
Cristian Raúl Montenegro Cortés

Assistant Professor

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Health Sociology Global Mental Health Qualitative Health Research Social Theory Latin America


  •  Social Research Methods, LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND POLITICAL SCIENCE (LSE). Reino Unido, 2018
  •  Health, Community and Development, LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND POLITICAL SCIENCE (LSE). Reino Unido, 2012

Experiencia Académica

  •   Adjunct Part Time



    Santiago, Chile

    2013 - 2014

  •   Adjunct Other


    Social Sciences


    2019 - At present

  •   Adjunct Part Time


    London, Reino Unido

    2016 - 2018

  •   Adjunct Part Time


    Social Sciences

    Santiago, Chile

    2013 - 2014

  •   Professor Part Time



    Santiago, Chile

    2019 - At present

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Advisor Part Time

    Department of Mental Health, Ministry of Health.

    Santiago, Chile

    2019 - At present

  •   Social Researcher Part Time

    Department of Social Participation and Integrated User’s Management. South-East Metropolitan Health Service

    Santiago, Chile

    2013 - 2014

  •   Research and Development Coordinator. Full Time

    Fundación Rostros Nuevos – Hogar de Cristo

    Santiago, Chile

    2009 - 2011

Difusión y Transferencia

Montenegro, C. R., Mercado, Nérida (2018) Mental health service-users involvement and the horizon of community in Chile’s mental health field. “Cartographies of Suffering and Mental Health in Latin America. A Century of the ‘Social Question’”. University of London, UK. 5 y 6 de octubre.

Montenegro, C. R. (2018) User-led advocacy initiatives in Mental Health. Politics, incommensurability and emergence. “7th Qualitative Research on Mental Health Conference”. Berlín, 20 – 22 de septiembre.

Montenegro, C. R., (2018) Service-user participation, incommensurable practices and global metrics. A case study from Chile. “Active citizenship and empowerment in community mental health. Participative Innovations in France and Abroad”. WHO Lille Collaborative Centre. Lille, 29 y 30 de mayo.

Montenegro, C. R., (2017) "What Drives Attention towards the Organised Actions of Users in Health Systems?" Salzburg Global Seminar, Session 553 “Toward a Shared Culture of Health: Enriching and Charting the Patient-Clinician Relationship”. Salzburgo, Austria. 10 - 16 de marzo.

Montenegro, C. R., Cornish, F. (2017). Historicizing involvement, visibility and participation. User groups and the modernisation of the Chilean Mental Health System. LSE International Health Policy Conference. LSE. 16 al 19 de febrero.

Montenegro, C. R., (2017). Contemporary practices of self-advocacy across mental health service user groups in Chile: Reflexive politics beyond participation and dialogue. LSE Global Health Initiative, Internal Launch. 18 de mayo.

Montenegro, C. R. (2016). Mutual support as political action: Emergent tensions in user/survivor activism in the Chilean Mental Health field. Health, Community and Development Mini-Conference. LSE. 1 de diciembre.

Montenegro, C. R. (2016). Time, observation and the production of representation: Mental health systems reform and the shifting visibility of service users’ organizations. Lancaster Disability Studies Conference, Mad Studies Stream. 6 al 8 de septiembre.

Montenegro, C. R. (2016). The Global Call for Users Involvement in Mental Health Policy and the Local (in) Visibility of Users Organisation: Results from a Social Systems Based, Qualitative Case Study from Chile. 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology: “The Futures we want: Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better World”. Viena, 8 al 10 de julio.

Montenegro, C. R. (2016). The autopoiesis of the mental health system and the invisibility of users. “Heirs to Luhmann Workshop: Vulnerability Across Bodies and Systems”. Westminster Law and Theory Lab, University of Westminster. London. 18 de marzo.

Montenegro, C. R. (2016). Reconstructing the early process of interaction between the Chilean Mental Health System and Users’ Organizations. Health Community and Development Mini Conference, LSE. 9 de mayo.

Fredes, R., Montenegro, C. R. (2015). Global Legal Frameworks and Local Struggles: Experiences from Latin America. F.E.E.L.’s Drug Tyranny and Human Rights event, Kingsley Hall, London. 10 de noviembre.

Cornish, F., Dashtipour, P., Mannell, J. & Montenegro, C. R. (2015). Tensions for a global alliance of local community HIV/AIDS organisations. Oxford Global Health and Bioethics International Conference. 28 y 29 de septiembre.

Montenegro, C. R., Cornish, F. (2015). “It is not the State's fault that we have a person like this”: Exploring the Meaning of “Rights” to Carers of People with Psychosocial Disabilities in Chile. International Mental Health Congress 2015: “Mental Health for All. Connecting People and Sharing Experiences”, Lille, Francia. 28 al 30 de abril.

Montenegro, C. R. (2014). Lenguaje y Poder en Servicios de Salud. Reflexiones en torno al “trato” y su “humanización. Primer encuentro sobre dignidad del paciente. COMUDEF, La Florida, Santiago. 8 de mayo.

Montenegro, C. R. (2014). Inclusión Social, Derechos Humanos y Salud Mental. Segundo Seminario Local sobre Salud Mental Comunitaria. La Pintana, Santiago. 8 de enero.

Montenegro, C. R. (2013). Salud Mental Comunitaria desde una mirada post-reforma. Conferencia Regional sobre Salud Mental comunitaria. Servicio de Salud Sur Oriente, Santiago, Chile. 3 de diciembre.

