
Rodrigo Valdes

Profesor Adjunto

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Viña del Mar, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Teoria de Precios; Finanzas Corporativas; Estructura de Mercados


  •  Agronomia, UNIVERSIDAD DE TALCA. Chile, 2003
  •  International Agribusiness, GEORG-AUGUST-UNIVERSITÄT GÖTTINGEN. Alemania, 2007
  •  Joint PhD in Agricultural Economics, GEORG-AUGUST-UNIVERSITÄT GÖTTINGEN. Alemania, 2015
  •  Ingeniero Agronomo, UNIVERSIDAD DE TALCA. Chile, 2003

Experiencia Académica

  •   Profesor conferenciante Part Time



    2013 - 2016

  •   Profesor visitante Part Time



    2013 - 2016

  •   Profesor Adjunto Full Time


    Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas

    Viña del Mar, Chile

    2016 - At present

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Coordinador Comercial, Zona Norte

    Grupo Sigdo Koppers


    2003 - 2004

  •   Coordinador de Operaciones, Zona Sur

    Grupo Sigdo Koppers


    2004 - 2005

  •   Product Manager, Area Agricola e Industrial

    Grupo Sigdo Koppers


    2005 - 2007

  •   Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

    Rizoflora Biotecnologia/BNDES


    2009 - 2012

  •   Director Escuela Agronomia Full Time

    Universidad de Talca

    Talca, Chile

    2015 - 2016

  •   Profesor Adjunto Full Time

    Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso

    Viña del Mar, Chile

    2016 - At present


Article (14)

Effect of Warning Labels on Consumer Motivation and Intention to Avoid Consuming Processed Foods
Sub-National Economic Effects of the Resources Sector in Chile
The role of fuel prices in spatial price transmission between horticultural markets: empirical analysis from a developing country
The impact of commodity price shocks among regional economies of a developing country
Measuring market integration and pricing efficiency along regional maize-tortilla chains of Mexico
Dynamics of financial markets and transaction costs: A graph-based study
What drives stock market integration? An analysis using agribusiness stocks
Chilean Wine in the European Market. A positioning mapping approach from Germany
Harvest labor quality and productivity: Case study of cherry growing in Chile
The Brazilian beef meat sector into a domestic and international context: a Supply Chain Management (SCM) approach
Transaction costs and trade liberalization: An empirical perspective from the MERCOSUR agreement
Transaction costs and trade liberalization: An empirical perspective from the MERCOSUR agreement
Market integration for Chilean wheat prices using Vector Error Correction Models (VECM), a cointegration analysis: análisis de cointegración
The Chilean wheat market and its price support mechanism: A spatial market integration analysis

Proyecto (4)

Red colaborativa Brasil-Chile de estudios de efectos de la COVID-19 en los sistemas agroalimentario
Market participation of rural households: the impact of transaction costs and non-price factors on the horticultural sector
Desarrollo de modelos de negocios inclusivos orientados a pequeños productores=> innovando en la cadena de valor agrícola Chilena
Development of a bio-nematicide for the Brazilian market
Rodrigo Valdes

Profesor Adjunto

Escuela de Negocios y Economia

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Viña del Mar, Chile

Maria Engler

Full Professor

Departamento de Economía Agraria

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Las condes, Chile