
Liliana Alejandra Muñoz

Líneas de Investigación


  •  Molecular Biology, UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN. Reino Unido, 2022
  •  Marine Ecology , UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN. Reino Unido, 2016
  •  Aquaculture engineer, UNIVERSIDAD AUSTRAL DE CHILE. Chile, 2009

Experiencia Académica

  •   Postdoctorado Other


    Puerto Montt, Chile

    2023 - At present


Article (14)

Cosmopolitan geographic distribution of <i>Phaeosaccion multiseriatum</i> (Phaeosacciaceae, Phaeosacciophyceae), and description of <i>P. westermeieri</i> sp. nov. from Chile
Natural biocontrol of a <i>Porphyra </i>sp. pest on farmed <i>Gracilaria chilensis</i> by a pythiosis outbreak
Prevalence and seasonal variation of <i>Olpidiopsis porphyrae</i> (Oomycota) infecting red algal Bangiales from the Southern Pacific
The first phycopathological atlas in Latin America unveils the underdocumentation of algal pathogens
Morphological, genotypic and metabolomic signatures confirm interfamilial hybridization between the ubiquitous kelps Macrocystis (Arthrothamnaceae) and Lessonia (Lessoniaceae)
Gall disease in the alginophyte Lessonia berteroana: A pathogenic interaction linked with host adulthood in a seasonal-dependant manner
Population biology and chemical composition of the red alga Callophyllis variegata (Rhodophyta; Cryptonemiales) in southern Chile
Microspongium alariae in Alaria esculenta: a widely-distributed non-parasitic brown algal endophyte that shows cell modifications within its host
Reinstatement of Phrix (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta) based on DNA sequence analyses and morpho-anatomical evidence
Holdfast fragmentation of Macrocystis pyrifera (integrifolia morph) and Lessonia berteroana in Atacama (Chile): a novel approach for kelp bed restoration
Giant kelp (Macrocystis) fishery in Atacama (Northern Chile): biological basis for management of the integrifolia morph
Repopulation techniques for Macrocystis integrifolia (Phaeophyceae: Laminariales) in Atacama, Chile
Utilization of holdfast fragments for vegetative propagation of Macrocystis integrifolia in Atacama, Northern Chile
Variations of chemical composition and energy content in natural and genetically defined cultivars of Macrocystis from Chile

Proyecto (1)

SILO: Seaweeds into Land Operations
Pedro Murúa

Profesor asistente

Universidad Austral de Chile

Puerto Montt, Chile