
Flavia Guiñazu

International Medical Advisor

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Desarrollo desde la salud personalizada y digital de: plataformas experimentales, herramientas de diagnóstico, sistemas de prevención y tratamiento para toda patología especialmente del sistema nervioso. Además Salud global marco One World One Health


  •  Profesor en Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Nacional de San Luis (Argentina). Argentina, 1996
  •  Bachelor of Science in Biology (Molecular), Universidad Nacional de San Luis (Argentina). Chile, 1997
  •  Master in Neuroscience (cellular level), UNIVERSIDAD AUSTRAL DE CHILE. Chile, 2001
  •  MPhil in Molecular Neurology, King´s College London (KCL). Reino Unido, 2003
  •  PhD in Cellular and Molecular Neurology, King´s College London (KCL). Chile, 2006
  •  Development Program Specialist, University College London (UCL)- NIMR. Chile, 2009
  •  Señor Clinical Researcher, The Institute of Clinical Research (ICR), London, UK. Reino Unido, 2012
  •  Clinical Neurology, National health System (NHS)- KCL . Reino Unido, 2015

Experiencia Académica

  •   Profesor Adjunto Full Time


    Facultad de Medicina

    Valdivia, Chile

    2000 - 2001

  •   Investigador Asociado Full Time


    Facultad de Medicina

    Londres, Reino Unido

    2002 - 2006

  •   Investigador Asociado- Career Development Fellow Full Time

    University College London (UCL)

    National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR),

    Londres, Reino Unido

    2006 - 2010

  •   Investigador Asociado Senior Full Time


    Paris, Francia

    2010 - 2012

  •   Medical Advisor Other


    Facultad de Medicina

    Santiago, Chile

    2017 - 2018

  •   Medical ADvisor Full Time


    Fac. de Cs Físicas y Matemáticas

    Santiago, Chile

    2019 - At present

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Ayudante de Primera Full Time

    Universidad Nacional de San Luis

    San Luis, Argentina

    1997 - 2000

  •   Investigador Asociado Full Time

    Universidad Austral de Chile (UACH)

    Valdivia, Chile

    1998 - 2001

  •   Asistente de investigación Full Time

    London Unversity, King´s College (KCL)

    Londres, Reino Unido

    2002 - 2004

  •   Investigadora Asociada e Investigadora Clínica Full Time

    London University, King´s College (KCL)

    Londres, Chile

    2004 - 2006

  •   Investigadora Superior y Gerente de Proyectos Full Time

    London University, University college of London (UCL), National Institute of Medical Research (NIMR)

    Londres, Chile

    2006 - 2010

  •   Directora y Co-fundadora Full Time

    ETON CLÍNIC LTD, Francia y Reino Unido

    Paris y Londres, Chile

    2010 - 2011

  •   Investigadora superior Full Time

    The Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (INSERM)

    Paris, Francia

    2010 - 2012

  •   Líder Internacional en Salud Global, Economia Global y gestión de Big data Part Time

    Chatham House, he Royal Institute of International Affairs,

    Londres, Reino Unido

    2012 - 2013

  •   Director de Ensayos clínicos Part Time

    El Instituto de Investigación Clínica (ICR),

    Londres, Reino Unido

    2013 - 2014

  •   Advisor. Other

    El Consejo Argentino para las Relaciones Internacionales (CARI)

    Buenos Aires, Argentina

    2015 - 2016

  •   International Medical Advisor Part Time


    Buenos Aires, Argentina

    2015 - 2016

  •   Senior Medical Advisor Part Time

    Web intelligence Centre ( WIC)), Fac. de Cs Físicas y Matemáticas, Universidad de Chile

    Santiago, Chile

    2019 - At present

  •   Senior Medical Advisor Full Time

    Instituto Milenio de Cs Biomédicas (BNI), Fac. de Medicina, Universidad de Chile

    Santiago, Chile

    2017 - 2018

Formación de Capital Humano


1. Emmanouil Metzakopan, “Foxa1 and Foxa2 positively and negatively regulate shh signaling to specify midbrain progenitor identity”, National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR), University College London, Mill Hill, London, England, United Kingdom (2011).
2 Carol H Yan, “Lmx1a and Lmx1b function Cooperatively to Regulate Proliferation, Specification and Differentiation of Midbrain Dopaminergic Progenitors” National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR), University College London, Mill Hill, London, England, United Kingdom (2010).

1 Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM), Paris, France (2010 - 2012). Co supervisor de Postgrado
2 National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR), University College London (UCL), Mill Hill, London (2006-2010). Co supervisor de Postgrado.
3 Universidad Austral de Chile (UACH) Faculty of Medicine, Chile (1999–2001) Lecturer y enseñanza de la materia de patología a estudiantes de pregrado.
4 Universidad Nacional de San Luis, (UNSL), San Luis Argentina (1996-1997) Auxiliar de Primera, enseñanza de histología a estudiantes de pregrado

1 Mentor de miembros del equipos junior en empresa privada Génesis, Buenos Aires,Argentina (2015-2016)
2 Mentor de miembros del equipos junior en empresa semi-privadas, ETON Cliic LTD, París, Francia y Reino Unido Londres (2011-2012)

Difusión y Transferencia

Code: Internal Title: Director“Molecular development and pathology of the cerebellum”. Funding by: Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (2010-2012 ). Budget: EUR 150.000.

Code: Title: Director “Role of Slits and Robos in Dopamine system development and Parkinson’s disease”. Funding by: Parkinson´s Society (2009-2012). Budget: £2,500,000

Code: G9027130 Title: Co-director “Cellular and Molecular mechanisms of forebrain development”. Funding by: King's College London, Medical Research Council (MRC). (2007-2012). Budget: £2,193,920

Code: G0601064. Title: Co-Director -Cellular and Molecular Biology of Forebrain Development. Funding by: King´s College London, MRC for Developmental Neurobiology (2006 - 2012). Budget: £2.137.277

Code: Career Development Fellow. Title: Director “Dopamine system development and Parkinson’s disease”. Funding by: Welcome Trust, Medical Research Council (MRC, UK) (2006-2010). Budget: EUR 237.804

Code: QLG3-CT-2001-02310. Title: Senior Investigador Asociado. “Forebrain Patterning”. Funding by: European Commission Research Grants (2002-2005). Budget: EUR

Code: 1000435. Title: Investigador asociado “Research in Congenital hydrocephalus and cerebrospinal fluid compounds alterations as a dysfunction of subcommissural organ during de development” Funding by: FONDECYT-REGULAR (2000-2003).

Code: 1970627. Title: Investigador “The subcommissural organ participate in the clearance of the cerebrospinal fluid, and Congenital hydrocephalus Funding by: FONDECYT (1998-2001).

Code: Proyecto de Investigación RE-ENTRY PRF 021/98 Title: IInvestigador “Melatonin role as a regulator and modulation of testicular activities. Relation with the photoperiod "
Funding by: IDIMI (1998-2001).Budget: $ 500000

Code: PIP-CONICET N° 4936 Title: Investigador. Eje pineal-hipófiso gonadal del Lagostomus maximus maximus : Estudio estacional Funding by: CONICET (1998-2001).Budget: $ 690000

Code: PIA 0324792 Title: Investigador de pre y post grado Study of the seasonal variations and drug effects in the pars intermedia and pituitaria in vizcacha” Funding by: CONICET (1996 - 1998).Budget: $ 790000

Code: 7303 Title: Investigador de pregrado “Biochemical and histological study of lithium administration in the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis in the vizcacha” Funding by: CONICET (1996 - 1997).

Code: Young Title: Investigador de pregrado “Seasonal activity variation of thyroid gland in a low iodine consumption” Funding by: Area de Investigación, Universidad Nacional de San Luis (UNSL) (1996 - 1997).

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Joven Investigador


    Argentina, 1997

    “Seasonal activity variation of thyroid gland in a low iodine consumption”

  •   Beca Académica


    Chile, 1998

    Floor plate cells in culture secrete a similar or identical Reissners fiber glycoproteins compound”.

  •   Beca Académica


    Chile, 1999

    Bovine floor plate cells express the SCO-spondin gene

  •   Beca Investigador


    Chile, 2000

    The floor plate cells express the mRNA encoding for SCO-spondin and its translation products.

  •   Beca Joven Investigador


    Reino Unido, 2002

    Forebrain Patterning

  •   Beca de Investigación de la Union Europea


    Chile, 2002

    Cellular and Molecular mechanisms of forebrain development

  •   Beca de Investigador Senior


    Reino Unido, 2005

    Cellular and Molecular Biology of Forebrain Development”

  •   Career Development Fellowship


    Chile, 2006

    The Career Development Fellowship supports new group leaders who do not have a salaried independent position to establish their own independent research

  •   Premio al estudio innovador del Parkinson

    Sociedad de Parkinson

    Reino Unido, 2009

    Dopamine system development and Parkinson’s disease

  •   Líder de la salud

    NHS- The King´s Fund

    Reino Unido, 2012

    El desarrollo del liderazgo

  •   Chartered Scientist

    The Institute of Clinical Research

    Chile, 2014

    El reconocimiento mayor para los investigadores clínicos

  •   Premio honorífico destacando la labor en el campo de la neurociencia

    Fundación San Luis (VIP)

    Argentina, 2015

    Premio honorífico destacando la labor en el campo de la neurociencia

  •   Las mujeres notables

    Congreso de la Nación Argentina, Círculo de Legisladores de la Nación, Centro de Estudios Internacionales (CEDIR) e Instituto de Estudios (IEERI),

    Argentina, 2016

    el reconocimiento internacional del trabajo en los asuntos exteriores, la salud y la investigación en salud


Article (1)

Employing online social networks in precision-medicine approach using information fusion predictive model to improve substance use surveillance: A lesson from Twitter and marijuana consumption

BookSection (2)

Computational Social Analysis for Mental Health
Data-driven Intelligent Healthcare and Medicine

ConferencePaper (1)

Personalized Precision Medicine and Personalize Healthcare driven by Data Science

JournalWhole (10)

Tissue interactions in the developing chick diencephalon
Bovine floor plate explants secrete SCO-spondin
Prevention of cleft lip and palate e the plan for today, the goal for the future
Bovine floor plate cells express the SCO-spondin gene
The floor plate cells from bovines express the mRNA encoding for SCO-spondin and its translation products
Cleft lip and palate anomalies in South America. A case-control study of gene-environment interactions targeted on primary prevention.
Presence of RF-Gly I protein in bovine and chicken floor plate embryos
1-16-02 Neurophysiological studies in acoustic neuromas
Histological and biochemical comparative study of lithium administration in the viscacha (Lagostomus maximum maximum) and rats
Morphological comparative study about chronic lithium effect on the thyroid gland

Monograph (5)

Slit-Robo Rho GTPase activating protein and mental retardation
Role of the zona limitants intrathalamica (ZLI) in diencephalic regionalization”.
Tissue interactions in the Diencephalon
“Floor plate cells in culture secrete a similar or identical Reissners fiber glycoproteins compound”.
“Seasonal variation study and lithium effect analysis on the thyroid gland ".

Proyecto (15)

Desarrollo de un modelo predictivo para la detección de melanomas en la población chilena a través de la inteligencia artificial
Empleo de redes sociales en línea desde el enfoque de medicina de precisión utilizando el modelo predictivo de fusión de información para mejorar la vigilancia sobre el uso de drogas: una lección de Twitter y el consumo de marihuana
Modelo basado en salud digital para predecir la mortalidad en cuidados intensivos del adulto mayor
Molecular development and pathology of the cerebellum
Cellular and Molecular mechanisms of forebrain development
Dopamine system development and Parkinson’s disease
Forebrain Patterning
Research in Congenital hydrocephalus and cerebrospinal fluid compounds alterations as a dysfunction of subcommissural organ during de development
The subcommissural organ participate in the clearance of the cerebrospinal fluid, and Congenital hydrocephalus
Eje pineal-hipófiso gonadal del Lagostomus maximus maximus : Estudio estacional
Biochemical and histological study of lithium administration in the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis in the vizcacha
Cellular and Molecular Biology of Forebrain Development
Melatonin role as a regulator and modulation of testicular activities. Relation with the photoperiod
Seasonal activity variation of thyroid gland in a low iodine consumption
Study of the seasonal variations and drug effects in the pars intermedia and pituitaria in vizcacha
Flavia Guiñazu

International Medical Advisor

Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Juan Velásquez

Full Professor

Industrial Engineering


Santiago, Chile