
José Norambuena Contreras

Profesor Asociado - Director LabMAT


Concepción, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

- Self-healing Construction Materials - Waste-based Construction Materials - Multifunctional Construction Materials


  •  Ingeniero Constructor, UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DEL MAULE. Chile, 2008
  •  Ciencias de la Ingeniería en Construcción, UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DEL MAULE. Chile, 2008
  •  Mg. Ingeniería Civil, UNIVERSIDAD DE CANTABRIA. España, 2011
  •  Dr. Ingeniería Civil, UNIVERSIDAD DE CANTABRIA. España, 2013
  •  Postdoctorado. Ingeniería de Materiales, UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM. Reino Unido, 2019

Experiencia Académica

  •   Academico Tiempo Parcial Part Time


    Talca, Chile

    2007 - 2007

  •   Profesor ayudante Other


    Santander, España

    2009 - 2013

  •   Investigador Asistente Full Time


    Santander, España

    2007 - 2009

  •   Investigador Asociado FPU Full Time


    Santander, España

    2009 - 2013

  •   Visiting Researcher Full Time


    Dübendorf , Suiza

    2012 - 2013

  •   Profesor Asistente - Director LabMAT Full Time



    Concepcion, Chile

    2014 - 2021

  •   Postdoctoral Researcher Full Time


    Faculty of Engineering

    Nottingham, Reino Unido

    2017 - 2019

  •   Profesor Asociado - Director LabMAT Full Time



    Concepcion, Chile

    2021 - At present

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Ingenierio en Prácticas Full Time


    Santiago, Chile

    2007 - 2007

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Best Graduate Student Award


    Chile, 2008

    Best Graduate Student Award of B.Sc. Construction Engineering, granted by the Faculty of Engineering Sciences at the Catholic University of Maule, awarded to students with excellent academic records and leadership qualities, Talca, Chile.

  •   Best Poster Award

    European Asphalt Technology Association

    Alemania, 2013

    Best Poster Award at the 5th International Conference of the European Asphalt Technology Association (EATA2013), with the poster “Distribution of steel fibers during mixing of dense asphalt concrete”, granted by the European Asphalt Technology Association, TU Braunschweig, Germany.

  •   Best Paper Award

    Chinese Society of Pavement Engineering

    Taiwán, 2013

    Best Paper Award at the 8th International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology (ICPT2013), with the paper “A new model on the hydraulic conductivity of asphalt mixtures”, granted by the Chinese Society of Pavement Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan.

  •   National Research Funding Competition FONDECYT Initiation


    Chile, 2014

    National Research Funding Competition FONDECYT Initiation 2014, with the project entitled “Development of a new fiber-reinforced asphalt mixture with self-healing properties via microwave heating”, granted by the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT), Chile.

  •   Becas-Chile Postdoctoral Scholarship


    Chile, 2016

    Becas-Chile Postdoctoral Scholarship. Postdoctoral Research. (Becas de Postdoctorado en el Extranjero BECAS CHILE – Convocatoria 2016), granted by the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research CONICYT, Chile.

  •   National Research Funding Competition FONDECYT Regular 2019


    Chile, 2019

    National Research Funding Competition FONDECYT Regular 2019, with the project entitled “Self-healing of bituminous materials using renewable resource-based microcapsules: a sustainable approach to extend the lifetime of roads”, granted by the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT), Chile.

  •   Young Researcher Award UBB-2018, category Science and Technology


    Chile, 2018

    Young Researcher Award UBB-2018 from the University of Bio-Bio. Category Science and Technology, granted by the Research and Postgraduate Vice-Rector from the University of Bio-Bio, Concepcion, Chile


Article (57)

