
Laurentius Klerkx

Profesor Titular

Universidad de Talca

Talca, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Digital agriculture, food systems transformation, innovation policy, agrifoodtech start-ups, mission-oriented innovation systems


  •  Communication and Innovation Studies, WAGENINGEN UNIVERSITY. Holanda, 2008
  •  Plant Production Systems, WAGENINGEN UNIVERSITY. Chile, 2002

Experiencia Académica

  •   Postdoc Full Time



    2008 - 2008

  •   Assistant Professor Full Time



    2008 - 2013

  •   Associate Professor Full Time



    2013 - 2019

  •   Knowledge, Technology and Innovation Full Time



    2019 - 2022

  •   Acting Chair Full Time



    2018 - 2020

  •   Visiting Full Professor Other


    Faculty of Geosciences


    2020 - 2022

  •   Visiting Full Professor Other



    2022 - At present

  •   Investigador Titular Full Time


    Ciencias Agrarias


    2022 - 2024

  •   Profesor Titular Full Time


    Ciencias Agrarias


    2023 - At present


Article (154)

(Un)intended lock-in: Chile's organic agriculture law and the possibility of transformation towards more sustainable food systems
A blessing in disguise: advisers' experiences with promoting climate change mitigation among Norwegian farmers
Are AgriFoodTech start-ups the new drivers of food systems transformation? An overview of the state of the art and a research agenda
Automated milking systems: implications for labour practices of dairy workers in southern Chile
Cyborg farmers: Embodied understandings of precision agriculture
Diversity and directionality: friends or foes in sustainability transitions?
Do innovation support services meet the needs of agri-food SMEs in cross-border regions? A case study from the Euregio Rhine-Waal
Participation and co-theorising: How stakeholder interests and scientific outputs clash in the Horizon 2020 multi-actor approach
Taking stock and looking ahead: changes to the Editors-in-Chief of <i>The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension</i>
The roles and dynamics of transition intermediaries in enabling sustainable public food procurement: insights from Spain
The unpacking and repacking of agricultural innovation: Embrapa's translation roles and positions in the introduction of the pyramid model and hybrid pigs in Brazil
Transformative policy mix or policy pandemonium? Insights from the Climate Smart Agriculture policy mix in Costa Rica
Unraveling farmers' interrelated adaptation and mitigation adoption decisions under perceived climate change risks
What determines the acceptance of Climate Smart Technologies? The influence of farmers' behavioral drivers in connection with the policy environment
Addressing the politics of mission-oriented agricultural innovation systems
Are farmers ready to use phone-based digital tools for agronomic advice? Ex-ante user readiness assessment using the case of Rwandan banana farmers
Best article 2022 and some updates and announcements on <i>The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension</i>
Can a robot be an expert? The social meaning of skill and its expression through the prospect of autonomous AgTech
Constructing legitimacy for technologies developed in response to environmental regulation: the case of ammonia emission-reducing technology for the Flemish intensive livestock industry
Contested definitions of digital agri-food system transformation: A webpage and network analysis
Deliberative assembling: Tinkering and farmer agency in precision agriculture implementation
Developing the agroecological niche in Nicaragua: The roles of knowledge flows and intermediaries
Digital innovation ecosystems in agri-food: design principles and organizational framework
Examining the legitimacy of inclusive innovation processes: perspectives from smallholder farmers in Uasin Gishu, Kenya
Intellectual property meets transdisciplinary co-design: prioritizing responsiveness in the production of new AgTech through located response-ability
Missions as boundary objects for transformative change: understanding coordination across policy, research, and stakeholder communities
Navigating the rapids of agrifood systems transformation: reflections on Aotearoa New Zealand's emerging mission-oriented agrifood innovation system
Re-orientating agricultural research to address complex challenges: Legitimacy dynamics of a hybrid research organisation
The enabling and constraining connections between trust and digitalisation in incumbent value chains
The population ecology of sustainable agriculture knowledge networks: insights from California
Why and how do farmers' organizations get involved in the promotion of agroecological techniques? Insights from Burkina Faso
A call to expand disciplinary boundaries so that social scientific imagination and practice are central to quests for 'responsible' digital agri-food innovation
A state-initiated multi-stakeholder platform as an instrument to build agricultural innovation system capacity: a case study from Ethiopia
Advisory support and learning on non-technical aspects of farming: a key topic for extension and education research
An integrated socio-cyber-physical system framework to assess responsible digitalisation in agriculture: A first application with Living Labs in Europe
Climate considerations aside: What really matters for farmers in their implementation of climate mitigation measures
Connecting science, policy, and practice in agri-food system transformation: The role of boundary infrastructures in the evolution of Brazilian pig production
Emerging advisory service agri-enterprises: a dual perspective on technical and business performance
Enhancing digital transformation towards virtual supply chains: a simulation game for Dutch floriculture
Facilitating international animal welfare standards implementation in national contexts: The role of intermediaries in Brazilian pig production
Farmers' Organizations as innovation intermediaries for agroecological innovations in Burkina Faso
Good intentions in complex realities: Challenges for designing responsibly in digital agriculture in low-income countries
How to swarm? Organizing for sustainable and equitable food systems transformation in a time of crisis
Networks for Science-Informed Innovation in the Arctic: Insights on the Structure and Evolution of a Canadian Research Network
Partnerships Blending Institutional Logics for Inclusive Global and Regional Food Value Chains in Ghana; with What Smallholder Effect?
Producer organizations as transition intermediaries? Insights from organic and conventional vegetable systems in Uruguay
Public food procurement from family farming: A food system and social network perspective
Social network analysis of spreading and exchanging information on Twitter: the case of an agricultural research and education centre in Mexico
The effects of combined digital and human advisory services on reducing nitrogen fertilizer use: lessons from China's national research programs on low carbon agriculture
The persuasiveness of gain vs. loss framed messages on farmers' perceptions and decisions to climate change: A case study in coastal communities of Vietnam
Two hundred volumes of <i>Agricultural Systems</i>: Common themes and trends
<i>Agricultural Systems</i> Editors' Picks for World Soil Day 2020
A multilevel transition perspective on embedding intersectoral action in local health policies
Beyond food for thought-Directing sustainability transitions research to address fundamental change in agri-food systems
Digital and virtual spaces as sites of extension and advisory services research: social media, gaming, and digitally integrated and augmented advice
Digital transformation of agriculture and rural areas: A socio-cyber-physical system framework to support responsibilisation
Digital transformation of the agrifood system: Quantifying the conditioning factors to inform policy planning in the olive sector
Enacting theories of change for food systems transformation under climate change
On digitalization and sustainability transitions
Strengthening the Role of Academic Institutions and Innovation Brokers in Agri-Food Innovation: Towards Hybridisation in Cross-Border Cooperation
The Hybridity of Inclusive Innovation Narratives Between Theory and Practice: A Framing Analysis
Unpacking the Precision Technologies for Adaptation of the Chilean Dairy Sector. A Structural-functional Innovation System Analysis
Unravelling non-human agency in sustainability transitions
Writing good reviews
Advisory services and transformation, plurality and disruption of agriculture and food systems: towards a new research agenda for agricultural education and extension studies
Anchoring innovation methodologies to 'go-to-scale'; a framework to guide agricultural research for development
Drivers of decoupling and recoupling of crop and livestock systems at farm and territorial scales
Effects of proximity to markets on dairy farming intensity and market participation in Kenya and Ethiopia
Exploring barriers to the agroecological transition in Nicaragua: A Technological Innovation Systems Approach
Getting your article published in the <i>Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension</i>: how to avoid a desk-rejection
Nicaragua's agroecological transition: Transformation or reconfiguration of the agri-food regime?
Positioning of systemic intermediaries in sustainability transitions: Between storylines and speech acts
Revealing power dynamics and staging conflicts in agricultural system transitions: Case studies of innovation platforms in New Zealand
Scaling practices within agricultural innovation platforms: Between pushing and pulling
Supporting food systems transformation: The what, why, who, where and how of mission-oriented agricultural innovation systems
Sustainability transition pathways through ecological intensification: an assessment of vegetable food systems in Chile
The future(s) of digital agriculture and sustainable food systems: An analysis of high-level policy documents
Transitioning to the safe and just space inside 'the doughnut' by means of agroecological niche food systems: insights from Chile and Uruguay
Unravelling inclusive business models for achieving food and nutrition security in BOP markets
Why are cluster farmers adopting more aquaculture technologies and practices? The role of trust and interaction within shrimp farmers' networks in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam
Combinations of bonding, bridging, and linking social capital for farm innovation: How farmers configure different support networks
Digitalisation in the New Zealand Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System: Initial understandings and emerging organisational responses to digital agriculture
Managing Socio-Ethical Challenges in the Development of Smart Farming: From a Fragmented to a Comprehensive Approach for Responsible Research and Innovation
Navigating shades of social capital and trust to leverage opportunities for rural innovation
Passing the baton: How intermediaries advance sustainability transitions in different phases
Public-private partnerships as systemic agricultural innovation policy instruments - Assessing their contribution to innovation system function dynamics
Realization of the next step in enhancing the quality, reputation and attractiveness of the Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension: receiving an impact factor from the Social Sciences Citation Index
To cluster or not to cluster farmers? Influences on network interactions, risk perceptions, and adoption of aquaculture practices
Toward understanding conservation behavior in agriculture as a dynamic and mutually responsive process between individuals and the social system
Towards a typology of intermediaries in sustainability transitions: A systematic review and a research agenda
A multi-level and multi-actor approach to risk governance: a conceptual framework to support policy development for Ambrosia weed control
Analysing intermediary organisations and their influence on upgrading in emerging agricultural clusters
Aquaculture innovation system analysis of transition to sustainable intensification in shrimp farming
Are shrimp farmers actual gamblers? An analysis of risk perception and risk management behaviors among shrimp farmers in the Mekong Delta
Beyond agricultural innovation systems? Exploring an agricultural innovation ecosystems approach for niche design and development in sustainability transitions
Diagnosing institutional logics in partnerships and how they evolve through institutional bricolage: Insights from soybean and cassava value chains in Ghana
Intensification and Upgrading Dynamics in Emerging Dairy Clusters in the East African Highlands
Money talk: How relations between farmers and advisors around financial management are shaped
Opening design and innovation processes in agriculture: Insights from design and management sciences and future directions
Sustainability transitions in developing countries: Stocktaking, new contributions and a research agenda
Transitions in water harvesting practices in Jordan's rainfed agricultural systems: Systemic problems and blocking mechanisms in an emerging technological innovation system
Achieving best-fit configurations through advisory subsystems in AKIS: case studies of advisory service provisioning for diverse types of farmers in Norway
Addressing complex challenges using a co-innovation approach: Lessons from five case studies in the New Zealand primary sector
Attracting foreign R&D through international centres of excellence: early experiences from Chile
Compositional dynamics of multilevel innovation platforms in agricultural research for development
Dynamics and distribution of public and private research and extension roles for technological innovation and diffusion: Case studies of the implementation and adaptation of precision farming technologies
Governance dynamics and the quest for coordination in pluralistic agricultural advisory systems
How is innovation in aquaculture conceptualized and managed? A systematic literature review and reflection framework to inform analysis and action
Replication and translation of co-innovation: The influence of institutional context in large international participatory research projects
Scaling green rubber cultivation in Southwest China-An integrative analysis of stakeholder perspectives
Unpacking systemic innovation capacity as strategic ambidexterity: How projects dynamically configure capabilities for agricultural innovation
Using a co-innovation approach to support innovation and learning: Cross-cutting observations from different settings and emergent issues
Value Chain Upgrading and the Inclusion of Smallholders in Markets: Reflections on Contributions of Multi-Stakeholder Processes in Dairy Development in Tanzania
Addressing barriers to eco-innovation: Exploring the finance mobilisation functions of institutional innovation intermediaries
Innovation platforms and institutional change: the case of small-scale palm oil processing in Ghana
Scale dynamics of grassroots innovations through parallel pathways of transformative change
Systemic problems affecting co-innovation in the New Zealand Agricultural Innovation System: Identification of blocking mechanisms and underlying institutional logics
Beyond bridging the know-do gap: a qualitative study of systemic interaction to foster knowledge exchange in the public health sector in The Netherlands
Co-managing public research in Australian fisheries through convergence-divergence processes
Information networks that generate economic value: A study on clusters of adopters of new or improved technologies and practices among oil palm growers in Mexico
Innovation grants to smallholder farmers: Revisiting the key assumptions in the impact pathways
Participatory appraisal of institutional and political constraints and opportunities for innovation to address parasitic weeds in rice
RAAIS: Rapid Appraisal of Agricultural Innovation Systems (Part I). A diagnostic tool for integrated analysis of complex problems and innovation capacity
RAAIS: Rapid Appraisal of Agricultural Innovation Systems (Part II). Integrated analysis of parasitic weed problems in rice in Tanzania
Systems approaches to innovation in pest management: reflections and lessons learned from an integrated research program on parasitic weeds in rice
Understanding socio-economic and policy constraints to dairy development in Ethiopia: A coupled functional-structural innovation systems analysis
Agricultural innovation platforms in West Africa How does strategic institutional entrepreneurship unfold in different value chain contexts?
Application of an integrated systemic framework for analysing agricultural innovation systems and informing innovation policies: Comparing the Dutch and Scottish agrifood sectors
Functions and limitations of farmer cooperatives as innovation intermediaries: Findings from China
Institutional change towards sustainable agriculture in West Africa
Institutional dimensions of veterinary services reforms: responses to structural adjustment in Northern Ghana
Lessons on transdisciplinary research in a co-innovation programme in the New Zealand agricultural sector
Special Issue: Institutional Change towards Sustainable Agriculture in West Africa PREFACE
Towards dynamic research configurations: A framework for reflection on the contribution of research to policy and innovation processes
Unravelling institutional determinants affecting change in agriculture in West Africa
Achievements and challenges of innovation co-production support initiatives in the Australian and Dutch dairy sectors: A comparative study
Beyond fragmentation and disconnect: Networks for knowledge exchange in the English land management advisory system
Looking at agricultural innovation platforms through an innovation champion lens An analysis of three cases in West Africa
The interaction of multiple champions in orchestrating innovation networks: Conflicts and complementarities
Unravelling the role of innovation platforms in supporting co-evolution of innovation: Contributions and tensions in a smallholder dairy development programme
Advances in Knowledge Brokering in the Agricultural Sector: Towards Innovation System Facilitation
Design process outputs as boundary objects in agricultural innovation projects: Functions and limitations
Diagnosing constraints to market participation of small ruminant producers in northern Ghana: An innovation systems analysis
Variation in implementation of corporate social responsibility practices in emerging economies' firms: A survey of Chilean fruit exporters
Adaptive management in agricultural innovation systems: The interactions between innovation networks and their environment
Building knowledge systems for sustainable agriculture: supporting private advisors to adequately address sustainable farm management in regular service contacts
Orchestrating innovation networks: The case of innovation brokers in the agri-food sector
Establishment and embedding of innovation brokers at different innovation system levels: Insights from the Dutch agricultural sector
Balancing multiple interests: Embedding innovation intermediation in the agricultural knowledge infrastructure
Institutionalizing end-user demand steering in agricultural R&D: Farmer levy funding of R&D in The Netherlands
Hands off but strings attached: The contradictions of policy-induced demand-driven agricultural extension

Review (13)

Digital innovations for monitoring sustainability in food systems
Trust in agri-food value chains: a systematic review
The immediate impact of the first waves of the global COVID-19 pandemic on agricultural systems worldwide: Reflections on the COVID-19 special issue for agricultural systems
Theoretical positions and approaches to resilience assessment in farming systems. A review
Current status and future challenges in implementing and upscaling vertical farming systems
Dealing with the game-changing technologies of Agriculture 4.0: How do we manage diversity and responsibility in food system transition pathways?
A review of social science on digital agriculture, smart farming and agriculture 4.0: New contributions and a future research agenda
Characterizing diversity of food systems in view of sustainability transitions. A review
Affordances of agricultural systems analysis tools: A review and framework to enhance tool design and implementation
Reforming the research policy and impact culture in the CGIAR: Integrating science and systemic capacity development
Systemic perspectives on scaling agricultural innovations. A review
Systems approaches to innovation in crop protection. A systematic literature review
Matching demand and supply in the agricultural knowledge infrastructure: Experiences with innovation intermediaries
Laurentius Klerkx

Profesor Titular

Ciencias Agrarias

Universidad de Talca

Talca, Chile

Maria Engler

Full Professor

Departamento de Economía Agraria

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Las condes, Chile

Carlos Huenchuleo

Director centro Ceres

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Quillota, Chile

Pablo Villalobos

Profesor Asociado

Economía Agraria

Universidad de Talca

TALCA, Chile

Cristian Adasme

Profesor Adjunto (Asociado)

Departamento de Economía y Administración


Talca, Chile

Cristian Geldes

Profesor Asociado

Departamento de Gestión y Negocios

Universidad Alberto Hurtado

Santiago, Chile

Marcelo Leiva

Profesor Asociado


Talca, Chile