici)
• Mary Wang, “Electrodeposited wires for GMI applications” (M.I.T)
• Brian Baum, “LabView programming” (M.I.T)
• Helena Liu, “Magnetic characterization of FeNi nanostructures” (M.I.T)

Master Thesis
• M. Hasan Kilinç “Dynamic properties of soft magnetic materials in the shape of thin films and ribbons” (Bogazici)
• Sema Guvenc “Magnetoelastic and magnetocaloric effect in Heulser alloys” (Bogazici)

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Fulbright Grant

    Fulbright Association

    Estados Unidos, 2008

    Fulbright grant to perform postdoctoral studies in USA

  •   Slovak Republic Postdoctoral Scholarship

    P. J. Safarik University

    Eslovaquia, 2008

    Postdoctoral Fellow to perform short postdoctoral stays at Safarik University.

  •   PhD Fellowship (FPI)


    España, 2003

    4 years PhD fellowship to perform postdoctoral studies.


Article (77)

Antisite Defects and Chemical Expansion in Low-damping, High-magnetization Yttrium Iron Garnet Films
Dynamical behaviour of ultrathin [CoFeB (t(CoFeB))/Pd] films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy
Spin diffusion length associated with out-of-plane conductivity of Pt in spin pumping experiments
Assembly of nanocube super-structures directed by surface and magnetic interactions
Perturbative Generalized Magneto-optical Ellipsometry
Spin Seebeck effect detection by harmonic analysis
Tuning of magnetic properties in Ni-Mn-Ga Heusler-type glass -coated microwires by annealing
A platform for nanomagnetism - assembled ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic dipolar tubes
De-embedding zero-field signal in high-frequency magneto-impedance measurements of soft ferromagnetic materials
Spontaneous in-flight assembly of magnetic nanoparticles into macroscopic chains
Sputtering yields of tantalum by hydrogen ions in the energy range of 3-11keV
Magnetism and spin transport in rare-earth-rich epitaxial terbium and europium iron garnet films
Magnetization Reversal in Radially Distributed Nanowire Arrays
Systematic errors in the determination of the spectroscopic g-factor in broadband ferromagnetic resonance spectroscopy: A proposed solution
Tailoring the Asymmetric Magnetoimpedance Response in Exchange-Biased Ni-Fe Multilayers
Angular dependent FORC and FMR of exchange-biased NiFe multilayer films
Anisotropy constant and exchange coupling strength of perpendicularly magnetized CoFeB/Pd multilayers and exchange springs
Theory of ferromagnetic resonance driven by the combined action of spin-transfer torque and voltage-controlled magnetic anisotropy
The effect of low temperature thermal annealing on the magnetic properties of Heusler Ni-Mn-Sn melt-spun ribbons
Variable variance Preisach model for multilayers with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy
Structural and Magnetic Characterization of Half-Metallic Co2MnAl Heusler Alloy
Exchange bias in (FeNi/IrMn)n multilayer films evaluated by static and dynamic techniques
From Manipulation of Giant Magnetoimpedance in Thin Wires to Industrial Applications
Magnetic and transport properties of Co-Cu microwires with granular structure
Magnetic entropy change plateau in a geometrically frustrated layered system: FeCrAs-like iron-pnictide structure as a magnetocaloric prototype
Structural and magnetic characterization of the intermartensitic phase transition in NiMnSn Heusler alloy ribbons
Influence of PVP in magnetic properties of NiSn nanoparticles prepared by polyol method
Kondo Effect and Magnetotransport Properties in Co-Cu Microwires
Magnetic and transport properties of granular and Heusler-type glass-coated microwires
Refrigerant capacity of austenite in as-quenched and annealed Ni51.1Mn31.2In17.7 melt spun ribbons
Angular dependence of ferromagnetic resonance and magnetization configuration of thin film Permalloy nanoellipse arrays
Effect of the exchange bias coupling strength on the magnetoimpedance of IrMn/NiFe films
Magnetic-field influence on magnetization dependence of temperature in Cu56Ga27Mn17 annealed microwires
Magnetocaloric properties of as-quenched Ni50.4Mn34.9In14.7 ferromagnetic shape memory alloy ribbons
Thermal observables in coupled Cr7Ni molecular rings: Role and quantification of spin-entanglement
Asymmetrical giant magnetoimpedance in exchange-biased NiFe
Kinetic arrest of direct and reverse martensitic transformation and exchange bias effect in Mn49.5Ni40.4In10.1 melt spun ribbons
Magnetocaloric features of complex molecular magnets: The (Cr7Ni)(2)Cu molecular magnet and beyond
Fabrication, structural and magnetic characterization of thin microwires with novel composition Cu-70(Co70Fe5Si10B15)(30)
Grain oriented NiMnSn and NiMnIn Heusler alloys ribbons produced by melt spinning: Martensitic transformation and magnetic properties
High-frequency GMI effect in glass-coated amorphous wires
Magnetic and transport properties of Fe-rich thin cold-drawn amorphous wires
Magnetic characterization of Cu56Ga28Mn16 microwires
Magnetic field influence on the structural transformation in ferromagnetic shape memory alloy Mn50Ni40In10 melt spun ribbons
Martensitic transformation in Ni50.4Mn34.9In14.7 melt spun ribbons
Studies of electrical resistance in Ni75Cr7Si7.5Mn10.5 and Ni80.5Cr4.2Si6.5Mn5B3.8 glass-coated wires
Studies of Fe-Cu microwires with nanogranular structure
Studies of giant magnetoimpedance effect of Co-rich microwires in wide frequency range
Development of ultra-thin glass-coated amorphous microwires for HF magnetic sensor applications
Effect of magnetic field frequency on coercivity behavior of nanocrystalline Fe79Hf7B12Si2 glass-coated microwires
Magneto-optical determination of helical magnetic structure in amorphous microwires
Relation between surface magnetization reversal and magnetoimpedance in Co-rich amorphous microwires
Thermal annealing dependence of high-frequency magnetoimpedance in amorphous and nanocrystalline FeSiBCuNb ribbons
Development of thin microwires with low Curie temperature for temperature sensors applications
Effect of interaction on giant magnetoimpedance effect in a system of few thin wires
Fabrication and magnetic properties of Cu-50(Fe69Si10B16C5)(50) thin microwires
Influence of torsion and tensile stress on magnetoimpedance effect in Fe-rich amorphous microwires at high frequencies
Investigation of helical magnetic structure in Co-rich amorphous microwires
Study of microwave magnetoimpedance effect in amorphous FeSiB wires
Temperature dependence of magnetic properties of Cu80Co19Ni1 thin microwires
Thermal dependence of coercivity in granular CoNiCu glass coated microwires
Experimental demonstration of tunable scattering spectra at microwave frequencies in composite media containing CoFeCrSiB glass-coated amorphous ferromagnetic wires and comparison with theory
High-frequency magnetoimpedance in amorphous and nanostructured Fe73.5Si13.5B9Cu1Nb3 wires
Influence of the ac magnetic field frequency on the magnetoimpedance of amorphous wire
Investigation of surface magnetization reversal in Co-rich amorphous microwires with magneto-impedance effect
Magnetic and magnetotransport properties in thin Fe-rich wires processed by cold drawing
Stress dependence of coercivity in nanocrystalline Fe79Hf7B12Si2 glass-coated microwires
Structural, magnetic, and magnetostriction behaviors during the nanocrystallization of the amorphous Ni5Fe68.5Si13.5B9Nb3Cu1 alloy
Studies of structural and magnetic properties of glass-coated nanocrystalline Fe79Hf7B12Si2 microwires
Study of surface magnetic properties in Co-rich amorphous microwires
Surface and bulk magnetic hysteresis loops of Co-rich glass covered microwires
Effect of tensile stresses on GMI of co-rich amorphous microwires
Helical magnetic structure in cold-drawn Fe-rich amorphous wire
Structural, magnetic and electrical transport properties in cold-drawn thin Fe-rich wires
Two magnetic phases in cold-drawn Fe-rich amorphous wire
Asymmetrical magneto-impedance effect in Fe-rich amorphous wires
Investigation of magnetic structure in cold-drawn Fe-rich amorphous wire

Proyecto (17)

Antiferromagnetic Materials for Spintronics Applications
Novel magnetic nanostructures for medical applications” (MAGNAMED).
Preparación y caracterización de metamateriales magnéticos para detección remota de tensiones en neumáticos
Biofunctionalized magnetic-vortex microdiscs for targeted cancer-cell destruction
Centro Cientifico y Tecnologico de Valparaiso
Designing Advanced Functionalities through controlled NanoElement integration in OXide thin films.-“DAFNEOX”
Magnetization Dynamics in Perturbed Films and Magnonic Crystals
Propiedades magnéticas de nanoestructuras autoensambladas en oxidos funcionales
Estudio teórico-experimental de nanoestructuras magnéticas excitadas con radiación electromagnética
Magnetic Relaxation Phenomena in Ferromagnetic Thin Films with Tilted Anisotropy
Sistema de deposicion por evaporacion fisica
Static and dynamic magnetic properties of magnetic patterned nanostructures and thin films
Magnetic and electronic properties of novel materials
Coupling effects in magnetic patterned nanostructures (COEF-magNANO)
Microwave Assisted Magnetization Reverse (MAMR)
Development of GMI autobiased sensors based on exchange bias effect
Fabrication Characterization of nanomaterial exhibing magnetocaloric effect at high temperature
Carlos Garcia

Profesor Asociado


Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Valparaiso, Chile


Profesor Titular



Valparaiso, Chile

Juan Florez


Departamento de Física



Claudio González

Ayudante de soporte técnico

Fundación Para la Superación de la Pobreza

Valparaíso, Chile

Rodolfo Gallardo

Investigador Joven



Valparaíso, Chile

Jorge López

Investigador Postdoctoral

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Valparaíso, Chile

Pedro Landeros

Profesor Adjunto


Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Valparaíso, Chile

Jorge Valdés

Profesor Adjunto




Mario Mery



Santa María

Valparaíso, Chile

Christian Romero

Principal Resercher


Universidad Tecnica Santa Maria

valparaiso, Chile