
Erwan Michard


Universidad de Talca

Talca, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Plant Glutamate Receptors, patch-clamp, Physcomitrella


  •  Plant Biology, UNIVERSITE MONTPELLIER II. Francia, 2002
  •  Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell biology , ECOLE NORMALE SUPERIEURE DE LYON. Francia, 1999

Experiencia Académica

  •   Research assistant Full Time


    College Park, Estados Unidos

    2015 - At present

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Research assistant Full Time

    University of Maryland

    Maryland, Estados Unidos

    2015 - At present

  •   Research Assistant Full Time

    IGC (Gulbenkian Institute, Oeiras, Portugal)

    Oeiras, Portugal

    2013 - 2015

  •   Postdoc Full Time

    IGC (Gulbenkian Institute, Oeiras, Portugal)

    Oeiras, Portugal

    2005 - 2009

  •   Junior Independent researcher Full Time

    Supagro - BPMP - RTRA

    Montpellier, Francia

    2009 - 2012

  •   Postdoc Full Time

    University Potsdam/ Golm (I.Q.N., Potsdam) University Potsdam/ MPIMP, Golm

    Golm, Alemania

    2002 - 2005


Article (19)

Ethylene-independent signaling by ACC in ovular pollen tube attraction in Arabidopsis
High- and Low-Affinity Transport in Plants From a Thermodynamic Point of View
Comparing plant and animal glutamate receptors: common traits but different fates?
CORNICHON sorting and regulation of GLR channels underlie pollen tube Ca2+ homeostasis
The Role of Potassium Channels in Arabidopsis thaliana Long Distance Electrical Signalling: AKT2 Modulates Tissue Excitability While GORK Shapes Action Potentials
GLUTAMATE RECEPTOR-LIKE channels are essential for chemotaxis and reproduction in mosses
Signaling with ions: The keystone for apical cell growth and morphogenesis in pollen tubes
The arabidopsis AtPP2CA protein phosphatase inhibits the GORK K+ Efflux channel and exerts a dominant suppressive effect on phosphomimetic-activating mutations
Glutamate Receptor-Like Genes Form Ca2+ Channels in Pollen Tubes and Are Regulated by Pistil D-Serine
Potassium (K plus ) gradients serve as a mobile energy source in plant vascular tissues
The K + battery-regulating Arabidopsis K + channel AKT2 is under the control of multiple post-translational steps
The role of ion fluxes in polarized cell growth and morphogenesis: the pollen tube as an experimental paradigm
Exclusion of a Proton ATPase from the Apical Membrane Is Associated with Cell Polarity and Tip Growth in Nicotiana tabacum Pollen Tubes
Heteromerization of Arabidopsis Kv channel α-subunits
Tobacco pollen tubes as cellular models for ion dynamics: improved spatial and temporal resolution of extracellular flux and free cytosolic concentration of calcium and protons using pHluorin and YC3.1 CaMeleon
A unique voltage sensor sensitizes the potassium channel AKT2 to phosphoregulation
Inward rectification of the AKT2 channel abolished by voltage-dependent phosphorylation
A plant Shaker‐like K+ channel switches between two distinct gating modes resulting in either inward‐rectifying or ‘leak’ current
A Shaker-like K + Channel with Weak Rectification Is Expressed in Both Source and Sink Phloem Tissues of Arabidopsis
Erwan Michard



Universidad de Talca

Talca, Chile

Ingo Dreyer

Professor Titular


Universidad de Talca

Talca, Chile

Wendy Gonzalez

Director of the Center for Bioinformatics, Simulations and Modeling (CBSM)



Talca, Chile