
Andrea Gajardo Vidal

Profesora Investigadora

Universidad del Desarrollo

Concepción , Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Neural basis of language and aphasia; Brain-behavior relationships in adults with acquired brain damage; Structural and functional neuroplasticity; Predictors of language/cognitive outcome, recovery and treatment; normal and pathological Aging.


  •  Neuropsychology and Cognitive Neuroscience, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reino Unido, 2019
  •  Cognitive Neuroscience, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON. Reino Unido, 2013
  •  Neuropsicología y Neuropsiquiatría del Adulto, PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE CHILE. Chile, 2008
  •  Licenciada en Fonoaudiología , UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION. Chile, 2007

Experiencia Académica

  •   Postdoctoral Researcher Full Time


    San Francisco, Estados Unidos

    2021 - 2023

  •   Postdoctoral Researcher Full Time


    Faculty of Brain Sciences

    London, Reino Unido

    2019 - 2020

  •   Research Assistant Full Time


    Faculty of Brain Sciences

    London, Reino Unido

    2017 - 2018

  •   Adjunct Professor Part Time


    Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud

    Concepcion, Chile

    2010 - 2011

  •   Assistant Professor Full Time


    Facultad de Gobierno

    Concepcion, Chile

    2023 - At present

  •   Academic team Diploma Postítulo Clínica en Neuropsiquiatría del Adulto, Other


    Facultad de Medicina

    Santiago, Chile

    2022 - At present

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Clinical Professor Part Time

    Universidad del Desarrollo

    Concepcion, Chile

    2010 - 2011

  •   Clinical Professor Part Time

    Universidad de Concepcion

    Concepcion, Chile

    2008 - 2011

  •   Speech and Language Pathologist Part Time

    Instituto de Rehabilitación Infantil (Teletón)


    2008 - 2011

Formación de Capital Humano

During my PhD and postdoc at the Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging at University College London, I had the opportunity to supervise a Master's thesis (2019) entitled 'Neural correlates of maintaining and recovering language abilities after right hemisphere stroke'. In addition, I co-supervised two Ph.D. students' theses, which resulted in the publication of two scientific articles in a top-ranked neuroimaging journal (Neuroimage). The articles are entitled: (1) A functional dissociation of left frontal regions contributing to single word production tasks and (2) The dissociation of the functions of three left posterior superior temporal regions contributing to speech perception and production.

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Merit Abstract Award OHBM

    Organization for Human Brain Mapping

    Estados Unidos, 2016

    Reconocimiento a la calidad del abstract enviado para ser presentado en la conferencia anual organizada por OHBM, Ginebra, Suiza.

  •   International Master’s Fellowship (Becas Chile)


    Chile, 2012

    Fellowship awarded by the Chilean National Agency for Research and Development (ANID) to pursue a MSc in Cognitive Neuroscience at University College London

  •   International PhD Fellowship (Becas Chile)


    Chile, 2013

    Fellowship awarded by the Chilean National Agency for Research and Development (ANID) to pursue a PhD in Neuropsychology and Cognitive Neuroscience at University College London

  •   International Postdoctoral Fellowship (Becas Chile)


    Chile, 2019

    Fellowship awarded by the Chilean National Agency for Research and Development (ANID) to pursue further training in Clinical and Cognitive Neuroscience as a postdoctoral researcher at University of California San Francisco

  •   Honorable Mention

    Society for the Neurobiology of Language

    Estados Unidos, 2021

    Honorary Mentions are awarded to postdocs who submit the highest ranked abstracts to SNL (Society for Neurobiology of Language).


Article (20)

Assessing processing speed and its neural correlates in the three variants of primary progressive aphasia with a non-verbal tablet-based task
Neural basis of speech and grammar symptoms in non-fluent variant primary progressive aphasia spectrum
Degeneracy in the neurological model of auditory speech repetition
Network anatomy in logopenic variant of primary progressive aphasia
The Effect of Right Temporal Lobe Gliomas on Left and Right Hemisphere Neural Processing During Speech Perception and Production Tasks.
Enhanced left superior parietal activation during successful speech production in patients with left dorsal striatal damage and error-prone neurotypical participants
A functional dissociation of the left frontal regions that contribute to single word production tasks
Better long-term speech outcomes in stroke survivors who received early clinical speech and language therapy: What's driving recovery?
Brain regions that support accurate speech production after damage to Broca's area
Damage to Broca's area does not contribute to long-term speech production outcome after stroke
Dissociating the functions of three left posterior superior temporal regions that contribute to speech perception and production
Lesions that do or do not impair digit span: a study of 816 stroke survivors
Reply: Broca's area: why was neurosurgery neglected for so long when seeking to re-establish the scientific truth? and Where is the speech production area? Evidence from direct cortical electrical stimulation mapping
Right cerebral motor areas that support accurate speech production following damage to cerebellar speech areas
Paradoxical lesions, plasticity and active inference.
Generalizing post-stroke prognoses from research data to clinical data
How distributed processing produces false negatives in voxel-based lesion-deficit analyses.
How right hemisphere damage after stroke can impair speech comprehension
The impact of sample size on the reproducibility of voxel-based lesion deficit mappings
Using transcranial magnetic stimulation of the undamaged brain to identify lesion sites that predict language outcome after stroke

Proyecto (4)

Explaining Language Outcome and Recovery After Stroke (ELORAS)
Towards a new neurological model of language that explains outcome after stroke.
Predicting Language Outcome and Recovery After Stroke (PLORAS)
Predicting language outcome and recovery after stroke
Andrea Gajardo

Profesora Investigadora

Universidad del Desarrollo

Concepción , Chile

Diego Lorca

Associate Professor

Departamento de Especialidades

Universidad de Concepción

Concepción, Chile

Adolfo García

Investigador Asociado

Facultad de Humanidades

Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Santiago de Chile, Chile

Valeria Espejo



Universidad de Concepción

Concepción, Chile