Experimental evaluation of cement mortars with recycled brass fibres from the electrical discharge machining process
Microencapsulated bio-based rejuvenators for the self-healing of bituminous materials
Novel bituminous materials for sustainable pavements
Recent advances on self-healing of bituminous materials by the action of encapsulated rejuvenators
Self-healing of reflective cracks in asphalt mixtures by the action of encapsulated agents
A novel type cold mix pavement material made with calcium-alginate and aggregates
Effect of layered double hydroxides addition on the ageing and self-healing properties of asphalt binder
Experimental and numerical evaluation of hold-down connections on radiata pine Cross-Laminated-Timber shear walls=> a case study in Chile
Influence of encapsulated sunflower oil on the mechanical and self-healing properties of dense-graded asphalt mixtures.
Mechanical and self-healing properties of Stone Mastic Asphalt containing encapsulated rejuvenators
Microfluidic synthesis of polymeric fibers containing rejuvenating agent for asphalt self-healing
Synthesis and characterization of multi-cavity Ca-alginate capsules used for self-healing in asphalt mixtures
Synthesis and effect of encapsulating rejuvenator fiber on the performance of asphalt mixture
Synthesis and properties of microwave and crack responsive fibers encapsulating rejuvenator for bitumen self-healing
Effect of capsule addition and healing temperature on the self-healing potential of asphalt mixtures
Effect of metallic waste addition on the electrical, thermophysical and microwave crack-healing properties of asphalt mixtures
Effect of metallic waste addition on the physical and mechanical properties of cement-based mortars
Effect of microwave heating damage on the electrical, thermal and mechanical properties of fibre-reinforced cement mortars
Effect of mixing and ageing on the mechanical and self-healing properties of asphalt mixtures containing polymeric capsules
Effect of RAP and fibers addition on asphalt mixtures with self-healing properties gained by microwave radiation heating
Effects of different bitumen modifiers on the rutting and cracking resistance of hot mix asphalts
Electrical and thermal characterisation of cement-based mortars containing recycled metallic waste
Self-healing of asphalt mastic by the action of polymeric capsules containing rejuvenators
Self-healing properties of recycled asphalt mixtures containing metal waste=> An approach through microwave radiation heating
Evaluation of the thermophysical and heating properties of a composite rubber membrane with energy harvesting purposes
Experimental evaluation of mechanical and thermal properties of recycled rubber membranes reinforced with crushed polyethylene particles
Influence of the microwave heating time on the self-healing properties of asphalt mixtures
Measurement of hydraulic properties of soils used for road construction under saturated and unsaturated conditions
Microcapsules for self-healing of asphalt mixture without compromising mechanical performance
Effect of fibres addition on the physical and mechanical properties of asphalt mixtures with crack-healing purposes by microwave radiation
Influence of recycled carbon powder waste addition on the physical and mechanical properties of cement pastes
Mechanical damage evaluation of geosynthetics fibres used as anti-reflective cracking systems in asphalt pavements.
Nanomechanical properties of polymeric fibres used in geosynthetics
Self-healing of asphalt mixture by microwave and induction heating
How to correct the ambient temperature influence on the thermal response test results.
Influence of geosynthetic type on retarding cracking in asphalt pavements.
Mechanical behaviour of asphalt mixtures with different aggregate type.
Physical and mechanical behaviour of a fibre-reinforced rubber membrane with self-healing purposes via microwave heating.
Single and multiple healing of porous and dense asphalt concrete.
Water retention curve of soil-cement composite material.
A parametric study on the influence of steel wool fibers in dense asphalt concrete.
Closure to “A New Model on the Hydraulic Conductivity of Asphalt Mixtures” by J. Norambuena-Contreras, E. Asanza Izquierdo, D. Castro-Fresno, Manfred N. Partl and Alvaro Garcia.
Design of a new prefabricated road subsurface drainage system.
FEM-based numerical simulation of water flow through a road shoulder structure.
Influence of steel wool fibers on the mechanical, thermal and healing properties of dense asphalt concrete.
A new model on the hydraulic conductivity of asphalt mixtures.
Electrical, thermal and induction heating properties of dense asphalt concrete.
Experimental evaluation of dense asphalt concrete properties for induction heating purposes.
Induction healing of dense asphalt concrete.
Mechanical characterization of rubble stone masonry walls using non and minor destructive tests.
Uniformity and mechanical properties of dense asphalt concrete with steel wool fibers
Nonlinear numerical simulation of rainwater infiltration through road embankments by FEM
Numerical simulation asphalt mixture by FEM and design of experiment
Dynamic modulus of asphalt mixture by ultrasonic direct test
Comparative analysis of mechanical tensile tests and the explicit simulation of a brake energy dissipater by FEM
Thermal analysis of geosynthetics used in the rehabilitation of pavements.
Microwave crack healing on conventional and modified asphalt mixtures with different additives: an experimental approach

