
José Luis Almazán Campillay

Profesor Asociado


Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Structural Engineering; Seismic Engineering; Structural Dynamics; Vibration Control; Fluide-Structure Interaction; Shaking Table Tests; Pseudo-Dynamic Tests; Wooden Structures


  •  Ingenieria Estructural, PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE CHILE. Chile, 2001
  •  Structural Engineering, PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE CHILE. Chile, 2001

Experiencia Académica

  •   Profesor Asociado Full Time



    Santiago, Chile

    2001 - At present

  •   Associate Professor Full Time



    2001 - At present

Formación de Capital Humano

As professor of the PUC postgraduate program, in the last 3 years, I have graduated 2 PhD. students, 2 MSc students, and 4 MSc (professional oriented) students in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering. He currently leads 4 PhD students and 5 MSc students.
On the other hand, I am co-director of the Project “ISOVEP: Industrial Solutions for Operational Vibrations and Earthquake Protection”, directed by Sergio Reyes Arriagada, of whom I was director of his MSc Thesis. The purpose of this project (Valorisation of Postgraduate Research) is to lay the foundations for a possible science-based venture (spin-off).

Difusión y Transferencia


Different dissemination activities were carried out in the radio, written and television press, related to seismic protection for the food, wine, mining and related industries. Among them we can highlight:
(1) Newspaper article in Diario Financiero (August 20, 2018): “Low-cost anti-seismic protection for wine tanks”.
(2) CNN-Chilevisión report (February 24, 2020) “Are we prepared for a new mega earthquake?”. Special program for the 10th anniversary of the Maule Earthquake. The report included the filming of a shaking table test of a real tank with a seismic isolation system patented by the PUC.
In these activities, experiences of technology transfer (by means of the licensing of invention patents to the industry) were disseminated. This information, aimed at the general public, is very important to demonstrate that the link between the University and the Industry is not only very necessary, but also possible.

Technology Transfer:

Between 2013 and 2019, we were awarded 6 patenting competitions at the PUC. With the resources awarded and the support of professionals from the Office of Transfer and Development of the PUC, 8 invention patents were requested inside and outside Chile. Half of them have already been granted, and the rest are in different intermediate stages. Two of the granted patents have recently been transferred to a wine storage tank manufacturer (Tersainox SA):
• Three-dimensional vibration isolation system “ISO-3D” for structures and equipment. National invention patent 2012-00552. U.S. PATENT No. 9,562,585 B2 (Vibration-Insulating device and system).
• Combination of anchoring to foundations and energy dissipation for vertical liquid storage tanks, vertical pressure vessel, silo or the like with thin wall and continuous support. National Invention Patent 2016-03365.
To date, the latter device has been installed in approximately 100 wine tanks in Chile. This new technology could become widespread in the next 10 years. This achievement has been possible thanks to the joint work for more than 5 years between our research group and the company Tersainox SA.
In 2019, we were awarded the 2019 "Global UC" Competition, with the project “Industrial Solutions for Operational Vibration and Earthquake Protection (ISOVEP)”. This award allowed us to have a global technology transfer experience in the USA (MIT, Boston).
On the other hand, we have been participating very actively since 2020 in the drafting of a new national regulation for the design of fluid storage tanks. It is expected to have a first draft by the end of this year 2021, which means an important transfer of knowledge and experience from our research group to the professional world.

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Award for Teaching Excellence

    Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

    Chile, 2005

    Recognition given by the UC School of Engineering for good teaching performance.

  •   Award for Excellence in Innovation

    Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

    Chile, 2017

    Recognition given by the PUC School of Engineering for good performance in tasks related to technological innovation. In this case, it was related to the granting of invention patents in Chile and USA.

  •   Transfer of Research Results Award

    Pontificia Universisda Católica de Chile

    Chile, 2018

    Recognition given by the Vice Chancellor for Research to the professors who carry out outstanding tasks of transferring research results to the industry.

  •   Technology Transfer Award


    Chile, 2018

    First place in the Research Equipment category for the development of Seismic Protection Technologies for Fluid Storage Tanks and Industrial Equipment.

  •   Global UC

    Pontificia Universisda Católica de Chile

    Chile, 2019

    Competition to select the technologies with the greatest international commercial potential.


Article (42)

Experimental study of the effects of continuous rod hold-down anchorages on the cyclic response of wood frame shear walls
Lateral Impact Resilient double concave Friction Pendulum (LIR-DCFP) bearing: Formulation, parametric study of the slider and three-dimensional numerical example
A novel device for a vertical rocking isolation system with uplift allowed for industrial equipment and structures
Development of an amplified added stiffening and damping system for wood-frame shear walls.
Efficient nonlinear modeling of strong wood frame shear walls for mid-rise buildings
Ground motions for FEMA P-695 application in subduction zones
Monotonic and cyclic behaviour of wood frame shear walls for mid-height timber buildings.
Seismic assessment of irregular masonry macro-elements through a nonlinear framed model: a case study
Simplified 3D model for the uplift analysis of liquid storage tanks
Torsional balance of nonlinear asymmetrical structures by means of a tuned mass damper
Experimental cyclic response assessment of partially grouted reinforced clay brick masonry walls
Fragility analysis of the nave macro-element of the Cathedral of Santiago, Chile
Experimental investigation on the seismic isolation for a legged wine storage tank
Non linear vertical-rocking isolation system=> Application to legged wine storage tanks
Operational Modal Analysis and FE model updating of the Metropolitan Cathedral of Santiago, Chile.
Seismic reliability of legged wine storage tanks retrofitted by means of a seismic isolation device
Amplification system for concentrated and distributed energy dissipation devices.
Development of a novel combined system of deformation amplification and added stiffness and damping: Analytical result and full scale pseudo-dynamic tests
Experimental study on in-plane cyclic response of partially grouted reinforced concrete masonry shear walls.
Seismic reliability of continuously supported steel wine storage tanks retrofitted with energy dissipation devices
Optimal control of linear and nonlinear asymmetric structures by means of passive energy dampers
Performance of stainless steel winery tanks during the 02/27/2010 Maule Earthquake
Torsional balance of seismically isolated asymmetric structures
Análisis experimental de la aislación sísmica de un estanque con líquido con interfaz de geosintéticos
Tall building vibration control using a TM-MR damper assembly
A physical model for dynamic analysis of wine barrel stacks
Three-dimensional behavior of a spherical self-centering precast prestressed pile isolator
Torsional balance as new design criterion for asymmetric structures with energy dissipation devices
Base-structure interaction of linearly isolated structures with lateral-torsional coupling
A bidirectional and homogeneous tuned mass damper: A new device for passive control of vibrations
Linear isolation of stainless steel legged thin-walled tanks
Torsional balance of plan asymmetric structures with viscoelastic dampers
Torsional balance of plan-asymmetric structures with frictional dampers: Experimental results
Torsional balance of plan-asymmetric structures with frictional dampers: analytical results
Earthquake behavior of structures with copper energy dissipators
Accidental torsion due to overturning in nominally symmetric structures isolated with the FPS
An experimental study of nominally symmetric and asymmetric structures isolated with the FPS
Physical model for dynamic analysis of structures with FPS isolators
Analytical model of structures with frictional pendulum isolators
Three-dimensional inelastic response of an RC building during the Northridge earthquake
A macro-element model for inelastic building analysis
Modeling Aspects of Structures Isolated With the Frictional Pendulum System

ConferencePaper (3)

Seismic fragility curves for legged wine storage tanks with a novel isolation device
Determination of modal properties and FE model updating of the Metropolitan Cathedral of Santiago de Chile
Towards timber mid-rise buildings in Chile: Structural design challenge and regulations gaps

EditorialMaterial (1)

Response to discussion on "A bidirectional and homogeneous tuned mass damper: A new device for passive control of vibrations" by Jose L. Almazan, Juan C. De la Llera, Jose A. Inaudi, Diego Lopez-Garcia, Luis E. Izquierdo [Eng Struct 29 (2007) 1548-1560]

Proyecto (24)

Analysis, design, and experimentation of solutions to mitigate the effect of impact forces on structures and equipments with two-dimensional and three-dimensional seismic isolation systems
Bases de diseño y recomendaciones para la actualización de la norma NCh1928. Albañilería Armada. Una contribución basada en caracterización experimental y micro.moelación detallada
Evaluación y propuesta de modificación de normativa de diseño estructural para la construcción de una edificación de mediana altura en Chile con estructura en madera utilizando el sistema de marco y plataforma.
Integración industrial de dispositivos de protección sísmica en estanques de acero inoxidable y recomendaciones de análisis y diseño.
A novel system for three-dimensional isolation of vibrations in structures and high precision equipment
Collapse Potential Reduction of Structures Equipped with Passive Damping Devices subjected to Seismic Loads=> Analytical and Experimental Approach
Desarrollo de un Sistema Integrado para Ensayos Pseudo-Dinámicos de Elementos y Subsistemas Estructurales
Desarrollo de plataforma de amenaza sísmica para el norte de Chile y propuesta de actualización de normas de diseño sismo-resistente=> Análisis de los efectos del terremoto del Maule 2010 y caracterización de terremotos tipo en el segmento Taltal-Arica
Prospección de las fallas estructurales en equipos de bodegas viníferas y compilación de las mejores prácticas y recomendaciones en un manual
Four Optimal Design Problems in Civil Engineering
Segunda Generación de Sistemas de Reducción de Vibraciones
Inelastic Seismic Performance and Damage Control of Tall Free-Plan Buildings in Chile
Comportamiento y diseño sísmico de estructuras prefabricadas de hormigón con conectores disipativos
Protección de Sistemas de Almacenamiento de Vino Sometidos a Sismos=> Análisis, Experimentación, Diseño, e Implementación
Diseño y Rehabilitación de Estructuras Utilizando Disipadores de Energía y Criterios de Desempeño
Control de vibraciones en estructuras asimétricas con aisladores friccionales
Desarrollo de un nuevo dispositivo de absorción de vibraciones basado en interacción fluído-estructura
Torsión natural y accidental en estructuras con aisladores de Péndulo Friccional
Extension of a simplified model for the pre-design and non-linear analysis of asymmetric plan buildings
Procesamiento automático de registros sísmicos utilizando tecnología moderna de procesamiento de señales
Estudio del comportamiento de muros de sostenimiento durante terremotos
Registro y análisis de presiones y aceleraciones en la presa de cuesta del viento
Estudio del comportamiento de un talud de arena saturada bajo cargas dinámicas
Estudio analítico de las vibraciones eólicas en haces de conductores de alta tensión

Review (1)

Seismic protection technologies for timber structures: a review
José Almazán

Profesor Asociado

Ingenieria Estructural y Geotecnica


Santiago, Chile


Profesor Titular

Facultad de Ingeniería


Santiago, Chile

Cristián Sandoval

Profesor Asociado

Departamento de Ingeniería Estructural y Geotécnica


Santiago, Chile

Wilson Torres

Profesor Ocasional tiempo completo

Ingeniería Civil

Universidad Politécnica Salesiana

Quito, Ecuador

Diego López-García

Profesor Asociado

Departamento de Ingeniería Estructural y Geotécnica

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Pablo Guindos


Ingeniería Estructural

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Rosita Jünemann

Profesora Asociada

Ingeniería Estructural y Geotécnica

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Xavier Estrella

PhD Candidate

Ingeniería Estructural y Geotérmica

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Franco Benedetti

Assistant Professor

Civil and Environmental

Universidad del Bio BIo

Concepción, Chile

Gabriel Candia

Profesor Asociado

Universidad del Desarrollo

Santiago, Chile

Ricardo Herrera

Profesor Asociado

ingeniería Civil

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Fernando Cerda

Assistant Profesor

Civil Engineering

Universidad de Concepción

Concepción, Chile

Raul Santa Maria

Associate professor

Structural and Geotechnical Engineering


Santiago, Chile