
Sergio Hugo Cabrera Silva

Full Profesor


Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Sergio Cabrera is Professor in Photobiology in the Cellular Biology Program of Biomedical Sciences Institute, Faculty of Medicine University of Chile, Santiago, Chile. He has developed experimental UV research programmes in Antarctica, and in high mountain Andean lakes. His major interest is to improve understanding of the positive and negative effects of UV radiation on living organisms, especially on human health. He is editor of the book "Radiación Ultravioleta y Salud" Ed. Universitaria (2005).


  •  Profesor de Biología y Ciencias, Universidad de Chile Inst. Pedagógico. Chile, 1970
  •  Full Profesor, Universidad de Chile. Chile, 2000

Experiencia Académica

  •   Full professor Full Time

    Universidad de Chile

    Facultad de Medicina

    Santiago, Chile

    2000 - At present

Formación de Capital Humano

Dra. Gabriela Moreno Director de Tesis de Magister en Ciencias Mención Medioambiente y Biomedicina (2004)

Dra. Barbara Tartarotti Co-Director de Tesis doctoral (extranjero) Instituto de Zoología Universidad de Insbruck Austria (1999)


Article (17)

Cloud cover and UV index estimates in Chile from satellite-derived and ground-based data
Cloud cover and UV index estimates in Chile from 2 satellite-derived and ground-based data
Satellite-derived UV irradiance for a region with complex morphology and meteorology: comparison against ground measurements in Santiago de Chile
UV index values and trends in Santiago, Chile (33.5 degrees S) based on ground and satellite data
Availability of vitamin D photoconversion weighted UV radiation in southern South America
Quality of UVR exposure for different biological systems along a latitudinal gradient
Ozone and UV radiation over southern South America: Climatology and anomalies
Multichannel radiometer calibration: a new approach
Association between sunburns in children and ultraviolet radiation during summer in Santiago, Chile
Reflexiones de cómo el Cambio Global influenciará en la actividad profesional de los dermatólogos y a la sociedad en su conjunto.
Radiación ultravioleta en Chile: variaciones con la altura y la latitud.
Interannual variations of global UV radiation in Santiago, Chile (33.5°S)
Survivorship of Cyclops abyssorum tatricus (Cyclopoida, Copepoda) and Boeckella gracilipes (Calanoida, Copepoda) under ambient levels of solar UVB radiation in two high-mountain lakes
Phytoplankton and zooplankton response to ultraviolet radiation in a high-altitude Andean lake: Short- versus long-term effects
Efectos de la radiación ultravioleta A y B sobre cromosomas humanos
Aumento de Radiación Ultravioleta. ¿Mito o Realidad?
Variations of UV radiation in Chile

BookSection (5)

Cubierta de Ozono
Disminución de ozono primaveral antártico
Ozono en Chile
Radiación Ultravioleta
Disminución de la capa de ozono y aumento de la radiación UV-B. Un pretexto para escribir sobre academia universitaria

ConferencePaper (1)

Calibration improvement of the IAI Network for the measurement of UVR: Multi-channel instruments

ConferencePoster (19)

Índice RUV en Santiago-Chile, experiencia de 20 años
Ground-based observations of O3 and UV compared with data from UV-VISible satellite instruments
Time Serie of UV Index in Santiago – Chile, 33º28’S 70º38’W
UV index values, trend and forecast at Santiago de Chile
14 años de medición de Indice UV en Santiago
Radiación Ultravioleta B y Síntesis de Vitamina D
UV Index at Santiago de Chile
Changes in UV Index in Santiago (long-term measurements)
An algorithm to retrieve biologically weighted irradiance from irradiance measured by multichannel radiometers
Annual cycle of erythematic ultraviolet radiation in a capital of Chile (Santiago, 33ºS) Chile, a contrasting country due to change in latitude or altitude
Calibration improvement of the IAI South American Network for the measurement of UVR: multichannel instruments.
Erythemal UV Dose in Santiago, Chile (33ºS)
Ground-base Ultraviolet radiation in the southern cone of South America during 1995
Lago Kitiesh (62(S) en Antártida, un ecosistema control para monitorear el aumento de radiación UV-B
The effect of changes in radiometer responsivity on solar ultraviolet-B measurement
The sensitibity to solar UV-B radiation of zooplankton species from two high mountain lakes in the Alps and the Andes
The sensitivity to solar UV-B radiation of copepods in high mountain lakes (Gossenkellesee, Austria; Laguna Negra, Chile)
Changes in Cl a concentration copepod abundance UV P.A.R. penetration in the water column during ozone depletion in the Antarctic lake Kitiesh, 1992
Ozone and UV radiation activities in Chile

Review (1)

Proposal for a modification of the UVI risk scale
Sergio Cabrera

Full Profesor

Facultad de Medicina


Santiago, Chile

Alessandro Damiani

associate reasercher


Santiago, Chile

Raul R. Cordero





Fernando Labbe

Full professor

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Valparaiso, Chile