
Mauricio Erciario Silva Jiménez

Profesor Asociado

Universidad Católica de Temuco

Temuco, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Medicina y reproducción en rumiantes mayores y menores. Fisiología de la reproducción en rumiantes y camélidos sudamericanos. Biotecnologías reproductivas (producción in vitro de embriones, transferencia de embriones, inseminación artificial).


  •  Reproducción Animal, UNIVERSIDAD AUSTRAL DE CHILE. Chile, 2012

Experiencia Académica

  •   Profesor instructor Part Time


    Ciencias Veterinarias

    Valdivia, Chile

    1997 - 1999

  •   Profesor asociado Full Time

    Universidad Católica de Temuco

    Recursos Naturales

    Temuco, Chile

    2001 - At present


Article (35)

Administration of Beta-Nerve Growth Factor during the preovulatory stage improves endocrine and luteal function in dairy heifers
Chorion in fish: Synthesis, functions and factors associated with its malformations
Unveiling the effect of beta-nerve growth factor on the reproductive function in llamas and cows
Effect of cholestanol and cholesterol-loaded cyclodextrin on stallion sperm function and capacitation post-cryopreservation
Oocyte quality, in vitro fertilization and embryo development of alpacas oocytes collected by ultrasoung-guided follicular aspiration or from slaughterhouse ovaries
Seminal plasma nerve growth factor signaling on the reproductive physiology of female llamas
The ovulatory and luteotropic actions of the male-derived beta-nerve growth factor in South American camelids
beta-NGF Stimulates Steroidogenic Enzyme and VEGFA Gene Expression, and Progesterone Secretion via ERK 1/2 Pathway in Primary Culture of Llama Granulosa Cells
Cryopreservation of stallion semen: Effect of adding antioxidants to the freezing medium on sperm physiology
Laterality of ovulation and presence of the embryo do not affect uterine horn blood flow during the first month of gestation in llamas
Ovulation mechanism in South American Camelids: The active role of β-NGF as the chemical signal eliciting ovulation in llamas and alpacas
Oxidative stress and use of antioxidants in fish semen cryopreservation
Effect of human tubal fluid medium and hyperactivation inducers on stallion sperm capacitation and hyperactivation
Evaluation of the effect of mating, intrauterine deposition of raw seminal plasma or seminal plasma purified beta-NGF on endometrial vascularization in llamas
The effect of seminal plasma beta-NGF on follicular fluid hormone concentration and gene expression of steroidogenic enzymes in llama granulosa cells
Uterine endometrial vascularization during ovarian follicular growth in llamas: The effect of estradiol plasma concentration
A comparative study of the effects of intramuscular administration of gonadorelin, mating and intrauterine infusion of either raw seminal plasma or seminal plasma purified -NGF on luteal development in llamas
Effect of oocyte maturation time, sperm selection method and oxygen tension on in vitro embryo development in alpacas
Effects of Leptin administration on development, vascularization and function of corpus luteum in alpacas submitted to pre-ovulatory fasting
Nerve growth factor from seminal plasma origin (sp beta-NGF) increases CL vascularization and level of mRNA expression of steroidogenic enzymes during the early stage of Corpus Luteum development in llamas
Aumento de la Temperatura de Incubación en Huevos de Gallina Araucana (Gallus inauris): Efecto sobre la Mortalidad Embrionaria, Tasa de Eclosión, Peso del Polluelo, Saco Vitelino y de Órganos Internos
Ovulation-inducing factor (OIF/NGF) in seminal plasma=> a review and update.
Seminal plasma induces ovulation in llamas in the absence of a copulatory stimulus: role of nerve growth factor as an ovulation-inducing factor.
In vitro developmental competence of alpaca (Vicugna pacos) and llama (Lama glama) oocytes after parthenogenetic activation
LH release and ovulatory response after intramuscular, intravenous, and intrauterine administration of beta-nerve growth factor of seminal plasma origin in female llamas
Ovulation-inducing factor (OIF/NGF) from seminal plasma origin enhances Corpus Luteum function in llamas regardless the preovulatory follicle diameter
The effect of repeated administrations of llama ovulation-inducing factor (OIF/NGF) during the peri-ovulatory period on corpus luteum development and function in llamas
Effects of nutritional restriction on metabolic, endocrine and ovarian function in llamas (Lama glama).
Induction of superovulation in South American Camelids
Vitrification of in vitro mature alpaca oocyte: Effect of ethylene glycol concentration and time of exposure in the equilibration and vitrification solutions
GnRH dose reduction decreases pituitary LH release and ovulatory response but does not affect Corpus Luteum (CL) development and function in llamas.
Ovarian estradiol modulates the stimulatory effect of ovulation-inducing factor (OIF) on pituitary LH secretion in llamas
Cetrorelix suppresses the preovulatory LH surge and ovulation induced by ovulation-inducing factor (OIF) present in llama seminal plasma
Effect of location and stage of development of dominant follicle on ovulation and embryo survival rate in alpacas
Is an ovulation-inducing factor (OIF) present in the seminal plasma of rabbits?

Proyecto (12)

Strategies to improve the efficiency of bovine ICSI: Effect of injection technique, sperm capacitation combined with cell sorting and oocyte activation.
Análisis comparativo de factores de desarrollo folicular temprano en ovejas adultas de alta y baja prolificidad
Capacitation of stallion sperm=> Effects on the in vitro production of embryos generated by conventional in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
Unveiling the luteotrophic effect of the ovulation inducing factor “Nerve Growth Factor” present in the seminal plasma of llamas.
Uterine blood flow in llamas=> the effect of vascular asymmetry, intrauterine semen deposition or embryo location, and their possible influence on the establishment of gestation.
Caracterización funcional del factor inductor de ovulación (OIF) presente en el plasma seminal de las llamas=> su efecto luteotrófico y el efecto modulador de progesterona sobre su acción.
Red de colaboración científica para el desarrollo del sector carne bovina.
Caracterización funcional del factor inductor de ovulación (FIO) presente en el plasma seminal de las llamas
Estudio interdisciplinario para la ejecución de investigaciones relacionadas con la fecundación in vitro y desarrollo embrionario en bovinos y la caracterización biológica de un factor de ovulación inducida presente en el plasma seminal de camélidos.
Establecimiento y Desarrollo de la Plataforma Tecnológica para la Generación de Bovinos Transgénicos como Bioreactores
Producción de embriones bovinos in vitro=> una herramienta para el aprovechamiento del potencial genético de la masa ganadera nacional
Evaluación de la viabilidad post descongelación y tasa de preñez de blastocistos bovinos producidos in vitro en medio condicionado o en co-cultivo con células oviductales

Review (1)

New insights of the role of beta-NGF in the ovulation mechanism of induced ovulating species
Mauricio Silva

Profesor Asociado

Medicina Veterinaria y Salud Pública

Universidad Católica de Temuco

Temuco, Chile

Marcelo Ratto

Profesor titular

Ciencia Animal

Universidad Austral de Chile

Valdivia, Chile

Luis Paiva

Profesor Asistente

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Maria Guerra

Profesor Asociado


Universidad Austral de Chile

Valdivia , Chile


Profesor titular

Ciencias Agronomicas y Recursos Naturales


Temuco, Chile

María Contreras

Académica Investigadora

Instituto de Ciencias Aplicadas

Universidad Autónoma de Chile

temuco, Chile


Associate professor

Producción Agropecuaria


Temuco, Chile

César Ulloa

Docente Tiempo Completo

Ciencia Animal

Universidad Austral de Chile

Valdivia, Chile