
Trace Elizabeth Gale

Resident Researcher

CIEP - Center for Investigation in Ecosystems of Patagonia

Coyhaique, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Social-ecological systems, Cultural Geography, Protected Areas (PAs), PA visitor experiences, Motivations, Values, Cultural ecosystem Services, Soundscapes, Wellness, Restoration, Resilience, PA visitor use planning, Healthy Parks/Healthy People


  •  Philosophy, Forest Resource Sciences - Specialty in Sustainable Territories and Livelihoods, WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY. Estados Unidos, 2006
  •  Masters of Business Administration (MBA), VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY. Chile, 2000
  •  Business Administration, MIDDLE TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY. Chile, 1988

Experiencia Académica

  •   Assistant Professor Tenure-track Full Time


    Assistant Professor Tenure-track

    Morgantown, Estados Unidos

    2006 - 2009

  •   Investigadora en Residencia - Turismo Sostenible Full Time

    Center of Investigation in Ecosystems of Patagonia

    Coyhaique, Chile

    2006 - At present

  •   Adjunct Professor Other

    West Virginia University

    College of Agriculture, Forestry and Consumer Sciences

    Morgantown, Estados Unidos

    2009 - At present

  •   Profesor Adjunto Part Time

    Universidad Austral de Chile

    Coyhaique, Chile

    2015 - At present

  •   Investigadora Afiliada Other

    University of Florida

    Gainesville, Estados Unidos

    2012 - At present

  •   Profesional Afiliada Other

    University of Montana

    Missoula, Estados Unidos

    2010 - At present

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Resident Researcher Full Time

    CIEP - Center for Investigation in Ecosystems of Patagonia

    Coyhaique, Chile

    2009 - At present

  •   Assistant Professor - Tenure Track Full Time

    West Virginia University

    Morgantown, Estados Unidos

    2006 - 2009

  •   Director of Marketing, Juices, Sauces and Integrated Marketing, World Headquarters Full Time

    Campbell Soup Company

    Camden, Estados Unidos

    1992 - 2003

  •   Secretary Other

    Public Use Planning (PUP) Consortium

    Denver, Estados Unidos

    2019 - At present

  •   Associate Editor Other

    Journal of Leisure Research

    Rayburn, Estados Unidos

    2018 - At present

Formación de Capital Humano

Although my research institute is not a teaching institution, I have sought alliances and collaborations to continue with curriculum development, teaching, and human capital formation. Currently I hold faculty affiliate status within the School of Forestry and Conservation at the University of Montana, in the United States, and supervise thesis students, host student exchanges, and teach graduate courses in protected area planning within the Global Protected Area Graduate Certificate Program. I also teach coursework in nature-based tourism and conservation at the Patagonia Campus of the Universidad Austral de Chile and served as one of the core collaborators in the curriculum development committee and proposal for the creation of the four-year Nature Tourism Administration degree in 2018. Over the past three years I supervised fieldwork and participated in the master’s thesis committee for Srta. Heidi Blair, at the University of Montana; provided supervision and methodological advice to three students from Universidad San Sebastian (Daniel Salazar Riveros, Allan Perez Vega, Juan Espinosa Rudolf), who conducted their professional thesis as a team in Cerro Castillo National Park on visitor experiences and Limits of Acceptable Change. Finally, during this timeframe I provided an undergraduate professional internship for Javier Poblete Clifford, UACh, Campus Patagonia, Chile, Coyhaique, 01/01/2019 - 31/03/2019, associated with fieldwork for the research project, Influence of soundscapes on visitor experiences in diverse natural environments within the Coyhaique National Reserve.

Difusión y Transferencia

A large part of my career, both in Chile and in the USA, has been dedicated to diffusion, transference, and extension. I began my academic career as an extension professor in the Business and Community Development group of the West Virginia University Extension, where I contributed to several core programs being implemented in West Virginia communities, including "Community Planning", "First Impressions Evaluations", "Leadership Development and Facilitation Programs", and "Resilient Communities Evaluative Workshops". All of these programs enabled our ongoing research to be transformed into community betterment programs and training.

My work in Chile has continued many of these foci, working with local communities to understand and develop regional development strategies that honor and build on endogenous biocultural capacities and heritage, including natural, cultural, tangible, intangible, and movable heritage. In addition to the collaborative development of six protected area Visitor Use Plans for National Parks and Reserves in Aysén, some of my more recognized projects and contributions include my contributions to the concept of scientific tourism in Chile and projects like "Aysén, Una Patagonia por Descubrir", "Un Festín Patagon: Viajes Culinarios en Aysén", "Aysén, Vistas del Mar", and "Patrimonio Sonoros de las Áreas Silvestres Protegidas". I have produced four popular press books, a cable miniseries, and numerous manuals, expedients, workshops, conferences, special events and fairs, and whitepapers.


Article (19)

Toward Healthier Parks and People through Integrated Soundscape Research: Applying the International Organization for Standardization Acoustic Environment Taxonomy across Contexts
Acceptability and appeal: How visitors’ perceptions of sounds can contribute to shared learning and transdisciplinary protected area governance
Beyond noise management: exploring visitors' perceptions of positive emotional soundscape dimensions
Cómo los visitantes y sus percepciones de los paisajes sonoros pueden mejorar la gestión colaborativa de las áreas protegidas
Development and application of practical criteria for the recognition of potential Health Restoration Soundscapes (HeReS) in urban greenspaces
Grounding Sustainable Tourism in Science-A Geographic Approach
Thinking Outside the Park: Connecting Visitors' Sound Affect in a Nature-Based Tourism Setting with Perceptions of Their Urban Home and Work Soundscapes
Connecting protected area visitor experiences, wellness motivations, and soundscape perceptions in Chilean Patagonia
Privately protected areas in increasingly turbulent social contexts: strategic roles, extent, and governance
Toward Crowd-sourced Soundscape Monitoring in Protected Areas: Integrating Sound Dominance and Triggers to Facilitate Proactive Management
Can intrinsic, instrumental, and relational value assignments inform more integrative methods of protected area conflict resolution? Exploratory findings from Aysen, Chile
Protected Areas, Tourism, and Rural Transition in Aysen, Chile
Worldviews, Levels of Consciousness, and the Evolution of Planning Paradigms in Protected Areas
A 360 degrees Approach to the Conceptualization of Protected Area Visitor Use Planning Within the Aysen Region of Chilean Patagonia
Destination Management in Chile: Objectives, Actions and Actors
Relationships Between Value Orientations and Wildlife Conservation Policy Preferences in Chilean Patagonia
Co-management as a Framework for the Development of a Tourism Area Response Network in the Rural Community of Curanipe, Maule Region, Chile
Moving beyond tourists' concepts of authenticity: place-based tourism differentiation within rural zones of Chilean Patagonia
Explorando el rol de la Escuela de Guías de la Patagonia en los Medios de Vida de sus Participantes

BookSection (3)

Innovaciones gastronómicas basadas en el patrimonio culinario y alimentario: Un impulso al turismo en Aysén.
A Framework for Understanding Local Livelihoods and Alternative Tourism in the Aysén Region of Chile: Capacities, Capabilities and Vulnerabilities

BookWhole (5)

Un Festín Patagónico: Viajes Culinarios por Aysén.
Aysén, Una Patagonia por Descubrir
Anales 6° Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad de Investigadores en Turismo de Chile (SOCIETUR): Explorando las relaciones entre el turismo y las ciencias.
Guía de una Patagonia por Descubrir, Ruta Binacional entre las provincias de Santa Cruz, AR, y Capitán Prat, Chile.
Finding meaning in sustainability and a livelihood based on tourism: An ethnographic case study of rural citizens in the Aysén Region of Chile

ConferencePaper (11)

Changing Paradigms in Protected Area Planning: Shifting Worldviews in the Aysén Region of Chile. [Los cambiantes paradigmas en la planificación de áreas protegidas: Una cosmovisión en movimiento en la Región de Aysén, Chile.]
Estudio de la influencia del sonido en la experiencia de una persona en una variedad de entornos naturales. Caso de estudio: Reserva Nacional Coyhaique (RNC)
Natural risks, tourism resilience and planning for public use in the ASPs of Aysén.
Survey and characterization of resources and the food and culinary heritage of the Aysén Region, as an impulse for the innovation of tourism experiences.
Sustainable gastronomy in the tourism industry.
Two case studies of sensorial basins within Visitor Use Areas of Protected Wild Areas of the State of Chile: Coyhaique National Reserve and Lake Jeinimeni National Reserve.
A framework for the planning and management of public use in the Wild Protected Areas of the Region of Aysén under scenarios of high uncertainty and change.
Advancing knowledge related to the concepts of tourist authenticity: Tourist differentiation based on places and rural areas of Chilean Patagonia.
Identifying the potential for the integration of tourism circuits in Patagonia (Chile-Argentina).
Exploring the role of the Guide School of Patagonia in the livelihoods of its participants.
Identifying the potential for the integration of binational tourism circuits in Patagonia.

Proyecto (25)

Centro Internacional Cabo de Hornos - Cape Horn International Center for Global Change Studies and Biocultural Conservation (CHIC)
Red colaborativa para el desarrollo del Laboratorio Natural Subantártico: Fortalecimiento de la investigación científica y sus impactos socioambientales y económicos en la Macrozona Austral
Ecosystem, climate change and socio-environmental linkages along the continental-ocean continuum. Long-term socio-ecological research in Patagonia (PATSER)
“Nodo Macrozona Austral para la aceleración del impacto territorial de Ciencia, Tecnología, Conocimiento e Innovación”
Asesoría de apoyo para la implementación de un programa de monitoreo de Límites de Cambio Aceptables, DASP CONAF Aysén
Influencia del sonido en las experiencias de los visitantes en diversos ambientes naturales dentro de la Reserva Nacional Coyhaique
Servicios profesionales de vinculación y difusión de Planes de Uso Público de ASP.
Elaboración de Planes de Uso Público para la Reserva Nacional Lago Jeinimeni, Parque Nacional Laguna San Rafael y Parque Nacional Bernardo O’Higgins
Carretera Austral, Catalizador del Turismo en Aysén, Patagonia
Desarrollo y transferencia de capacidad de planificación de uso público en Áreas Naturales Protegidas estratégicas de Aysén, Chile.
Elaboración de Planes de Uso Público para las Reserva Nacional Coyhaique, Reserva Nacional Río Simpson y Reserva Nacional Cerro Castillo.
Patagonia por Descubrir, una plataforma para la difusión y transferencia de tecnologías turísticas para operadores de Aysén
Proyecto de Fortalecimiento de la Investigación Turística en Chile
Análisis prospectivo de los impactos económicos y socioculturales del turismo en la comuna de Villa O´Higgins, Región de Aysén, a partir del mejoramiento de la conectividad terrestre con las ciudades de El Calafate y El Chaltén, República Argentina
Elaboración de expedientes para tres manifestaciones del patrimonio cultural inmaterial, incluyendo el desarrollo de 56 perfiles para el Sistema Chileno de Información para la Gestión del Patrimonio (SIGPA), desarrollado por el Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (CNCA) de Chile.
Innovación gastronómica: Un impulso al turismo en Aysén
Desarrollo de una metodología para la Planificación del Uso Público de las Áreas Protegidas en la Región de Aysén: Estudio de caso: Reserva Nacional de Tamango, Cochrane, CH.
Organización del VI Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad de Investigadores en Turismo de Chile (SOCIETUR): Coyhaique, Chile, 9 - 12 de abril de 2012.
Proyecto de Investigación, Construcción de la metodología de evaluación de la línea de base y desarrollo de indicadores clave para el seguimiento y evaluación de la gestión de la Provincia de Capitán Prat como destino turístico.
Transferencia de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación (TIC) para la promoción de Aysén en el segmento de turismo independiente.
Turismo Marinero y la Pesca Artesanal de Aysén: Alternativa para la diversificación productiva en localidades litorales de la Región de Aysén.
Prospección e Integración de los Circuitos Turísticos de la Patagonia
Generación de una red de turismo sustentable en la región de Aysén.
Las Ciencias Aportando al Desarrollo Turístico de Aysén. Creando un Centro de Turismo Científico de la Patagonia.
Trace Gale

Resident Researcher

Sustainable Tourism

CIEP - Center for Investigation in Ecosystems of Patagonia

Coyhaique, Chile

Andrés Adiego


Turismo sustentable

Centro de Investigación en Ecosistemas de la Patagonia

Coyhaique, Chile

Fabien Bourlon

Researcher in Residency

Centro de Investigación en Ecosistemas de la Patagonia

Coyhaique, Chile

Cesar Guala

Senior Lecturer

Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences

Universidad Austral de Chile

Valdivia, Chile

Pablo Kogan


Facultad de Artes

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Douglas Pearce

Emeritus Professor of Tourism Management

School of Management

Victoria University of Wellington

Wellington, Nueva Zelanda

Jorge Arenas


Institute of Acoustics


Valdivia, Chile