
Ali Ovgun

Postdoc. Researcher

Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso

Valparaiso, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Cosmological models, Cosmological singularities, Inflation, Acceleration of Universe, Thin-shell Wormholes and Wormholes, Light Deflection with Topological Defects and Gauss-Bonnet Theorem, Hawking Radiation, BSW effect, Greybody factors , QNMs


  •  Theoretical Physics, Eastern Mediterranean University. Chipre, 2016
  •  Theoretical Physics, Eastern Mediterranean University. Chipre, 2013
  •  Physics, Izmir Institute of Technology. Turquia, 2010

Experiencia Académica

  •   Research Assistant Full Time

    Eastern Mediterranean University

    Arts and Sciences

    Famagusta, Chipre

    2011 - 2016

  •   Lecturer Part Time

    Eastern Mediterranean University

    Arts and Sciences

    Famagusta, Chile

    2016 - 2017

  •   FONDECYT Postdoctorado 2017 Full Time


    Valparaiso, Chile

    2017 - At present

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Short-term visitor Other

    The European Organization for Nuclear Research-CERN TH

    Geneva, Suiza

    2017 - 2017

  •   Research visitor Other

    Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics

    Waterloo, Canada

    2018 - 2018

  •   Research visitor Other

    University of Waterloo

    Waterloo, Canada

    2018 - 2018

  •   Research visitor Other

    California State University, Fresno

    California, Estados Unidos

    2018 - 2018

  •   Research visitor Other

    Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics, ?Stanford University

    Palo Alto, California, Estados Unidos

    2018 - 2018

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Postdoctorado


    Chile, 2017

    CONICYT FONDECYT Grant No. 3170035

  •   Scholarship

    TRNC Ministry of National Educatio

    Chipre, 2005

    2005-2010 Scholarship from TRNC Ministry of National Education

  •   NExT PhD Scholarship


    Reino Unido, 2010

    2010-2011 Scholarship from NExT PhD school, University of Southampton

  •   EMU IGSR Publication Awards

    Eastern Mediterranean University

    Chipre, 2014

    2014-2017 EMU IGSR Publication Awards

  •   Scholarship from AtoSim Erasmus Mundus Master of Science


    Francia, 2010

    2010 Scholarship from AtoSim Erasmus Mundus Master of Science AtoSiM is operated jointly by: Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon, France Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands Università degli studi di Roma, "la Sapienza", Italy

  •   Scholarship for MSc EuroMasters in Physics


    Reino Unido, 2010

    2010 Scholarship for MSc EuroMasters in Physics from University of Southampton


Article (62)