Cornish, F., Dashtipour, P., Mannell, J. & Montenegro, C. R. (2013). Tensions for a global alliance of local community HIV/AIDS organizations. 2nd International HIV, Social Sciences and Humanities Conference, Paris. 7 al 10 de julio.

Montenegro, C. R. (2012). The Experience of Rights. Uses and meanings of the idea of Rights among vulnerable families of persons with severe mental health disorders. Health, Community and Development Conference, Institute of Social Psychology, LSE. 22 de junio.

Montenegro, C. R. (2011). Inclusion to Work for Persons with Mental Disabilities [original in Spanish]. 3rd International Seminar on Mental Disability and Work. Organised by School of Public Health (Universidad de Chile), Fundación Rostros Nuevos; Pan-American Health Organization. Santiago. 22 y 23 de agosto.

Montenegro, C. R. (2011). El Significado de la Comunidad en la “Salud Mental Comunitaria”. Observaciones desde la sociología. VI Congreso Chileno de Sociología. Departamento de Sociología. Facultades de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Playa Ancha y Universidad de Valparaíso. 13 de abril.

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Fondecyt de Iniciación en la Investigación 2019, Nº 11191019


    Chile, 2019

    Fondecyt de Iniciación en la Investigación 2019, Nº 11191019. “Re-contextualizando la desinstitucionalización psiquiátrica en chile: procesos y tensiones locales, vínculos globales, y oportunidades de avance”.

  •   Fondo “Temas de la Agenda Pública”


    Chile, 2019

    Fondo “Temas de la Agenda Pública”, Centro de Políticas Públicas UC, para desarrollo y publicación de informe “Experiencia Usuaria en Salud: Hacia un modelo de atención que escucha a los pacientes”.

  •   Salzburg Global Seminars Fellow

    Salzburg Global Seminars

    Austria, 2017

    Fellow for Salzburg Global Seminar Session 553 "Toward a Shared Culture of Health: Enriching and Charting the Patient-Clinician Relationship". Goals: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.

  •   Postgraduate Travel Grant

    Society for Latin American Studies

    Reino Unido, 2015

    Supports travel by postgraduate and postdoctoral members to conduct fieldwork.

  •   Santander Travel Research Fund


    Chile, 2015

    The fund supports visits by LSE academic staff and PhD students to universities and other organizations overseas.

  •   LSE PhD Studentship


    Chile, 2014

    LSE PhD Studentships are tenable for four years and cover full fees and an annual stipend of £17,000 - £18,000. They are available for UK, EU and international students undertaking research in any LSE discipline, with annual renewal subject to satisfactory academic performance.

  •   Himmelweit Award for Best Academic Performance. Department of Social Psychology, LSE.


    Chile, 2012

    The Himmelweit Award honored the memory of Hilde Himmelweit. The award was given to the student with the best academic performance across al the postgraduate programmes of the London School of Economics' Institute of Social Psychology (currently the Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science).

  •   ‘Becas Chile – CONICYT’ para Estudios de Magister en el Extranjero.


    Chile, 2011

    ‘Becas Chile – CONICYT’ para Estudios de Magister en el Extranjero.


Article (9)

Communities, health-care organizations and the contingencies and contradictions of engagement: A case study from Chile
Teaching global health from the south: challenges and proposals
Historicising involvement: the visibility of user groups in the modernisation of the Chilean Mental Health System
Activism in changing times: Reinvigorating community psychology – Introduction to the special thematic section
Beyond Participation: Politics, Incommensurability and the Emergence of Mental Health Service Users' Activism in Chile
‘Are you a radical now?’ Reflecting on the situation of social research(ers) in the context of service-user activism in mental health
'It is not the State's fault that we have a person like this': relations, institutions and the meaning of 'rights' to carers of People with Psychosocial Disabilities in Chile
Trust the process: Community health psychology after Occupy
El “modelo de la recuperación” y la reforma de la atención en salud mental: evidencias, diferencias y elementos para una agenda latinoamericana.

ConferencePaper (3)

Historizando la participación: la visibilidad de los grupos de usuarios en la modernización del sistema de salud Chileno
Incommensurable Practices and Global Metrics. Measuring ‘engagement’ and ‘activism’ in mental health systems
User-led advocacy initiatives in Mental Health. Politics, incommensurability and emergence

Proyecto (8)

FONIS “Evaluación de una intervención en autoestigma para mejorar adherencia a tratamiento y calidad de vida en personas con trastornos mentales severos”. Tareas=> Diseño de investigación cualitativa anidado al proyecto original.
"Estudio de Caracterización de Donantes de Sangre del Centro Metropolitano de Sangre y Tejidos"
Communicating chronic pain=> Interdisciplinary methods for non-textual data.
FONIS “Evaluación de la Calidad de Servicio y el Respeto de los Derechos Humanos en el Sistema de Salud Mental Chileno, utilizando la herramienta WHO QualityRights” Tareas=> Soporte metodológico y coordinación logística de la investigación.
FONIS “Evaluación de la Estrategia de RBC desde la perspectiva de la Comunidad y los Equipos Locales de Rehabilitación”. Tareas=> Análisis cualitativo de entrevistas a equipos de RBC y orientación general en análisis para el proyecto.
“Community mobilisation in a global AIDS environment=> A case study of the International HIV/AIDS Alliance”
Pre-implementation Study for an Early Psychosis Identification Program in Chile
Re-contextualizing psychiatric deinstitutionalization in Chile: Local processes and tensions, global links and opportunities for advancement
Cristian Montenegro

Assistant Professor


Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Marcela González

Profesora asistente adjunta

Escuela de enfermería

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Margarita Bernales

Profesor Asistente

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile