Fernando David Feres Torreblanca
Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile
Transportation economics, public policies, and regulation of transport markets.
Economía de Transporte, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2020
Ingeniero Civil, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2013
Ingeniería de Transporte, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2013
Profesor de Cátedra Part Time
Santiago, Chile
2017 - At present
Profesor de Cátedra Part Time
Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas
Santiago, Chile
2020 - At present
Analista de Operaciones Full Time
Directorio de Transporte Público Metropolitano
Santiago, Chile
2011 - 2014
Analista de desarrollo de transporte público regional Full Time
División de Transporte Público regional
Santiago, Chile
2014 - 2015
Ingeniero de Proyectos Full Time
Urbano Proyectos S.A
Santiago, Chile
2015 - 2016
The PI's primary research topics have focused on transportation economics and industrial organization. My Master's thesis at the University of Chile focused on analyzing the efficiency of the implementation of frequent flyer programs, considering moral risk and adverse selection.
During the 2019 first semester, The PI was a visiting student at The University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver, Canada. The PI developed the paper: "Monopolistic Operation of Public Transport: A Dynamic Congestion Approach." This paper analyzes the effect of a monopoly public transport operator in a dynamic congestion framework, considering mixed traffic. The PI presented this working paper in the International Transportation Economics Association Annual Conference and School, developed in Paris, Francia, June 2019.
The PI's Ph.D. thesis analyzes public transport efficiency, considering that public transport vehicles share the road capacity with cars, and the commuters' departure pattern is endogenous to the model. The PI's Ph.D. thesis can be divided into two papers.
The first part proposes an analysis of a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system's social efficiency. The paper formulates a microeconomic model where the departure pattern is endogenous. Both modes, public transport and cars are available for all users. The paper compares the efficiency of the following public transport policies: fare optimization, frequency optimization under mixed traffic, incorporation of a BRT with and without frequency optimization. The PI presented an initial version of this paper in the International Transportation Economics Association Annual Conference and School, developed in Hong Kong, China, June 2018. The PI presented the final version of this paper in the 30th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 30), Dublin, Ireland, in June 2019. This paper was published as: 'Basso, Leonardo J. Feres, Fernando Silva, Hugo E. (2019). The efficiency of bus rapid transit (BRT) systems: A dynamic congestion approach. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 127:47 - 71'.
The second paper analyzes the efficient provision of a public transport system operated by buses that share the road capacity with cars. The article defines different frequencies for the congested and the uncongested period to explicitly capture the effects of congestion on the optimal frequency pattern.
All published and working papers that PI has developed during his Ph. D. consider the endogenous departure pattern component. A fundamental part of developing the proposed research requires an endogenous departure pattern component.
The PI also has a stochastic model background because he has teaching experience in the stochastic process field.
Public transport reliability is a highly relevant item when people make decisions about their daily trips. Our research proposal will be a contribution to the society, helping to the planner to make an efficient design of public policies.
We propose connecting our research to the community participating and making seminars with different social actors to spread our investigation and results. We plan to invite the public transport authorities, local authorities, and the general public. For the seminars' organization, we have resources from the Industrial Engineering School, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (PUCV), and the Complex Engineering Systems (ISCI) funded by ANID, as Franco Basso is an invited researcher.
Beca Universidad de Chile
Chile, 2004
Beca de estudios en la Universidad de Chile
Second Prize, Best paper in Kuhmo Nectar Conference in Transport Economics
Network on European Communications and Transport Activities Research
Suecia, 2012
Second Prize, Best paper in Kuhmo Nectar Conference in Transport Economics. Paper “Frequent Flyer Programs: adverse selection and moral hazard” (with Leonardo Basso)
Alumno destacado
Chile, 2004
Award to the best civil engineering students.
Alumno destacado
Chile, 2005
Award to the best civil engineering students.

Leonardo Basso
Full Professor
Department of Industrial Engineering
Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile