Graciela Muniz Terrera
Ohio University
Ohio, Estados Unidos
I have extensive experience in the development and application of longitudinal methods to gain a better understanding of aging and dementia. I am also interested in harmonization methods for evidence synthesis and reproducible research.
Biostatistics, University of Cambridge. Reino Unido, 2007
Mathematics, Universidad de la Republica. Uruguay, 1998
Mathematics, Universidad de la Republica. Uruguay, 1996
Professor Full Time
Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine
Estados Unidos
2022 - At present
Adjunct Professor Aging, Health and Methods Full Time
2021 - At present
Senior Lecturer in Epidemiology and Biostatistics Full Time
2015 - 2021
Adjunct Associate Professor Full Time
2014 - At present
Math lecturer Part Time
Reino Unido
2002 - 2003
Lecturer Full Time
1990 - 1999
Programme Leader Track Full Time
University College London
Reino Unido
2013 - 2015
Senior Investigator Scientist Full Time
MRC Unit for Lifelong Health and Ageing at UCL
Reino Unido
2012 - 2013
Data Analyst Full Time
MRC Human Nutrition Unit in Cambridge
Reino Unido
2003 - 2004
Supervisor Full Time
University of Cambridge
Reino Unido
2001 - 2014
Research Associate Full Time
Centro Investigacion en Matematica, CIMAT
Guanajuato, México
1999 - 2001
Associate Editor Other
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
2020 - At present
Associate Editor Other
BMC Geriatrics Journal
Reino Unido
2021 - At present
Associate Editor Other
Brain Communications Journal
Reino Unido
2020 - At present
• MSc. Tyler Saunders (2019-) University of Edinburgh. Role: PhD supervisor. (primary)
• Dr. Donncha Mullin (2020-) University of Edinburgh. Role: PhD supervisor. (primary)
• MSc. Jure Mur(2020-) University of Edinburgh. Role: PhD supervisor. (primary)
• MSc. Danni Gadd (2020-) University of Edinburgh. Role: PhD supervisor. (secondary)
• MSc Tiko Yoneda (2018-) University of Victoria. Role: PhD thesis supervisor (secondary)
• MSc. Sarah Gregory (2018-present). University of Edinburgh. Role: PhD supervisor (secondary)
• Dr. Lucy Stirland (2016-2020) University of Edinburgh, Role: PhD supervisor. (primary)
• Dr. Sahan Mendis (2019-) University of Edinburgh, (2019-) Role: PhD supervisor.(secondary)
• MSc. Miles Welstead (2019-) University of Edinburgh Role: PhD supervisor. (secondary)
• MSc. Stina Saunders (2017-present) University of Edinburgh, Role: PhD supervisor (secondary)
• Dr. Jing Liao (2011-2014) University College London, Institute of Epidemiology. Role: PhD Supervisor (secondary)
• Dr. Lan Wen MRC Biostatistics Unit, University of Cambridge. Role: PhD supervisor (primary)
• Dr. Hinesh Topiwala (2016-2018) University of Edinburgh, Role: MD supervisor.(secondary)
• Ec. Alejandra Marroig Master in Mathematics School of Engineering, Universidad de la Republica, Montevideo, Uruguay. Role: PhD supervisor(primary)
• MSc. Amanda Kelly’s,University of Victoria, BC, Canada. (2015) Role: CoSupervisor Masters degree thesis.(secondary)
• MSc. Fernando Massa (2019-) School of Engineering, Universidad de la Republica, Montevideo, Uruguay. Role: PhD Supervisor.(primary)
• Dr. Annie Robitaille. Postdoctoral Researcher University of Victoria, BC. Role: Mentor.
• Dr. Zoe Tieges. Early career researcher working in delirium research at the University of Edinburgh. Role: mentor in recently awarded grant ”Advancing understanding of delirium severity: the contribution of domains of the delirium syndrome to outcomes”. Funder: NIDUS, Network for Investigation of Delirium across US
• Dr. Andrea Zammit. Assistant Professor, the Saul R. Korey Department of Neurology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Role: Mentor.
• Dr. Teddy Cosco, Institute of Public Health, University of Cambridge. Role: Statistical advisor for PhD.
• MSc. Brandy Ma’s MPhil thesis Institute of Public Health, University of Cambridge. Role: Statistical advisor for Master’s thesis.
• MSc. Ayesha Sajjad’s MPhil thesis Institute of Public Health, University of Cambridge. Role: Statistical advisor for Master’s thesis.
• AAIC. Invited presented. July 2021.
• World Dementia Council Invited panelist in Prevention Workshop. 2021. Feb 9th.
• Scotland Dementia Research Consortium Annual Conference 2020
• Early Detection and Prevention of Cognitive Decline and Dementia: Findings from Major European Collaborative and Research Initiatives AIGG-ER Gothenburg, 2019
• Lifestyle risk factors for dementia. Invited speaker. SCOBIC consortium. University of Glasgow, January 2019.
• Terminal decline: what we don’t know yet. Invited speaker. Department of Psychology, University of Zurich, October 2018.
• Multi cohort work: lessons from IALSA, Invited talk at CLOSER methodology series. Manchester, October 2018.
• Disease Modelling Workshop, EPAD. Edinburgh. Meeting of all modellers affiliated to IMI funded projects, Role: presenter. October 2017.
• Gerontological Society of America. Symposia chair and presenter, Annual meetings 2011-2018.
• The Prevent Study: A Prospective Cohort Study to Identify Mid-life Biomarkers of Late-onset Alzheimer’s Disease.European Congress of Psychiatry, Florence 2017.
• Selecting time in study versus age as a metric of time to model change, Invited talk at Closer methodology series. London, May 2015.
• Modelling cognitive decline in a multi study approach, Invited talk at Closer workshop in Society for Longitudinal and Life course studies conference Lausanne, October 2014.
• Mortality and cognitive change, IALSA symposium at Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting, Washington November 2014. Symposium sponsored by GSA’s Methods Section.
• Challenges in multi study work, IALSA symposium at Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting, Washington November 2014. Symposium sponsored by GSA’s Methods Section.
• What do we really know about the onset of faster rate of decline?, Nordic Congress of Gerontology. May 2014 (Invited speaker within IALSA symposim).
• Friday Harbour Advanced Psychometrics Workshop. Co-leader (with Prof. S. Hofer) of working group ”Changes in health and cognition”.
• Change point models in ageing research. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. March 2013. (Invited speaker).
• Longitudinal Data Analysis course. Universidad de la Rep´ublica, School of Medicine, Montevideo. December 2012.
• Longitudinal Data Analysis course. Universidad de la Rep´ublica, School of Engineering, Montevideo. December 2011.
• Education is associated with a delayed onset of terminal decline World Congress of Epidemiology. August 2011.
• Assessing the processing speed hypothesis using Structural Equation Modelling Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience . September 2011. (Invited speaker).
• Structural Equation Modelling: a valuable tool for research Centre for Diet and Activity research. October 2011. (Invited speaker).
• Halcyon and IALSA annual meeting. June 2011. West Dean College. (Invited speaker).
• Royal Statistical Society Feb 2011, RSS Medical Section on Structural Equation Models. (Invited speaker).
• Annual Conference of the International Society of Clinical Biostatistics, Ottawa, Canada 2011
• Education is associated with a delayed onset of terminal decline World Congress of Epidemiology, within the symposium ”The epidemiology of cognitive research in ageing”, Edinburgh, 2011.
• Second Mplus UK Users meeting. Manchester March 2011.
• Halcyon Meeting. Discussant on Cognition Section. Feb 2011
• International Workshop of Statistical Modelling 2010. Glasgow.
• Annual Conference of the International Society of Clinical Biostatistics, Prague, Greece, 2009.
• Young Researchers Forum, MRS BSU, September 2009.
• Institute of Public Health Open Day, June 2009
• Mplus UK Users meeting, July 2009, March 2011
• Annual Conference of the International Society of Clinical Biostatistics, Alexandria, Greece, 2007.
• Graduate students seminar, Warwick University, 2006.
• Mplus discussion group. Department of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge. Co organiser and presenter at several meetings.
• Latent Variables in Health Sciences, Italy, 2006.
• Friday Harbor Psychometric Workshop, Seattle, USA 2005.
• Research Students Conference, Glasgow, 2005.
• Meeting of the Bernoulli Society, Guanajuato, Mexico, 2000.
• Latin-American Congress of Mathematical Statistics, Sao Paulo, Brazil. 1996.
Teaching activities
• Analytical Methods for Dementia Research Alzheimer’s Summer School. University of Edinburgh, 2019.
• Longitudinal Data Analysis. Amsterdam UVMC, October 2018.
• Growth Mixture Models using Mplus. Penn State University, September 2018.
• Statistical models in dementia research. Summer School Methodologies in Alzheimer’s Research, Edinburgh, June 2018.
• Longitudinal models in ageing and dementia research. Summer School Methodologies in Alzheimer’s Research, Edinburgh, June 2017.
• Understanding cognitive change. UK Dementias Platform, University of Oxford, September 2016.
• Metrics of time in longitudinal studies. ADC clinicians meeting, Baltimore, October 2016.
• Multistate Modelling workshop, IALSA workshop Edinburgh and Amsterdam, 2016.
• Examination of physical and cognitive decline using a coordinated analytical approach, IALSA workshop. Portland, US, February 2015.
• Multivariate Models of Change. Invited pre-conference workshop at Royal Statistical Society Sponsored Conference Leeds, UK March 2015.
• Longitudinal Data Analysis. UCL course, June 2014 and 2013.
• Longitudinal Data Analysis using Mplus. International Health Data Linkage pre conference Workshop, Vancouver April 2014.
• Methodological Issues in Replication Studies. Invited workshop Annual meeting of the Society of Child Development Research San Diego, US, September 2014.
• Coordinated Analysis of Longitudinal Data. Invited workshop Annual meeting of the Society of Child Development ResearchUS, September 2014.
• Longitudinal Data Analysis. UCL, July 2014.
• Shared Parameter Models. School of Engineering, Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay, June 2014.
• Longitudinal Analysis Workshop. International Health Data Linkage Conference and Workshop, Vancouver, May 2014.
• Random Effects Models. MRC LHA Unit at UCL, June 2014.
• Growth Mixture Models in the Context of Multi Study Research. Pre-conference workshop Nordic Congress of Gerontology. May 2014.
• SMAART. Statistical Methods in Ageing, Analytical Research Methods. University of Victoria, BC, Canada. May 2011.
• Several mathematics and statistics courses. From 1990-2000, I delivered, organised, prepared material and set up exams of a range of courses including: Linear Algebra, Analysis, Statistics, Biostatistics, Topology, Differential Equations and others.
Most published dementia researcher in Scotland
Scottish Dementia Research Consortium (SDRC)
Most published dementia researcher in Scotland (shared with Prof. Joanna Wardlow)
Centenary Award (Personal Award)
Reino Unido, 2012
Centenary Award (Personal Award). Funder: Medical Research Council, UK. £50,000
Coauthor of paper awarded 2012 Jean Corzan prize
Alzheimers Research
Reino Unido, 2012
Coauthor of paper awarded 2012 Jean Corzan prize by Alzheimers Research UK
Gopal Kanji Prize for best paper published
Journal of Applied Statistics
Reino Unido, 2011
Gopal Kanji Prize for best paper published in Journal of Applied Statistics
Alzheimer’s Society UK fellowship (Personal Award)
Alzheimer’s Society
Reino Unido, 2011
Alzheimer’s Society UK fellowship (Personal Award). £ 250,000
Career Development Award in Biostatistics (Personal Award)
Reino Unido, 2007
Career Development Award in Biostatistics (Personal Award). Funder: Medical Research Council, UK. £200,000
PhD Studentship award
Reino Unido, 2004
PhD Studentship award. Funder: Medical Research Council, UK.
Dementias Platform UK Advisory Board
Dementias Platform UK
Reino Unido
Dementias Platform UK Advisory Board
Maelstrom’s data harmonisation methods group
Maelstrom’s data harmonisation methods group
Depec Global Health advisory group
Reino Unido
Depec Global Health advisory group (U. Newcastle, UK)
BrainLat Institute International Advisory Board
Brain Lat Institute International Advisory Board (A. Ibanez University, Santiago, Chile)
Scientific and Organizing Committees
Reino Unido, 2019
Scientific and Organizing Committees Wellcome Trust Conference, Optimising Multistudy Integrative Research. 18-20th. Sept. 2019.
Scientific lead and Organiser
Reino Unido, 2017
Music and Dementia, Edinburgh. Role: scientific lead and organiser. Workshop October 2017
Reino Unido, 2017
Disease Modelling Workshop. Role: organiser. University of Edinburgh, October 2017
Study statistician and Member of PREVENT Dementia Study Steering Committee
Reino Unido
Study statistician and Member of PREVENT Dementia Study Steering Committee, Imperial College and University of Edinburgh.
Founder and Past Chair
Alzheimer's Association International Society to Advance Alzheimer's Research and Treatment (ISTAART)
Estados Unidos
Professional Interest Area ISTAART. Founder and Past Chair
Reino Unido
2021-2023. Looking beyond the mean: what within-person variability can tell us about dementia, cardiovascular disease and cystic fibrosis. Medical Research Council, Methodology Board (UK) £ 400,000. PIs: Barrett J., Muniz-Terrera G.
Reino Unido
2020-2022. The BANGLE project: Bangalore-Edinburgh Collaboration for Brain Health and Dementia Prevention. Fidelity.£ 357,953. PI: Muniz-Terrera, G
Reino Unido
2020-2023. Investigating MUltimorbidity ThroUgh cApacity building (MUTUAL). Medical Research Council, UK. £ 400,000. PI: Prina, M. CoI: Muniz Terrera and others.
National Institute on Aging - NIH
Estados Unidos
2019-2024. Evaluation of multivariate causal factors linking the Flynn effect to declining dementia trends and cognitive aging, NIH/NIA 1R01AG067621. USD 3,585,964. Uvic PI: Muniz-Terrera
National Institute on Aging - NIH
Estados Unidos
2019-2024.Personality prediction of dementia risk and progression, NIH/NIA 1R01AG067622. USD 3,202,959. PI: D. Mroczek, Northwestern University
Comision Sectorial de Investigacion Cientifica
2019. Caracterizacion y proyeccion de la poblacion en situacion de dependencia en Uruguay. PIs: Collace M. Cordoba J. CoIs: Muniz Terrera G, Marroig A. USD 50,000. Funder: Comision Sectorial de Investigacion Cientifica, Uruguay.
2019. Improving Australia’s Dementia Statistics. PIs: Dobson A., Anstey K. , Muniz-Terrera G. and others. Funder: NHMRC Australia. AUSD 2,154,096.
Alzheimer’s Society
Reino Unido
2019. PREVENT 5 yr follow up. PIs: Ritchie C., Ritchie K., Muniz-Terrera, G. Funder: Alzheimer’s Society. £363,739
Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF)
Reino Unido
2019. Delivering novel neuro-retinal biomarkers for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. PI: McGillvary, Ritchie C., Muniz Terrera G and others. Funder: ADDF. £489,000.
Reino Unido
2019. Nubrain. Nutrition and Brain Health. PIs: Stevenson E. , Ritchie C., Key Co Investigator: Muniz-Terrera, G. Funder: Medical Research Council,UK. £400,000
Reino Unido
2019. International Travel Fund University of Edinburgh,. PI: Muniz-Terrera, G. £3,000
2019. Change and interplay of physical and cognitive functions in healthy ageing:The HEARTS-GO study. PI: Lindwall M. CI: Muniz Terrera G., Robittaille A., Stawski R. Funer: Forte, Sweden.
Dunhill Medical Trust
Reino Unido
2019. Assessing recovery from delirium in older hospitalised people: optimisation and validation of the 4AT. PIs: McLullich A., Muniz Terrera G, Davis D. Funder: Dunhill Medical Trust. £173,186.85
Dementias Platform UK
Reino Unido
2018. Identifying reliable change using cognitive tests in ageing and dementia research (DPUK Discovery Award). PIs: Booth T., Murran A., Muniz Terrera G. Funder: Dementias Platform UK. £50,000
Dementias Platform UK
Reino Unido
2018. Have we overestimated the impact of vascular factors on the declining incidence of dementia? DPUK-NIA cross-cohort collaboration: The Dementia and Vascular disease (DemVasc) Consortium (DPUK Discovery Award). PI: Chi Hun Kim, CoPI: G Muniz-Terrera. Funder: Dementias Platform UK. £50,000
Reino Unido
2017. TRIBEKA Imaging Platform. PI: C. Ritchie; CoPIs: G. Muniz-Terrera, JL. Molinuevo, M. Kivipelto, J. O’Brien. Funder: Fidelity.£750,000
Merck KGaA
2017. Optimal dementia risk prediction models and validation in younger individuals. PI: G.Muniz-Terrera, CoPI: C Ritchie.Funder: Merck. £ 350,000
Alzheimers Research
Reino Unido
2017. Patients Reported Outcomes. PI: C. Ritchie, CoPIs: G. Muniz-Terrera Ch. Clarke. Funder: Alzheimer’s Research UK. £60,000
Alzheimers Research
Reino Unido
2016. Modelling cognitive trajectories after stroke using VISTA studies. PIs: T. Quinn, G. Muniz-Terrera. Funder: Alzheimer’s Research UK
Reino Unido
2015. Modelling within-individual variation in repeated continuous exposures. PI: K Tilling, coPI: G. Muniz-Terrera. Funder: MRC Methodology Board. £350,000
Estados Unidos
2013. Integrative Analysis of Longitudinal Analysis of Aging. Co-Principal Investigator in Subproject 1. Funder: National Institute of Health, US. Programme Grant, P01 Grant NIH/NIA 1P01AG043362, USD 7.5m

Graciela Muniz
Department of Social Medicine and Department of Primary Care
Ohio University
Ohio, Estados Unidos

Adolfo García
Investigador Asociado
Facultad de Humanidades
Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Santiago de Chile, Chile

Felipe Court
Full Professor and Director
Center for Integrative Biology
Universidad Mayor
Huechuraba, Chile