
Ana María Parma

Investigador Principal de la Carrera del Investigador

Centro Nacional Patagónico

Chubut, Argentina

Líneas de Investigación

Dinámica, evaluación y manejo adaptativo de pesquerías


  •  Licenciatura en Botánica, UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE LA PLATA. Argentina, 1977
  •  Philosophy, University of Washington. Argentina, 1989

Experiencia Académica

  •   Profesor Part Time

    Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral

    Río Gallegos, Argentina

    2001 - 2002

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Investigador Principal de la Carrera del Investigador Full Time

    Consejo de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)

    Chubut, Argentina

    2015 - At present

  •   Investigador Independiente Full Time

    Centro Nacional Patagónico

    Chubut, Argentina

    2000 - 2014

  •   Dinamicista de Poblaciones Part Time

    International Pacific Halibut Commission

    Seattle, Estados Unidos

    1991 - 2000

  •   Investigador Asociado Full Time

    International Pacific Halibut Commission

    Seattle, Estados Unidos

    1987 - 1991

  •   Investigador Full Time

    Instituto de Biología Marina y Pesquera Almirante Storni

    San Antonio Oeste, Argentina

    1980 - 1990

  •   Miembro del Board of Directors Part Time

    The Nature Conservancy

    Chubut, Argentina

    2013 - At present

  •   Miembro del Science Council Part Time

    The Nature Conservancy

    Chubut, Argentina

    2013 - At present

  •   Miembro del Consejo Directivo del Centro para el Estudio de Sistemas Marinos Part Time

    Centro Nacional Patagónico-CONICET

    Chubut, Argentina

    2016 - 2018

  •   Miembro de la Comisión Asesora sobre Ciencias del Mar-UNHIDO Part Time

    Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas

    Chubut, Argentina

    2016 - 2017

  •   miembro de la Junta científica Part Time

    South American Institute for Resilience and Sustainability Studies

    Maldonado, Uruguay

    2012 - 2016

  •   Asesor Comité Científico Part Time

    WorldFish Centre

    Penang, Malasia

    2007 - 2010

  •   Asesor Internacional Part Time

    University of British Columbia Fisheries Centre

    Vancouver, Canada

    2007 - 2010

  •   Miembro de la Comisión de Biología para Ingresos a la Carrera del Investigador Científico Part Time

    Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas

    Chubut, Argentina

    2017 - At present


Article (46)

Evolutionary relationships of the Tehuelche scallop Aequipecten tehuelchus (Bivalvia: Pectinidae) from the south-western Atlantic Ocean
A low-cost towed video camera system for underwater surveys: comparative performance with standard methodology
Assessing bottom-trawling impacts based on the longevity of benthic invertebrates
Bottom trawl fishing footprints on the world's continental shelves
Comment on "Tracking the global footprint of fisheries"
Response of benthic fauna to experimental bottom fishing: A global meta-analysis
Response to Pikitch et al.
Characterisation of 30 microsatellite loci for the Tehuelche scallop, Aequipecten tehuelchus (d’Orbigny, 1842) and their use for estimating demographic parameters relevant to fisheries management
Effort rights-based management
Estimating the sustainability of towed fishing-gear impacts on seabed habitats: a simple quantitative risk assessment method applicable to data-limited fisheries
Global analysis of depletion and recovery of seabed biota after bottom trawling disturbance
Trawl exposure and protection of seabed fauna at large spatial scales
When does fishing forage species affect their predators?
A 25-year marine reserve as proxy for the unfished condition of an exploited species
Effects of biological, economic and management factors on tuna and billfish stock status
Two lobster tales: lessons from the convergent evolution of TURFs in Maine (USA) and the Juan Fernández Islands (Chile)
A scientific alternative to moratoria for rebuilding depleted international tuna stocks
Prioritization of knowledge-needs to achieve best practices for bottom trawling in relation to seabed habitats
Investigating the effects of mobile bottom fishing on benthic biota: a systematic review protocol
Spatial dynamics of the Argentine sandperch, Pseudopercis semifasciata (Pinguipedidae), in temperate rocky reefs from northern Patagonia, Argentina
Which design elements of individual quota fisheries help to achieve management objectives?
Assessment of biases in the estimation of tag shedding rates through a mark-resigth experiment
Sustainability of the Juan Fernandez lobster fishery (Chile) and the perils of generic science-based prescriptions
Variability in Abundance of Temperate Reef Fishes Estimated by Visual Census
Can catch share fisheries better track management targets?
Catch shares, fisheries and ecological stewardship: a comparative analysis of resource responses to a rights-based policy instrument
Alien algae Undaria pinnatifida causes habitat loss for rocky reef fishes in north Patagonia
Conflicting objectives in trophy trout recreational fisheries: evaluating trade-offs using an individual-based model
Decadal trend of lobster reproductive output from a temperate marine protected area
Analysis of longitudinal growth-increment data using mixed-effects models: individual and spatial variability in a clam
Growth pattern of the sea urchin, Loxechinus albus (Molina, 1782) in southern Chile: evaluation of growth models
Purported flaws in management strategy evaluation: Fundamental problems or mis-interpretations?
The spatial dimensiopns of fisheries: putting it all in place
Zooming the macroscope: medium-resolution remote sensing as a framework for the assessment of a small-scale fishery
Food partitioning and spatial subsidy in shelter-limited fish species inhabiting patchy reefs of Patagonia
Rebuilding global fisheries
Annual occupation pattern of temperate rocky reefs by the Argentine sandperch Pseudopercis semifasciata in San José Gulf Marine Park, Argentina
Influence of predatory reef fishes on the spatial distribution of Munida gregaria (=M. subrugosa) (Crustacea; Galatheidae) in shallow Patagonian soft bottoms
Positioning fisheries in a changing world
The challenge of managing rocky-reef resources
The role of data quality in reconciling fisheries with conservation
The Chilean TURF system- How is it performing in the case of the loco fishery?
The good, the bad, and the ugly: learning from experience to achieve sustainable fisheries
Early life history of the Argentine sandperch Pseudopercis semifasciata (Cuvier, 1829) off northern Patagonia
Extension of the distributional range of the silver porgy Diplodus argenteus (Valenciennes 1830) and the red porgy Pagrus pagrus (Linnaeus 1758) (Sparidae) in northern Patagonia, southwestern Atlantic
Institutions, incentives and the future of fisheries

BookSection (2)

FishPath: A decision support system for assessing and managing data- and capacity-limited fisheries
Managing international tuna stocks via the management procedure approach: southern bluefin tuna example

ConferencePaper (1)

Simulation testing the robustness of stock assessment models to error: Some results from the ICES strategic initiative on stock assessment methods
Ana Parma

Investigador Principal de la Carrera del Investigador

Centro Nacional Patagónico

Chubut, Argentina

Catalina Roman

Investigadora Semi-Senior

Evaluación de Pesquerías

Instituto de Fomento Pesquero

Valparaiso, Chile

Cristian Canales

Profesor adjunto

Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso

Valparaíso, Chile

Billy Ernst

Profesor Asociado

Departamento de Oceanografía

Universidad de Concepción

Concepcion, Chile