
Sebastian Astroza Tagle

Associate Professor

Universidad de Concepción

Concepción, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Choice Modelling, Time-use and activities, spatial econometrics, transportation demand, travel behavior


  •  Civil Engineering, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2012
  •  Civil Engineering, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2012
  •  Civil Engineering, UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN. Estados Unidos, 2018

Experiencia Académica

  •   Assistant Professor Full Time


    School of Engineering

    Concepción, Chile

    2018 - 2022

  •   Associate Professor Full Time


    School of Engineering

    Concepción, Chile

    2023 - At present

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Research assistant Part Time

    Center for Transporation Research

    Austin, Estados Unidos

    2012 - 2018

Formación de Capital Humano

About 300 students of the industrial engineering undergrad program (at Universidad de Concepcion) take one of my classes each academic year. The teaching subjects I have been in charge of since 2018 are Systems Modelling, Simulation, Discrete Choice Models, and Data Interpretation. Additionally, I am in charge of the Stochastics Processes and Advanced Econometrics courses in the Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and the MsC. in Industrial Engineering graduate programs (at Universidad de Concepcion). I have been awarded the "best teacher of the Year" at the Industrial Engineering Department (Universidad de Concepcion) for three consecutive years (2020, 2021, and 2022).

I have guided undergrad theses of more than 40 students since 2018, two MSc theses (plus two in the making), and one Ph.D. thesis.

Difusión y Transferencia

I have been present in news and media at the local level (Concepcion, Biobio) since 2018, being a trustable voice and scientific opinion on subjects such as Sustainable Cities and Sustainable Transportation Modes.


Article (29)

Food purchasing and eating patterns: Assessing the role of people's mobility, social networks, and attitudes on healthy diets
Reallocation of time after an exogenous reduction in mandatory travel: transport, work, and leisure in Chilean two-worker two-gender households
Analyzing the Determinants of Teleworking during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Chile
Investigating the effects of ICT evolution and the COVID-19 pandemic on the spatio-temporal fragmentation of work activities
Toward mainstreaming care activities in transportation: a time use and mobility segmentation approach
Transcending the gender distribution of work: committed time, activity substitution, and leisure
A systematic comparative evaluation of machine learning classifiers and discrete choice models for travel mode choice in the presence of response heterogeneity
Modeling the relationship between food purchasing, transport, and health outcomes: Evidence from Concepcion, Chile
On the relation between school and residential location choice: Evidence of heterogeneous strategies from Santiago de Chile
An environment-people interactions framework for analysing children's extra-curricular activities and active transport
Representing heterogeneity in structural relationships among multiple choice variables using a latent segmentation approach
Accounting for multi-dimensional dependencies among decision-makers within a generalized model framework: An application to understanding shared mobility service usage levels
An application of a rank ordered probit modeling approach to understanding level of interest in autonomous vehicles
Quantifying the relative contribution of factors to household vehicle miles of travel
Understanding activity engagement across weekdays and weekend days=> a multivariate multiple discrete-continuous modeling approach
A behavioral choice model of the use of car-sharing and ride-sourcing services
A microeconomic theory-based latent class multiple discrete-continuous choice model of time use and goods consumption
A new spatial and flexible multivariate random-coefficients model for the analysis of pedestrian injury counts by severity level
A spatial generalized ordered-response model with skew normal kernel error terms with an application to bicycling frequency
Analysis of the Impact of Technology Use on Multimodality and Activity Travel Characteristics
Modeling Individual Preferences for Ownership and Sharing of Autonomous Vehicle Technologies
Transportation Planning to Accommodate Needs of Wind Energy Projects
Incorporating a multiple discrete-continuous outcome in the generalized heterogeneous data model: Application to residential self-selection effects analysis in an activity time-use behavior model
Introducing relations between activities and goods consumption in microeconomic time use models
On allowing a general form for unobserved heterogeneity in the multiple discrete-continuous probit model: Formulation and application to tourism travel
A joint count-continuous model of travel behavior with selection based on a multinomial probit residential density choice model
A multivariate hurdle count data model with an endogenous multiple discrete-continuous selection system
Revealed willingness to pay for leisure=> link between structural and microeconomic models of time use
Joint analysis of time use and consumer expenditure data=> examination of two approaches to deriving values of time

Proyecto (4)

Introducing non-normality in spatial multiple discrete-continuous choice models
Texas Transportation Planning for Future Renewable Energy Projects
Development of an Accessibility Formulation to Measure Customers’ Evaluation of Demand Responsive Transit (DRT) Systems
Sebastian Astroza

Associate Professor

Industrial Engineering Department

Universidad de Concepción

Concepción, Chile

Juan Carrasco


Civil Engineering

Universidad de Concepcion

Concepcion, Chile

Ricardo Hurtubia

Profesor Asociado

Departamento de Ingeniería de Transporte y Logística

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Marcela Munizaga

Vice Dean

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile