
Alfonso Fernández

Associate Professor

Universidad de Concepción

Concepcion, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Hydroclimatic change, cryosphere, coupled human and natural systems (socio-ecological systems)


  •  Geography (Physical), OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY. Estados Unidos, 2014
  •  Freshwater resources, UNIVERSIDAD AUSTRAL DE CHILE. Chile, 2009
  •  Geography, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2001
  •  Geography, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION. Chile, 2003

Experiencia Académica

  •   Teaching/research assistant Part Time



    2000 - 2002

  •   Instructor professor Part Time



    2005 - 2007

  •   Instructor professor Full Time



    2007 - 2010

  •   Assistant Professor Full Time



    2010 - 2015

  •   Associate Researcher Other


    Estados Unidos

    2010 - 2014

  •   Postdoctoral Researcher Full Time



    2014 - 2015

  •   Associate Professor Full Time



    2016 - At present

  •   Associate Professor Full Time



    2016 - At present

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Professional Geographer Full Time

    Debar limitada


    2002 - 2003

  •   Professional Geographer Full Time

    Servicio Hidrográfico y Oceanográfico de la Armada


    2004 - 2007

Formación de Capital Humano

1. Pedro Quiroz, Master in Geographical Analysis, Universidad de Concepción, ongoing.
2. Natalia Carmona, Master in Geographical Analysis, Universidad de Concepción, ongoing.
1. Mauricio Alleuy, Bs.Geography, ongoing.
2. PatricioTorres, Bs.Geography, ongoing.
3. Juan Varas, Bs.Geography, ongoing.
4. Marcos Gómez, Bs.Geography, Universidad de Concepción, 2009.
5. Rodrigo Sáez, Bs.Geography, Universidad de Concepción, 2009.
6. Andrés Santana, Bs.Geography, Universidad de Concepción, 2009.
1. Marcelo Garrido, Master in Geographical Analysis, Universidad de Concepción, ongoing.
2. Julio Parra, Bs.Geography, Universidad de Concepción, 2015.
3. Ingrid Cornejo, Bs.Geography, Universidad de Playa Ancha de Ciencias de la Educación, 2006.

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Becas Chile


    Chile, 2009

    Postgraduate scholarship for Ph.D. studies in the United States

  •   Best graduate award


    Chile, 2010

    Best academic performance in the Master of Sciences

  •   The Fenburr Travel Scholarship


    Estados Unidos, 2012

    Competitive scholarship to fund travel expenses related to Ph.D. research

  •   T.R Lakshmanan and Lata R. Chatterjee


    Chile, 2013

    Award for best promising scholar

  •   E. Willard and Ruby S. Miller fellowship


    Chile, 2014

    Best academic achievement in the Ph.D program

  •   World Meterological Organization - CORDEX program

    World Meteorological Organization

    Suecia, 2016

    Early-career scholarship for attending the International Conference on Regional Climate-CORDEX, Stockholm, Sweden


Article (23)

Earth Science Is Ready for Preprints
Co-producing research in the “Red Zone”: Adaptation to fieldwork constraints with a transdisciplinary approach
Dendrohydrology and water resources management in south-central Chile: lessons from the Rio Imperial streamflow reconstruction
Impact of different microphysical parameterizations on extreme snowfall events in the Southern Andes
Incorporating Autonomous Sensors and Climate Modeling to Gain Insight into Seasonal Hydrometeorological Processes within a Tropical Glacierized Valley
The first millennium-old Araucaria araucana specimen in Patagonia
The significance of mountain glaciers as sentinels of climate and environmental change
Trace-metal contamination in the glacierized Rio Santa watershed, Peru
Modeling modern glacier response to climate changes along the Andes Cordillera: a multi- scale review
Social-ecological feedbacks lead to unsustainable lock-in in an inland fishery
Studying the Logone Floodplain as a Coupled Human and Natural System
Testing the skill of numerical hydraulic modeling to simulate spatiotemporal flooding patterns in the Logone floodplain, Cameroon
Study of site effects associated to the 2010 Maule earthquake in zones characterized by the presence of wetlands in the Bío Bío region, Chile
Presiones de borde en los sistemas naturales protegidos; efectos sobre su conservación. Parque Nacional Laguna del Laja, Chile
Cambios en el relieve generados como consecuencia del terremoto Mw= 8,8 del 27 de febrero de 2010 en el centro-sur de Chile
Caudales y variabilidad climática en una cuenca de latitudes medias en Sudamérica: río Aconcagua, Chile Central (33°S)
Comment to ”Nature and tectonic significance of co-seismic structures associated with the Mw 8,8 Maule earthquake, central-southern Chile forearc”
The evolution of the BíoBío delta and the coastal plains of the Arauco gulf, Bío Bío region: the Holocene sea-level curve of Chile
Glacier changes on Sierra Velluda massif, Chile (37oS): mountain glaciers of an intensively-used mid-latitude landscape
Cambios geomorfológicos ocacionados por el evento sísmico del 27 de febrero de 2010 en el centro-sur de Chile
Inventory and Geometrical Changes in Small Glaciers Covering Three Northern Patagonian Summits Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques
Movimientos cosísmicos verticales y cambios geomorfológicos generados durante el terremoto Mw= 8,8 del 27 de febrero de 2010 en el centro sur de Chile
Variaciones recientes de glaciares entre 41°S y 49°S y su relación con los cambios climáticos

ConferencePaper (24)

Assessing a fishery from afar - how close can we get without going there?
Climatic forcing of glacier surface mass balance changes along north-central Peru: a modeling perspective
Hydro-climatic vulnerability to climate change in the tropical Andean Cryosphere: integrating field and modeling perspectives from north-central Peru.
Investigating DEM noise reduction and resolution in flood modeling: a case study based on the Logone Floodplain, Cameroon
Lessons learned from communicating modelling efforts in big SES projects
The risk of a computational ’streetlight effect’ in social-ecological systems research
Climate drivers of regional changes in Andean glacier surface mass balance
From glaciers to the desert: assessing hydrologic change and social vulnerability across a tropical Andean waterscape
Glacial retreat and hydrological response across the Rio Santa watershed, Peru
Andean glacier mass balance modeling from dynamically downscaled Climate: challenges and opportunities
Assessing pan-Andean glacier response to climate changes since 1979
Characterizing changing stream water quality in a glacierized tropical watershed.
Tracking stream flow and water quality below melting Andean glaciers: a survey along the Santa River, Peru
Unraveling glacier mass balance in South America through numerical models: 1979-2012.
La Península de Arauco(37.15°S-37.9°S):barrerayaspereza sísmica?
Segmentación sísmica en el ancho del contacto interplaca en el centro sur de Chile
Alzamiento holoceno en el litoral del Golfo de Arauco (37°S) y su relación con los terremotos de subducción
Análisis comparativo de métodos de estimación de superficies glaciadas en Chile centro-sur a través de sensoramiento remoto: caso Sierra Velluda (37°S)
Caleta modelo isla Alejandro Selkirk, archipiélago de Juan Fernández: intervención arquitectónica desde la protección del medio natural y la identidad cultural
El proyecto La Región de las Islas Oceánicas de Chile.Avances y perspectivas futuras
Estudio de las fluctuaciones de nieve en Chile centro-sur mediante el uso de imágenes de libre acceso
Evolución geomorfológica y erosión del litoral de Isla de Pascua
Webmapping de la información glaciológica de la Sierra Velluda (37oS): base geoinformática para el apoyo en la divulgación científica y la toma de decisiones a nivel local en la región del BíoBío
Use of satellite imagery, aerial photographs and historical data for determining the frontal variations of the glaciers of central-south Chile (33-49°S)

ConferencePoster (22)

