
Rodolfo Venegas

Profesor Asociado

Universidad Austral de Chile

Valdivia, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Acoustics, transport phenomena, elastodynamics, and fluid-structure interaction in heterogeneous media.


  •  Acoustics, UNIVERSITY OF SALFORD. Reino Unido, 2012
  •  Ingeniero en Sonido y Acústica, UNIVERSIDAD TECNOLOGICA DE CHILE INACAP. Chile, 2006
  •  Ciencias de la Ingeniería, UNIVERSIDAD TECNOLOGICA DE CHILE INACAP. Chile, 2005

Experiencia Académica

  •   Profesor Asociado Full Time


    Facultad de Ingeniería

    Valdivia, Chile

    2019 - At present

  •   Senior Research Fellow Full Time


    Salford, Reino Unido

    2018 - 2019

  •   Postdoctoral Researcher Full Time

    Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de l’Etat

    Vaux-en-Velin, Francia

    2015 - 2017

  •   Honorary Research Fellow Other


    Salford, Reino Unido

    2011 - 2015

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Technical Director Full Time

    Carbon Air

    Salford, Reino Unido

    2012 - 2015

Formación de Capital Humano


Sam, A. 10/21-10/23. Acoustic Response of Fluid Adsorption and Transport in Nanoporous Materials". Universidad Austral de Chile & LIPHy CNRS. Supervisor (UACh).


Orellana, F. 2024. “Realización física de metamateriales activos basados en microparlantes”. Tesis de Magíster, Master en Acústica y Vibraciones. Universidad Austral de Chile. Patrocinador

Núñez, G. 2023. “Acoustic wave propagation in heat-controlled permeable materials”. Tesis de Magíster, Master en Acústica y Vibraciones. Universidad Austral de Chile. Patrocinador

Mutel, L. 2023, "Study of acoustic properties of poroelastic materials with an elastic solid frame made of two distinct solids". Master d'Acoustique, Université de Lyon. Patrocinador.

Gonzalez, E., 2021. “Metamaterial absorbente de alta porosidad para problemas en transmisión”. Tesis de Magíster, Master en Acústica y Vibraciones, Universidad Austral de Chile & Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Patrocinador (UACh).

Valenzuela, F. . 2021. “Diseño, construcción y validación acústica de un revestimiento pétreo de muro con resonadores distribuidos”. Tesis de Magíster, Master en Acústica y Vibraciones, Universidad Austral de Chile. Informante.

Marín, V. 2019. “Estudio de un dispositivo acústico bi-membrana para absorber frecuencias bajas”. Tesis de Magíster, Master en Acústica y Vibraciones, Universidad Austral de Chile. Informante.

Moatts, B. 2011. “Acoustic iridescence”. MSc Thesis in Acoustics, University of Salford. Informante.


Caamaño, C. 2023. “Absorción de ondas acústicas en metamateriales adaptables con múltiples escalas”. Tesis de Ingeniería, Ingeniería Civil Acústica, Universidad Austral de Chile. Patrocinador.

Alarcón, E. 2022. “Propagation of acoustic waves in permeable composite materials and metamaterials”. Tesis de Ingeniería, Ingeniería Civil Acústica, Universidad Austral de Chile. Patrocinador.

Núñez, G. 2021. “Propagation of acoustic waves in permeable composite materials and metamaterials”. Tesis de Ingeniería, Ingeniería Civil Acústica, Universidad Austral de Chile. Patrocinador.

Alarcón, X. 2021. “Estudio de factibilidad de un método electroacústico para evaluar la porosidad de materiales porosos saturados por aire”. Tesis de Ingeniería, Ingeniería Civil Acústica, Universidad Austral de Chile. Co-patrocinador.

Coronado, N. 2021. “Influencia del timbre en el diseño de earcons para mecánica de videojuegos”. Tesis de Ingeniería, Ingeniería Civil Acústica, Universidad Austral de Chile. Co-patrocinador.

Kalavsky, E. 2019. “A compact material for low frequency sound absorption”. Final-year project1, BSc. in Acoustics, University of Salford. Patrocinador.

Tomlinson A. 2015. “Acoustics of mixtures of granular materials”. Final-year project, BSc in Acoustics, University of Salford. Co-patrocinador.

Difusión y Transferencia

2012 - to date : Co-Fundador de Carbon Air Ltd (spin-off de la University of Salford, UK)
2013 to date 12-year license of a patented technology to a Tier 1 company. The technology reached the market in 2017.


Article (27)

Dynamic effective volumetric heat capacity of a gas in permeable media
Membrane sound absorber with a granular activated carbon infill
Multiscale Acoustic Properties of Nanoporous Materials: From Microscopic Dynamics to Mechanics and Wave Propagation
Acoustic wave propagation in permeable lossy metamaterials
Morphology influence on the acoustic properties of permeo-elastic media
Taking advantage of a 3D printing imperfection in the development of sound-absorbing materials
Acoustics of porous composites
Equivalent fluid approach to modeling the acoustical properties of polydisperse heterogeneous porous composites
The acoustical properties of tetraethyl orthosilicate based granular silica aerogels
Benchmarks for microstructure-based modelling of sound absorbing rigid-frame porous media
Pore-scale bending and membrane effects in permeo-elastic media
Nonlinear dynamics of coupled transverse-rotational waves in granular chains
Tuning coupled wave dispersion in a granular chain on a V-shaped rail
Acoustics of permeable heterogeneous materials with local non-equilibrium pressure states
Analytical modeling of dissipative silencers
Enhancing Sound Attenuation in Permeable Heterogeneous Materials via Diffusion Processes
Acoustic frequency response method for the measurement of fast adsorption - Diffusion processes. Theoretical treatment
Acoustics of multiscale sorptive porous materials
Acoustics of permeo-elastic materials
Acoustics of sorptive porous materials
Sound propagation in porous materials with annular pores
Assessment of the effective parameters of dual porosity deformable media
Influence of sorption on sound propagation in granular activated carbon
Omnidirectional acoustic absorber with a porous core and a metamaterial matching layer
Low frequency sound propagation in activated carbon
Acoustical properties of double porosity granular materials
Effect of boundary slip on the acoustical properties of microfibrous materials

ConferencePaper (1)

Emission and propagation of sound waves in porous media with active inner heat sources

Patent (3)

Pressurised gas storage apparatus for use as gas source in a pneumatic device
Transfer method and apparatus
Temperature-governed pressure adjustment in pneumatic structures

Proyecto (11)

Réponse Acoustique de l'Adsorption et Perméation dans des Matériaux Nanoporeux – ACOUFEN
Sound-absorbing composites: coupled acoustic energy dissipation mechanisms, multiscale modelling and prototyping
Acoustic response of fluid adsorption and transport in nanoporous materials
Active inner sources in acoustic metamaterials and multiscale porous materials
Pore-scale membrane and bending effects in permeo-elastic media
Study on the design and use of acoustical eco-materials for noise control in buildings
Carbon Air high performance noiseproofing materials
Conception de metamatériaux absorbants le son dans la gamme audible (METAUDIBLE)
Membrane acoustic metamaterials for ear defenders with low frequency capability
A graded-index omnidirectional acoustic absorber
Human response to vibration in residential environments
Rodolfo Venegas

Profesor Asociado

Instituto de Acústica

Universidad Austral de Chile

Valdivia, Chile

Jorge Arenas


Institute of Acoustics


Valdivia, Chile