
David Altman Olin


Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Calidad de la Democracia; Democracia Directa; Participacion


  •  Political Science, UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME. Estados Unidos, 2001
  •  Political Science, HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM. Israel, 1992

Experiencia Académica

  •   Profesor Titular Full Time

    Instituto de Ciencia Política

    Santiago, Uruguay

    2003 - At present


Article (41)

The Potential of Direct Democracy: A Global Measure (1900-2014)
Uruguay 2014: Not much of a change in a changing country
Direct Democracy in Latin America
Referendums Around the World
Strengthening democratic quality: Reactive deliberation in the context of direct democracy
V-DEM: A New Way to Measure Democracy
Bringing direct democracy back in: toward a three-dimensional measure of democracy
Does an Active Use of Mechanisms of Direct Democracy Impact Electoral Participation? Evidence from the U.S. States and the Swiss Cantons
Universal Party Primaries and General Election Outcomes: The Case of Uruguay (1999-2009)
El Estado Latinoamericano en su Laberinto
Introduction: The Latin American State in its Labyrinth [Introducción: El Estado latinoamericano en su laberinto]
Where is Knowledge Generated? On the Productivity and Impact of Political Science Departments in Latin America
Conceptualizing and Measuring Democracy: A New Approach
Uprooted but Stable: Chilean Parties and the Concept of Party System Institutionalization
Plebiscits, Referendums and Popular Initiatives in Latin America: Mechanisms of Political Control or Politically Controlled Exercises
Uruguay 2009: Completing the Line-Up of Latin American Presidents
Democratic Quality and Human Development in Latin America: 1972-2001
Democratic quality and human development in latin America: 19722001
Gabinetes Ministeriales y Reformas Estructurales en América Latina, 1985-2000
Partidos y sistemas de partidos en América Latina: Aproximaciones desde la encuesta a expertos 2009
Parties and Party Systems in Latin America: Perspectives from an Expert Survey 2009
Cabinet determinants of structural reforms in Latin America, 1985-2000
Collegiate Executives and Direct Democracy in Switzerland and Uruguay: Similar Institutions, Opposite Political Goals, Distinct Results
Del dato a la idea o de la idea al dato: La escalera de la abstracción de Sartori 40 años después
Civic disaffection, theological polarization and quality of democracy: An introduction to the Latin American political yearbook
Civic disaffection, theological polarization and quality of democracy: An introduction to the Latin American political yearbook
Desafección cívica, polarización ideológica y calidad de la democracia: una introducción al Anuario Político de América Latina
From Fukuoka to Santiago: Institutionalization of Political Science in Latin America
The 2004 Uruguayan Elections: A Political Earthquake Foretold
Direct democracy in the Americas: Social accountability or political instruments of governments?
La institucionalización de la ciencia política en Chile y América Latina: una mirada desde el sur
Re-Election and Political Career Paths in the Uruguayan Congress: 1985-99
Intraparty and Interparty Politics: Factions, Fractions, Parties, and Coalitions in Uruguay (1985-1999)
Redibujando el mapa electoral chileno: incidencia de factores socioeconómicos y género en las urnas
Assessing the Quality of Democracy: Freedom, Competitiveness, and Participation in 18 Latin American Countries
Percepciones ideológicas de lemas y fracciones: Un mapa del sistema de partidos uruguayo (1986-1997)
Popular Initiatives in Uruguay: Confidence Votes on Governments or Political Loyalties?
Prospects for E-Government in Latin America: Satisfaction with Democracy, Social Accountability, and Direct Democracy
Crisis de Gobernabilidad Democrática: Orígenes y Mapa de Lectura
Politics of Coalition Formation and Survival in Multiparty Presidential Democracies: Uruguay 1989-1999
Más allá de la poliarquía: Una Aproximación a la Calidad de las Democracias

BookReview (1)

The politics of market reform in fragile democracies: Argentina, Brazil, Peru, and Venezuela

BookSection (1)

“International Influences on Democratic Transitions: The Successful Case of Chile (Different Fronts for the Same Objective)”

BookWhole (1)

Direct democracy worldwide

EditorialMaterial (6)

Uruguay 2014: Not much of a change in a changing country
Introduction: The Latin American State in its Labyrinth
Where is knowledge generated? on the productivity and impact of political science departments in latin america
The 2009 elections in Uruguay
From Fukuoka to Santiago: Institutionalization of political science in Latin America
The 2004 Uruguayan elections: A political earthquake foretold

Review (1)

Direct Democracy in the Americas: Governmental autolegitimation or public censure [Democracia directa en el continente Americano: ¿ Autolegitimación gubernamental o censura ciudadana?]
David Altman


Santiago, Chile


Associate Professor

Political Science


Santiago, Chile

Sergio Toro

Associate Professor

Administración Pública y Ciencia Politica

Universidad de Concepción

Concepción, Chile