Felipe Andrés Larraín Benavides
Profesor Asistente
Universidad Adolfo Ibánez
Santiago, Chile
Recovery of waste photovoltaic modules through additive manufacturing, Capture of CO2 from air and reactors for e-fuel synthesis
Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Estados Unidos, 2020
M.Sc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Estados Unidos, 2017
Electrical Engineering Diploma, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2012
B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2011
Graduate Student Researcher Full Time
Atlanta, Estados Unidos
2015 - 2020
Researcher Part Time
Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas
Santiago, Chile
2012 - 2013
Undergraduate Researcher Full Time
Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas
Santiago, Chile
2011 - 2012
Generation Specialist Full Time
Enel Group
Santiago, Chile
2012 - 2014
Intern Full Time
BHP Billiton
Antofagasta, Chile
2011 - 2011
2018-2019 - Mentor for the Opportunity Research Scholar program at the Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Mentored electrical engineering undergraduate students on providing portable power to internet-of-things applications using organic solar cells. More information at http://ors.ece.gatech.edu/.
2015-2019 - Mentor, Summer Exchange Undergraduates – NSF, US Government & Brazilian Governments
Mentored exchange undergraduate students of chemistry and electrical engineering on experimental methods to increase the power conversion efficiency of organic solar cells.
2011 - Teaching Assistant – Electrical Engineering Department, University of Chile, Chile
Designed lab experiences and built customized equipment for the Energy Laboratory course for senior undergraduate students of the Electrical Engineering program.
2007-2010 - Teaching Assistant – College of Engineering, University of Chile, Chile
Instructed undergraduate students on Electromagnetism, Algebra, Calculus and Ordinary Differential Equations (>100 students on each class).
2014-2016 - Outreach with IEEE Power and Energy Society, Student Chapter at the Georgia Institute of Technology
Co-led a $60,000 USD IEEE PES initiative to design, install and commission a microgrid for a health center in rural Haiti. News coverage at http://www.news.gatech.edu/features/solar-power-people.
STAMI Fellowship
Estados Unidos, 2019
Merit-based scholarship for demonstrated high-quality research
Research Grant
DOMTAR (Publicly traded paper company)
Chile, 2018
Developed organic electronic prototypes on paper which contributed to raising a $50k USD grant and an extension to a second year
Graduate Research Fellowship
Center for Advanced Organic Photovoltaics (MURI Program from ONR, US Government)
Chile, 2015
Graduate research fellowship from a consortium funded by the Office of Naval Research (US Government). The consortium included University of California Santa Barbara, Imperial College London, University of Cambridge, Stanford and the Georgia Institute of Technology
Fulbright-Conicyt Scholarship
Chile, 2014
Merit-based scholarship to cover Ph.D. tuition and fees.
Outstanding student honor
Chile, 2009
Honorary title for the top 7% students at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematical Sciences
Electrical doping of organic semiconductors using phosphomolybdic acid in acetonitrile leading to simplified solar cell geometries |
Devices with organic semiconductor layers electrically-doped over a controlled depth |
Vehículo eléctrico “Voltswagen”, para competir en la competencia “Gran Premio Fórmula-i” |
Felipe Larraín
Profesor Asistente
Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias
Universidad Adolfo Ibánez
Santiago, Chile
Gonzalo Bustos
Investigador Asociado
Investigación y transferencia tecnológica
Centro Nacional de Inteligencia Artificial
Santiago, Chile
luis vargas
Head of External Affairs
Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE
Santiago, Chile