Predicting the Effects of Man-Made Fishing Canals on Floodplain Inundation? A Modelling Study
Using dynamical downscaling to force a glacier surface energy and mass balance model: case in the Peruvian Andes
Modeling annual flooding in the Logone floodplain in Cameroon
Spatiotemporal variability and differentiation between anthropogenic and natural contamination of heavy metals of surface water: a case study in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
Unraveling tropical mountain hydroclimate through integration of au- tonomous sensor observations and climate modeling
Assessing changing water quality in Peru due to glacial recession
Centennial-scale dynamics of glacier changes and stream flow in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
Ciclo sísmico anómalo en la Isla Mocha (38.3°S-38.4°S)
Comparación entre el terremoto Mw=8,8 del 27 de febrero de 2010 y su predecesor de 1835
From the Cordillera Blanca to the Pacific Ocean: hydrological changes and consequences across the Rio Santa watershed
The application of a regionally distributed glacier-climate modelandadynamicaldownscalinginthe central Andes of Chile and Argentina (30°S to 37°S): first results
Reconocimiento de áreas de riesgos de movimientos en masa a la zona urbana de Coronel según el método Analyst Hierarchy Process
Efectos de los cambios de uso del suelo en la conservación de los Sistemas Naturales Protegidos: caso de estudio Parque Nacional Laguna del Laja
Glacier Changes on Sierra Velluda massif, Chile(37°30’S): an approach to the explicative factors in a transitional climate setting
Efecto del Campo de Hielo Norte en la relación clima- crecimiento del Nothofagus pumilio
Geomorfometría digital de las Islas Oceánicas de Chile y los controles en la evolución geomorfológica
Spatio-temporal changes of the shoreline in Concon bay, central Chile
Inventario de glaciares del volcán Michimahuida utilizando Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG): Resultados preliminares
Recent glacier variations in Southern Chile (42° to 49°S)
Evidence of neoglacial events from tree-ring and aerial photos in arroyo San Lorenzo Valley, Mount San Lorenzo, Chile
Mass balance of glaciers in Southern Chile, based on Dems from Aster and aerial photographs
Cambios climáticos durante los últimos siglos en los Andes del sur de Chile a partir de anillos de crecimiento y fluctuaciones

ConferenceProceedingWhole (1)

Hypsometric analysis of glaciers located at Chilean Andes of Chiloé Continental Area

Errata (1)

Testing the skill of numerical hydraulic modeling to simulate spatiotemporal flooding patterns in the Logone floodplain, Cameroon (vol 539, pg 265, 2016)

Proyecto (13)

Late Holocene glacier fluctuations in Central-South Chile: filling the gap that becomes critical in projected hydroclimatic scenarios
Implementación y validación de un sistema de alerta temprana frente a amenazas naturales basado en vehículos aéreos autónomos
Incendios forestales, pérdida de diversidad y debilitamiento de economías campesinas, en el contexto del modelo forestal Chileno
Developing mechanistic understanding of the snowline’s role on the differential climatic sensitivity along mountain glaciers.
Exploring Social, Ecological, and Hydrological Regime Shifts in the Logone Floodplain of Cameroon
Climatic forcing on glacier surface mass balance changes along north-central Peru: a modeling perspective
Waning and waxing of mountain glaciers in South America: a modeling approach over multiple spatial and temporal scales
Evaluating natural risks on a socioeconomicaly-degraded territory in provincia de Arauco, VIII region
Chilean Oceanic Island region: diagnosis of the physical setting for their integration and sustainable development
Volume fluctuations of Sierra Velluda glaciers in the last decades, and the impact on the natural landscape of the Laguna del Laja National Park
Holocene uplift rate of the shore at Talcahuano-Coronel and its relationship with subduction earthquakes
Amazonian Land-cover-INduced Climate And Glacier Enhanced System
Scientific tourism in Chilean Patagonia: a proposal of touristic circuits related with glaciers in south Aysén
Alfonso Fernández

Associate Professor

Universidad de Concepción

Concepcion, Chile

cristian frene

Coordinador científico de la Red Chilena de Sitios de Estudio Socio-ecológicos de Largo Plazo

Instituto de Ecología y Biodiversidad

Ancud, Chile

Sebastian Crespo

becario postdoctoral


Valparaíso, Chile

Álvaro González

Profesor Asistente

Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra

Universidad Austral de Chile

Valdivia, Chile

Mauro González


Instituto de Conservación, Biodiversidad y Territorio


Valdivia, Chile

Paulina Puchi

Post-doctoral fellow

National Research Council (CNR-IBE), Firenze, Italy.

Firenze, Chile

Alfonso Fernandez

Profesor Titular


Universidad de Concepción

Concepcion, Chile