
Alexis Fidel Salas Salgado

Profesor Asistente

Universidad de Concepción

concepción, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Materiales Compuestos Fibra de Carbono Nanotecnología Reciclaje


  •  Magister en Ciencias de la Ingeniería mención Ingeniería Mecánica , UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION. Chile, 2019
  •  Doctorado en Ciencia e Ingenieria de Materiales, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION. Chile, 2023

Experiencia Académica

  •   Colaborador Académico Part Time



    Concepción, Chile

    2017 - 2023

  •   Profesor Asistente Full Time



    Concepción, Chile

    2023 - At present

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Colaborador Academico Part Time

    Universidad del Biobio

    Concepción, Chile

    2018 - 2019

  •   Supervisor cambio empaquetaduras Full Time

    Tecline Servicios

    Ranquil, Chile

    2015 - 2015

  •   Práctica Profesional Full Time

    Celulosa Arauco y Constitución

    Ranquil, Chile

    2015 - 2015


Article (14)

Assessing Feed-Forward Backpropagation Artificial Neural Networks for Strain-Rate-Sensitive Mechanical Modeling
Experimental Study of the Mechanical Properties of Mortar with Biobío Region Clam Shells Used as a Partial Replacement for Cement
Surface-enhanced Raman sensor with molecularly imprinted nanoparticles as highly sensitive recognition material for cancer marker amino acids
Towards the development of performance-efficient compressed earth blocks from industrial and agro-industrial by-products
CEBs with GRC: Fabrication, characterization, modeling, and correlation with microstructural fracture features
Towards recycling of waste carbon fiber: Strength, morphology and structural features of recovered carbon fibers
Tribological characterization of TiVN trilayer coatings synthesized by sputtering for biomedical applications
Dynamic numerical prediction of plasticity and damage in a turbofan blade containment test
Effect of 0.5% CNT reinforcement of a glass fiber composite on strength and cyclic damage induced by transverse and out-of-plane compressive loads
Hybrid Materials Based on Nanoparticles Functionalized with Alkylsilanes Covalently Anchored to Epoxy Matrices
Synthesis and applications of graphene oxide aerogels in bone tissue regeneration: a review
Ultrafast carbon nanotubes growth on recycled carbon fibers and their evaluation on interfacial shear strength in reinforced composites
Thermodynamic analysis of high entropy alloys and their mechanical behavior in high and low-temperature conditions with a microstructural approach - A review
Multiscale Characterization of Nanoengineered Fiber-Reinforced Composites: Effect of Carbon Nanotubes on the Out-of-Plane Mechanical Behavior

Proyecto (2)

A study on the influence of CNT-masterbach in the matrix and interface properties on the out-of-plane macroscopic mechanical behavior of a unidirectional nano-engineered composite material under low cycle loading/unloading
Prótesis transtibial de fibra de carbono para uso deportivo

Review (1)

Sensors Based on Molecularly Imprinted Polymers in the Field of Cancer Biomarker Detection: A Review
Alexis Salas

Profesor Asistente

Ingenieria Mecánica

Universidad de Concepción

concepción, Chile

Carlos Medina

Profesor Asistente

Ingeniería Mecánica

Universidad de Concepción

Concepcion, Chile

Angelo Onate

Profesor asistente

Ingeniería en Materiales

Universidad de Concepción

Concepción, Chile

Daniel Palacio

Profesor Asistente

Departamento de Polímeros

Universidad de Concepción

Concepción , Chile

Gonzalo Pincheira

Profesor planta regular

Tecnologías Industriales

Universidad de Talca

Curicó, Chile

Gustavo Ciudad

profesor asistente y director del instituto del Medio Ambiente

departamento de ingeniería química

Universidad de La Frontera

Temuco, Chile

Camila Quezada


Centro de Biotecnología y Biomedicina SpA

Chillan , Chile

Jesus Ramirez

Docente Investigador


Universidad San Sebastián

Concepción, Chile

Jorge Leiva

Asistente de investigación

Universidad de La Frontera

Temuco, Chile

Cristian Canales


Ingeniería Mecánica

Universidad de Concepción

Concepción, Chile

Víctor Tuninetti

Profesor asistente

Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias

Universidad de La Frontera

Temuco, Chile

Nicolás Araya

Profesor Asistente

Departamento de Ingeniería de Materiales

Universidad de Concepción

Concepción, Chile