Charged fermions tunneling from stationary axially symmetric black holes with generalized uncertainty principle
Deflection Angle of Photons through Dark Matter by Black Holes and Wormholes Using Gauss-Bonnet Theorem
Effect of the Brane-Dicke coupling parameter on weak gravitational lensing
Exact traversable wormhole solution in bumblebee gravity
Hawking radiation from cubic and quartic black holes via tunneling of GUP corrected scalar and fermion particles
Light deflection by a quantum improved Kerr black hole pierced by a cosmic string
Motion and collision of particles near DST black holes
Weak field deflection angle by regular black holes with cosmic strings using the Gauss-Bonnet theorem
Weak Gravitational lensing by phantom black holes and phantom wormholes using the Gauss-Bonnet theorem
Analytical solutions in a cosmic string Born-Infeld-dilaton black hole geometry: quasinormal modes and quantization
Deflection angle of light for an observer and source at finite distance from a rotating wormhole
Deflection of light by rotating regular black holes using the Gauss-Bonnet theorem
Effect of the cosmological constant on the deflection angle by a rotating cosmic string
Falsifying cosmological models based on a non-linear electrodynamics
Formation of Wormholes by Dark Matter in the Galaxy Dragonfly 44
Gravitational lensing by rotating wormholes
Gravitational lensing under the effect of Weyl and bumblebee gravities: Applications of Gauss-Bonnet theorem
Hawking radiation and propagation of massive charged scalar field on a three-dimensional Godel black hole
Holographic thermodynamics of accelerating black holes
Inflation from a nonlinear magnetic monopole field nonminimally coupled to curvature
Light deflection by Damour-Solodukhin wormholes and Gauss-Bonnet theorem
Nonlinear electrodynamics AdS black hole and related phenomena in the extended thermodynamics
Quantum tunneling and quasinormal modes in the spacetime of the Alcubierre warp drive
Quasinormal modes and greybody factors of f(R) gravity minimally coupled to a cloud of strings in 2+1 dimensions
Shadow cast and deflection angle of Kerr-Newman-Kasuya spacetime
A particular thin-shell wormhole
Anisotropic stellar models admitting conformal motion
Canonical acoustic thin-shell wormholes
Charged thin-shell gravastars in noncommutative geometry
Effect of Lorentz symmetry breaking on the deflection of light in a cosmic string spacetime
Eruptive Massive Vector Particles of 5-Dimensional Kerr-Gödel Spacetime
Hawking radiation and deflection of light from Rindler modified Schwarzschild black hole
Hawking Radiation of Scalar and Vector Particles from 5D Myers-Perry Black Holes
Inflation and acceleration of the universe by nonlinear magnetic monopole fields
Light deflection by a rotating global monopole spacetime
Light deflection by charged wormholes in Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton theory
Light deflection by charged wormholes in Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton theory (vol 96, 084036, 2017)
Particle acceleration by static black holes in a model of f(R) gravity
Particle Collision Near 1 + 1-Dimensional Horava-Lifshitz Black Hole and Naked Singularity
Relativistic Bose-Einstein condensates thin-shell wormholes
Stability of effective thin-shell wormholes under Lorentz symmetry breaking supported by dark matter and dark energy
Stable Dyonic Thin-Shell Wormholes in Low-Energy String Theory
The Bekenstein-Hawking Corpuscular Cascading from the Back-Reacted Black Hole
The effect of the Gauss-Bonnet term on Hawking radiation from arbitrary dimensional black brane
The effect of the GUP on massive vector and scalar particles tunneling from a warped DGP gravity black hole
Thin-shell wormholes in neo-Newtonian theory
Tunnelling of Massive/Massless Bosons from the Apparent Horizon of FRW Universe
Black hole radiation of massive spin-2 particles in (3+1) dimensions
Entangled Particles Tunneling From a Schwarzschild Black Hole immersed in an Electromagnetic Universe with GUP
Existence of traversable wormholes in the spherical stellar systems
GUP assisted Hawking radiation of rotating acoustic black holes
Hawking Radiation of Mass Generating Particles from Dyonic Reissner–Nordström Black Hole
Massive vector particles tunneling from noncommutative charged black holes and their GUP-corrected thermodynamics
Quantum tunneling of massive spin-1 particles from non-stationary metrics
Rotating thin-shell wormhole
Tunneling of massive vector particles from rotating charged black strings
Gravitinos tunneling from traversable Lorentzian wormholes
Hawking radiation of spin-1 particles from a three-dimensional rotating hairy black hole
Tunnelling of vector particles from Lorentzian wormholes in 3+1 dimensions
Uninformed Hawking radiation
Gravitational lensing effect on the Hawking radiation of dyonic black holes
Thin-shell wormholes from the regular Hayward black hole
Ali Ovgun

Postdoc. Researcher

Instituto de Física

Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso

Valparaiso, Chile

Joel Saavedra

Full profesor



Valparaiso, Chile

Yerko Vásquez

Full time academician

Physics department

Universidad de La Serena

La Serena, Chile

Andres Anabalon

profesor titular


Concepcion, Chile

Giovanni Otalora

Assistant Professor


Universidad de Tarapacá

Arica, Chile

Genly Leon


Universidad Católica del Norte

Antofagasta, Chile

Nelson Videla

Profesor Asociado

Instituto de Física

Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso

Valparaiso, Chile

marco olivares


Ciencias Básicas

Universidad Diego Portales

Santiago, Chile

Pablo González


Universidad Diego Portales

Santiago, Chile

Juan Magaña

Profesor Asociado Jornada Completa

Facultad de Ingeniería

Universidad Central de Chile

La Serena, Chile