Claudio Andrés Toro Aedo
Synthesis of polymeric microparticles by the suspension polymerization method and their application on separation processes - Waste recovery technology for the composition of sustainable materials
Chemical Engineering and Environment, UNIVERSIDAD DE SALAMANCA. España, 2008
Chemical Engineering and Environment, UNIVERSIDAD DE SALAMANCA. España, 2005
Chemical Engineering, UNIVERSIDAD DE LA FRONTERA. Chile, 2001
Engineering Sciences, UNIVERSIDAD DE LA FRONTERA. Chile, 2001
PhD. Student, Research support staff Full Time
Faculty of Chemical Sciences
2003 - 2008
Postdoctoral researcher. Graduate Professor (Master in Engineering Sciences m/Biotechnology and PhD in Natural Resources Sciences). Undergraduate Professor (Practice Environmental/Civil Environmental Engineering). Full Time
Faculty of Engineering and Sciences
2008 - 2011
2011 - 2012
Center for Advanced Polymer Research, CIPA
2012 - At present
Thesis Co-advisor
1. Fernando Jara Jara (2012). “Copper Modified Nanoparticles in Cancer Treatment”. Under graduate thesis on Biotechnology. Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry Science. University of La Frontera, Temuco, Chile.
2. María Eugenia Gonzáles Quijón (2013)“Development of an Urea-Based Controlled-Release Nitrogen Fertilizer Using Biochar as Support”. Doctoral Thesis. Program in Science in Natural Resources. University of La Frontera, Temuco, Chile.
3. Pamela Hidalgo Oporto (2015) “Synthesis of biodiesel by direct transesterification of microalgal biomass in a continuous extraction system”. Doctoral Thesis. Program in Science in Natural Resources. University of La Frontera, Temuco, Chile.
4. Paulette Lara (2022). "Development of sustainable wood-plastic filaments for 3D printing with application in orthopedics". Under graduate thesis on Chemical Egineering. University of Bío-Bío, Concepción, Chile.
5. Paolo Parra (In progress). "Preparation of core@shell ZnO@Ti02 nanostructures with fungicidal activity". Under graduate thesis on Chemical Egineering. University of Bío-Bío, Concepción, Chile.
Thesis Evaluation
1. Isaac Reyes Caniupan (2013) Study of biodiesel production by means of a continuous separation system by ceramic membranes. Doctoral Thesis. Program in Science in Natural Resources. University of La Frontera, Temuco, Chile.
2. Robinson Muñoz (2011) Estudio del efecto de la composición de emulsiones en la separación y refinación de productos de la reacción de transesterificación de aceites por medio de microfiltración. MSc. Thesis. Program in Science in Natural Resources. University of La Frontera, Temuco, Chile.
3. Raúl Rodrigo Gómez (2009) Síntesis de resinas aniónicas con matriz de poli(estireno-co-divinilbenceno) y su aplicación en la adsorción de proteínas. Doctoral Thesis. Program in Chemical Engineering and Environment. University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain.
Invited talks in graduate courses
1. 12/2021 Polymers for a Sustainable Industry. Outreach Colloquium for Graduate Students, University of Guadalajara, Mexico.
2. 05/2019. Bases that support R+D+i in advanced polymers. Subject: "Integration: Multi and interdisciplinary research on Biodiversity and Bioresources" of the PhD program in Sciences with mention in Biodiversity and Bioresources of the Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción. Concepción - Chile
3. 11/2018. Bio-economy and circular economy: purpose and contingency. Subject: "Fundamentals of Engineering, Materials and Sustainable Processes" of the PhD program in Materials Engineering and Sustainable Processes of the Universidad del Biobío. Concepción - Chile.
4. 10/2018. Interdisciplinary work experience of the Advanced Polymers Research Center. Subject: "Integration: Multi and interdisciplinary research on Biodiversity and Bioresources" of the PhD program in Sciences with mention in Biodiversity and Bioresources of the Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción. Concepción - Chile.
Organization of seminars and workshops
1. International Congress of Plasticultura CIDAPA Chile-2022, Organized by the Ibero-American Committee for Plastics in Agriculture and the Center for Advanced Polymer Research, CIPA. Concepción, Chile, April 2022. Member of the Organizing Committee.
2. Plastics in Agriculture, Organized by the Advanced Polymers Research Center, CIPA. Concepción, Chile, November 2018. Member of the Organizing Committee.
3. Science-based Innovation for Territorial Development: Opportunities from Local Potentials. Organized by the Advanced Polymers Research Center, CIPA. Concepción, Chile, September 2017. Member of the Organizing Committee.
4. Scientific and business linkage in the Bío-Bío Region". Organized by the Advanced Polymers Research Center, CIPA and the University of San Sebastian. Concepción, Chile, August 2015. Member of the Organizing Committee.
5. New trends in polymer synthesis and applications. Organized by the Advanced Polymers Research Center, CIPA. Concepción, Chile, May 2013. Member of the Organizing Committee.
6. Technological Novelties in Containers and Packaging. Organized by the Advanced Polymers Research Center, CIPA. Concepción, Chile, July 2013. Member of the Organizing Committee.
7. New opportunities for the polymer sector. Organized by the Advanced Polymers Research Center, CIPA. Concepción, Chile, July 2013. Member of the Organizing Committee.
8. Tools for the design of an integrated technology-based production system in the polymeric sector. "Organized by the Advanced Polymers Research Center, CIPA.
Concepción, Chile, November 2012. Member of the Organizing Committee.
9. Process modeling and integration in a productive system. Organized by the Advanced Polymers Research Center, CIPA. Concepción, Chile, November 2012. Member of the Organizing Committee.
10. Workshop on Waste and Energy: opportunities and challenges for University-Company interaction. Organized by Universidad de La Frontera. Temuco, Chile, August 2011. Member of the Organizing Committee and Moderator of the event.
11. International Workshop Energy & Fuels from Waste & Biomass. Organized by Universidad de La Frontera. Pucón, Chile, January 2010. Member of the Organizing Committee.
Invited Talks
1. 08/2021. Model of Regional Centers for Scientific and Technological Development. Discussion organized by the National Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation of Panama, SENACYT Panama.
2. 01/2020. Territorial Development Based on Knowledge. Skills for a Development Strategy for the Province of Arauco, organized by Corporación de Desarrollo Territorial de la Provincia de Arauco, CORDEPROT-TA.
3. 10/2019. Treatment of contaminated water using hydroxyapatite synthesized from mollusk shell waste. Science and Technology Commission of the Chilean Chamber of Deputies.
4. 08/2019. The challenges of Chemical Engineering in the Biobío Region: a double click to the regional industry. Organized by the School of Chemical Civil Engineering of the Universidad del Bío-Bío.
5. 05/2019. Management of technological alternatives for the use of steel co-products of the CAP steel company. Conversatory: Collaboration for Open Innovation, organized by the Industrial Corporation for Territorial Development of the Biobío Region, CIDERE Biobío.
6. 11/2018. New materials: Challenges and opportunities in the current context. WORKSHOP: Advances in Biomaterials Sciences, Organized by Universidad de La Frontera. Temuco - Chile.
7. 10/2018. Decentralization of science and the challenge of empowering the different geographical and cultural regions of the country. XVII National Congress of Science and Technology, APANAC 2018, Panama City - Panama.
8. 08/2018. Strategic Role of the Advanced Polymers Research Center CIPA in the Biobío region. IX Annual Meeting of the Scientific and Technological Research Center for Mining, CICITEM. Organized by CICITEM in Antofagasta - Chile.
9. 08/2018. Innovation based on Science for territorial development. Day of linkage for the sustainable development of Agriculture and rural territories of the Valparaiso Region. Organized by the Regional Center for Horticultural Innovation of Valparaiso in Quillota - Chile.
10. 08/2018. Experience of the Regional Centers and thematic focuses that are part of the Regional Development and Innovation Strategy for the future Region of Ñuble. Meeting CONICYT-Presidential Delegation Ñuble Region.
11. 09/2016. Polymer Research in the Biobío Region of Chile, NIPA Breakfast Meeting & Research Showcase. Northern Ireland, UK.
12. 11/2010, Biodiesel production: Chilean experience, Workshop on biofuel production technologies and the impacts of their application. Technological University of Panama, Panama City - Panama.
Scholarship Banco Santander Central Hispano
España, 2003
Scholarship of Banco Santander Central Hispano to carry out Doctoral Studies at the University of Salamanca
Biocar first prize
Canada, 2011
Ontario biocar initiative poster award. 8th Bianual Research Meeting, University of Windsor, Canadá
Visiting professor
Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción
Chile, 2021
Visiting Professor of the Ph. D. Program in Biodiversity and Bioresources of the Faculty of Sciences.
Fellow of the Regional Committee of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation for the development of the Biobío Region
Gobierno Regional del Biobío
Chile, 2022
Representative of the Academy and Research Centers of the Region on the Regional Committee of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation for the development of the Biobío Region.
Fellow of the Professional Council of Chemical Engineering
Chile, 2019
For his professional career he was invited to join the Professional Council of Chemical Engineering of the Universidad del Bío-Bío.
Fellow of the Innovation Board
Corporación Industrial de Desarrollo Regional, CIDERE Biobío
Chile, 2014
As a representative of regional research centers in the Biobío region, he is invited to join the Innovation Council of the Industrial Corporation for Regional Development, CIDERE BIOBIO.
Fellow of the Network of Mentors for Innovation
Corporación Industrial de Desarrollo Regional, CIDERE Biobío
Chile, 2017
For his outstanding experience in the area of polymeric materials is invited to participate in the Network of Mentors for Innovation, an initiative of the Industrial Corporation for Regional Development, CIDERE BIOBIO.
International evaluator
Secretaría Nacional de Ciencia Tecnología e Innovación
Panamá, 2023
As an international evaluator and researcher of recognized trajectory, he is invited to participate in the peer review forum of the public call for R+D for the creation of regional R+D+i centers in 2023.
Feasible Novozym 435-Catalyzed Process to Fatty Acid Methyl Ester Production from Waste Frying Oil: Role of Lipase Inhibition |
Controlled-Release Nitrogen Fertilizer using Biochar as a Renewable Support Matrix |
Nuevas tecnologías para pinturas de terminación interior y elementos envolventes de construcciones habitacionales, resilientes bio higrotérmicamente, que incorporan nanotecnología y conceptos de química verde para mitigar efectos del cambio climático |
Producción de CaCO3 desde conchas de moluscos |
Zero waste: Pilot plan for Arauco Province (Basura Cero: Plan piloto para la Provincia de Arauco) |
Polymer nano/microparticles as carriers of bioactive compounds |
Smart bioplastics network <SMARTBIO>: valorization of lignocelullosic residues for novel bioplastics with controlled biodegradation properties for agricultural and forestry aplications |
Consolidation of the Transfer and Licensing Office of the Advanced Polymers Research Center |
Strengthening and development of the Continuity of the Advanced Polymers Research Center |
Formation of the Transfer and Licensing Office of the Center for Advanced Polymers Research CIPA |
Generation of technological solutions for MSMEs in the primary and secondary wood industry |
Treatment of water contaminated with heavy metals: Evaluation of a polymeric composite biomaterial based on bacterial cellulose and hydroxyapatite obtained from shell waste generated by the mollusk exporting industry of the Bio Bio region |
Biodegradable Polymer Based Materials using Wood Residues of SME From Wood Industry In Chile’s Bio-Bio Region |
Fortalecimiento a la Continuidad del Centro de Investigación de Polímeros Avanzados, CIPA |
Generación de oportunidades tecnológicas para el sector hortofrutícola del Valle del Itata |
Plataforma para la vinculación de PYMEs regionales |
Development and Application of Biopolymers for the Removal of Contaminant Species from Wastewater |
Development of Renewable Based Polymeric Additives, Matrices and Precursors for Biomaterial Synthesis |
Generación de Capacidades para la Gestión, Transferencia y Comercialización de la Producción Tecnológica de CIPA |
Fortalecimiento de la biorefinería de microalgas a través de la producción de biomateriales y bioenergía utilizando biomasa microalgal residual obs=> participación Sept 2011- Feb 2012 |
Apoyo a la formación de redes internacionales entre centros de investigación. CHILE-CANADÁ. |
Bases tecnológicas para la biorefinería de biomasa residual microalgal, a través de la implementación de un proceso de disrupción celular biotecnológico |
Consorcios Tecnológicos Empresariales para la investigación y desarrollo de la industria de biocombustible a partir de microalgas |
Nanopartículas modificadas con cobre en el tratamiento del cáncer. Evaluación in-vitro, su toxicología y compatibilidad |
Bases tecnológicas para la creación de la industria de ecofertilizantes mediante el uso de biocarbón producido a partir de residuos biomásicos |
Continuidad de Centros Regionales Obs=> Incorporación Marzo de 2012 |
Development of an Enzymatic Membrane Reactor (EMR) for High Refined Biodiesel Production |
Synthesis of polyesters from glycerol, a by-product of biodiesel production, and adipic acid |
Valorización de los productos de la fermentación alcohólica=> estudio de las características de adsorción de glutatión sobre micropartículas poliméricas |
Optimización de las propiedades de equilibrio y de transporte en procesos de adsorción de bioproductos, mediante la adecuación de las propiedades superficiales de materiales poliméricos |
Síntesis de materiales poliméricos adsorbentes con utilidad en la adsorción de biomoléculas |
Biochar as a Renewable Matrix for the Development of Encapsulated and Immobilized Novel Added-Value Bioproducts |

Gustavo Ciudad
profesor asistente y director del instituto del Medio Ambiente
departamento de ingeniería química
Universidad de La Frontera
Temuco, Chile

Laura Azócar
Profesor Asistente
Química Ambiental
Universidad Católica de la Santisima Concepción
Concepción, Chile

Profesor Asociado
Departamento de Ciencias Agronómicas y Recursos Naturales
Temuco, Chile

David Jeison
Profesor Titular
Escuela de Ingeniería Bioquímica
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
Valparaíso, Chile

maria diez
Full professor
Department of Chemical Engineering
Temuco, Chile

Alejandra Ribera
Profesor Asistente A
Departamento de Producción Agropecuaria
Universidad de La Frontera
Temuco, Chile

Olga Rubilar
Profesor Asociado
Departamento de Ingeniería Química

Varaprasad Kokkarachedu
Profesor Asistente
Facultad de Ingeniería y Tecnología
Universidad San Sebastián
Concepción, Chile, Chile