ConferenceProceedingWhole (14)

Damage balance of asymmetric structures with nonlinear behavior by means of a tuned mass damper.
A new biobased composite material using bark fibres Eucalyptus.
Numerical simulation of transient infiltration of snowmelt in unpaved shoulder roads.
Self-healing of asphalt mixtures via microwave heating.
Damage evaluation on geosynthetics used as anti-reflective cracking systems in asphalt pavement.
Development of a new asphalt mixture with self-healing properties.
Effect of aggregates morphology and surface texture on the mechanical resistance of asphalt mixtures.
Experimental evaluation of Portland cement pastes reinforced with carbon powder wastes.
Development of a new prefabricated for road drainage: a technology solution.
The model for induction-healing asphalt concrete.
Distribution of steel fibers during mixing of dense asphalt concrete
Influence of environmental factors on the particle loss resistance of dense asphalt concrete reinforced with steel wool fibers.
Characterization of flexible pavements by spectral analysis of surface waves.
Study and analysis of dynamic behaviour of flexible pavements by the modelling and development of non-destructive testing.

Proyecto (16)

Síntesis y caracterización de microcápsulas porosas con difusión controlada de agentes rejuvenecedores para la auto-reparación de asfaltos
Development of biopolymeric microparticles for self-healing of conglomerate materials
Self-healing of bituminous materials using renewable resource-based microcapsules=> a sustainable approach to extend the lifetime of roads
Caracterización mecánica y numérica de conexiones clavadas tablero-madera en estructuras de marcos livianos de madera
Investigation of the effects of capsules containing waste oil on the mechanical properties of self-healing hot mix asphalts
Proof of concept study on the crack-healing of asphalt concrete modified with recycled metallic waste
Desarrollo de mezclas asfálticas auto-reparables usando microcápsulas
Desarrollo de un prototipo experimental de una edificación de mediana altura en base a Madera Contralaminada (CLT)
Self-healing asphalt using embedded capsules
Development of a new fiber-reinforced asphalt mixture with self-healing properties via microwave heating
Panel aislante térmico sustentable a partir de corteza de Eucalyptus spp
Development of a self-healing asphalt road via induction heating
OASIS - Operación de Autopistas Seguras, Inteligentes y Sostenibles
ALADIN - Análisis dinámico de firmes de carreteras
FENIX - Investigación en nuevos conceptos de carreteras más seguras y sostenibles
SAFI - Diseño, caracterización de materiales y procedimientos de puesta en obra de un sistema anti-remonte de fisuras con geosintéticos en firmes con pavimento bituminoso
José Norambuena

Profesor Asociado - Director LabMAT

Departamento de Ingeniería Civil y Ambiental


Concepción, Chile

Álvaro González

Assistant Professor

Construction and Management Engineering

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Juan Vivanco

Assistant Professor

Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias

Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

Viña del Mar, Chile

José Concha


Departamento de Ingeniería Civil y Ambiental

Laboratorio de Materiales. Universidad del Bio-Bio

Concepción, Chile

William Gacitua

Profesor titular

de Ingeniería en Madera


Concepcion, Chile


Académico Full Time

Ingeniería en Obras Civiles

Universidad de La Frontera


Ricardo Serpell

Profesor Asistente

Escuela de Ingeniería, Departamento de Ingeniería y Gestión de la Construcción

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile