
Francisca Marquez Belloni

Full Professor


Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Urban anthropology; Anthropology of the Heritage; Memory and identities; Social policies and inequality


  •  sociologia, UNIVERSITE CATHOLIQUE DE LOUVAIN. Bélgica, 2005

Experiencia Académica

  •   Professor Part Time


    Fac. Architecture and Urbanism

    Santiago, Chile

    2006 - 2010

  •   Professor Part Time

    Universidad Academia Humanismo Cristiano

    Faculty of social Sciences

    Santiago, Chile

    1993 - 2010

  •   Professor Full Time


    Department of Anthropology

    Santiago, Chile

    2011 - At present

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Research Part Time

    Centro de Estudios SUR

    Santiago, Chile

    1986 - 1998

Formación de Capital Humano

1) Master’s Thesis Direction
Cristián Ureta The photographic book and its visual construction as an essay present in the work The Americans, by Robert Frank, Magister en Estudios de la Imagen, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Alberto Hurtado (cotutora con M. Palma), May 2017.
Arturo Celedón. Recognition and Identity Stories in individuals in situations of social precariousness. Thesis to apply for a Master's degree in Sociology, School of Social Sciences, Universidad Alberto Hurtado, 2015.
Paulo Alvarez. Intervened lives: Practices and identities in conflict. Legua Emergencia ghetto. Thesis to apply for the Master's Degree in Anthropology School of Anthropology Universidad Academia Humanismo Cristiano, 2006.
Paula Vidal Molina. Social Representations Of Poverty. An Approach From the Puente Program, Thesis Master's Program in Anthropology and Development, Universidad de Chile, 2005.

2) Doctorate Thesis Direction
Carolina Aguilera. 2016The return of the monument. Urban form and lived space from the public memory of political violence in post-conflict cities; the case of Santiago de Chile. Doctorate in Architecture and Urban Studies, Faculty of Architecture Design and Urban Studies P. Universidad Católica, 28 October.
Marcelo Berho. 2015. Sociocultural constructions on street dwellers in Chile at the dawn of the 21st century. Doctorate in Social Sciences Universidad Nacional General Sarmiento, Buenos Aires. Director: Francisca Márquez. Co-directora: Elizabeth Jelin.
Carolina Stefoni. 2013 Locating Transnational Social Spaces. The development of a migratory enclave in Santiago de Chile. Programa Doctorado en Sociología, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Alberto Hurtado.
Gabriela Raposo. 2012. Death and place: Territories of forgetting, memory and resistance. Villa Francia, traces of the military dictatorship 1973-2009, Doctorado en Arquitectura y Estudios Urbanos. Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Estudios Urbanos, P.U.C., 2012.
Roberto Fernández Droguett. 2012. Commemorative Manifestations, Citizen Rituals and Production of Public Space In Santiago De Chile Post-Dictatorial, Doctorado en Arquitectura y Estudios Urbanos, Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Estudios Urbanos, P.U.C.

3) Post Doc Direction
Paula Rodríguez 2018 - 2021 FONDECYT Postdoctorado n° 3180012 . Assignment and management of exchange and value in the real estate market in the periphery of Greater Santiago, 1990 y 2016.
Carla Pinochet 2014 -2017 Fondecyt posdoctorado N° 3150105. Sociability and co-production of the cultural experience in the urban public space: the cultural fairs and festivals in the central zone of Chile”
Florencia Herrera. 2007 - 2009. Fondecyt Postdoctorado Nº 3080018 "Social construction of the parental bond: Adoption and assisted reproduction in contemporary Chile”.

4) Undergraduate thesis address
Beatriz Domínguez 2018. Raising my children, raising those of others. Peruvian workers working for and living in private homes in Chile. Thesis to apply for the Degree in Anthropology and the Bachelor's Degree in Anthropology. Department of Anthropology, Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Santiago, Chile
Valentina Zanetta 2018. Transformations of ways of living in nature, landscape and territory: The ecological crisis in the Rio Cruces Nature Sanctuary and the resistance of the community of Punucapa, Valdivia. Tesina para optar al Título de Antropólogo y al Grado de Licenciado en Antropología. Departamento de Antropología, Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Santiago, Chile.
Karin Bächler, 2018. Transformations and enhancement of the landscape. Catrico Wetland, city of Valdivia, Chile. Tesina para optar al Título de Antropólogo y al Grado de Licenciado en Antropología. Departamento de Antropología, Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Santiago, Chile.
Gabriela Campaña 2016. Why Do We Sing? Memory And Identity Of The Peasant Song: Conjunto Cuncumén And Their Contributions To The Narrative Of Nation. Thesis to apply for the Degree in Anthropology and the Bachelor's Degree in Anthropology. Departamento de Antropología, Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Santiago, Chile.
M. Cecilia Vargas 2016. Participation and Construction of Youth Identity in Urban Space. The Korean Pop Dance. Thesis to apply for the Degree in Anthropology and the Bachelor's Degree in Anthropology.Departamento de Antropología, Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Santiago, Chile
Magdalena Claude 2015. Gentrification in Valparaíso: Transformation of the cultural landscape and the daily life of the historical inhabitants of the paseo Yugoslavo. Thesis to apply for the Degree in Anthropology and the Bachelor's Degree in Anthropology Departamento de Antropología, Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Santiago, Chile.
Cristóbal Ibarra 2015. Road culture. Interaction, conveniences and conflicts among passerby in the center of Santiago de Chile. Thesis to apply for the Degree in Anthropology and the Bachelor's Degree in Anthropology. Departamento de Antropología, Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Santiago, Chile.
Javier Vera 2015. The prison as a lived space: trajectories of confinement and ways of inhabiting prison circuits. Thesis to apply for the Degree in Anthropology and the Bachelor's Degree in Anthropology.Departamento de Antropología, Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Santiago, Chile.
José Muñoz 2012. Study of life trajectories and social structures of a vagrant population in the neighborhood of La Chimba. in Santiago, and in the El Almendral neighborhood and Plaza Echaurren, in Valparaíso. Thesis to apply for the Degree in Anthropology and the Bachelor's Degree in Anthropology. Escuela de Antropología, Universidad Academia De Humanismo Cristiano. Santiago, Chile.
Valentina Chávez 2012. Syncretism in religious festivities. Peruvian and Bolivian immigrants in Santiago de Chile. Thesis to apply for the Degree in Anthropology and the Bachelor's Degree in Anthropology. School of Anthropology, Universidad Academia De Humanismo Cristiano. Santiago, Chile.
Tamara Vicencio 2012. Ethnography of a Multicultural Space. Significance And Appropriation In Cité Neighborhood Practice . Thesis to apply for the Degree in Anthropology and the Bachelor's Degree in Anthropology. School of Anthropology, Universidad Academia De Humanismo Cristiano. Santiago, Chile.
Rodrigo Díaz 2012. Social imaginary of historical cartography of the La Chimba neighborhood. Power, meaning and symbolism. Thesis to apply for the Degree in Anthropology and the Bachelor's Degree in Anthropology. School of Anthropology, Universidad Academia De Humanismo Cristiano. Santiago, Chile.
Felipe Godoy 2011. The economy of others: The Central Vega Provisions Market. Thesis to apply for the Degree in Anthropology and the Bachelor's Degree in Anthropology. School of Anthropology,Universidad Academia De Humanismo Cristiano. Santiago, Chile.
Belén Zuñiga 2011. Meanings in terms of Heritage for La Chimba (neighbourhood) in Santiago. Thesis to apply for the Degree in Anthropology and the Bachelor's Degree in Anthropology. School of Anthropology, Universidad Academia De Humanismo Cristiano. Santiago, Chile.
Francisca Retamales 2010. The homeless, beggars, torrantes & botaditos: Movement, occupation and living perception . Thesis to apply for the Degree in Anthropology and the Bachelor's Degree in Anthropology. School of Anthropology, Universidad Academia De Humanismo Cristiano. Santiago, Chile.
Gladys Retamales 2007. Construction and identity transformation in Palestinian Arab immigrants of the Patronato neighborhood1950-2000, thesis for the title of Anthropologist and the Degree in Anthropology. School of Anthropology, Universidad Academia De Humanismo Cristiano. Santiago, Chile.
Lía González 2008. Villa Portales and places of identity 1960-2000. Thesis to apply for the Degree in Anthropology and the Bachelor's Degree in Anthropology. School of Anthropology, Universidad Academia De Humanismo Cristiano. Santiago, Chile.
Natalia Astaburuaga 2007.Ghetto Organizations and Memory: The San Gregorio Ghetto, Thesis to apply for the Degree in Anthropology and the Bachelor Degree in Anthropology. School of Anthropology, Universidad Academia De Humanismo Cristiano. Santiago, Chile.
Dein Portela 2007, El Volcán: Ethnography of a ghetto in Santiago. Disorganization, social capital and cultural control in a social housing complex. Thesis to apply for the Degree in Anthropology and the Bachelor's Degree in Anthropology. School of Anthropology, Universidad Academia De Humanismo Cristiano. Santiago, Chile.
Acevedo Díaz, Patricia 2007.Patronato Neighborhood: Process of Economic Restructuring and Spatial Identity: 1850-2000. Thesis to apply for the Degree in Anthropology and the Bachelor's Degree in Anthropology. School of Anthropology, Universidad Academia De Humanismo Cristiano. Santiago, Chile.
Francisca Pérez 2007. Condominiums and Identity Carmen de Huechuraba. Thesis to apply for the Degree in Anthropology and the Bachelor's Degree in Anthropology. School of Anthropology, Universidad Academia De Humanismo Cristiano. Santiago, Chile.
Gladys Retamales 2007. Community and identity in the Cerro Navia ghettos. Thesis to apply for the Degree in Anthropology and the Bachelor's Degree in Anthropology. School of Anthropology, Universidad Academia De Humanismo Cristiano. Santiago, Chile.


Alberto Hurtado University (2011 - 2018). Department of Anthropology:
Anthropology and Territory I
Anthropological Theory II
Ethnography Laboratory III, IV, V, VI, VII
Method III (Life Stories)
Direction of Undergraduate Anthropology thesis
Direction of professional work experience in Anthropology

Master’s in Latin American Anthropologies:
Ethnography Laboratory I
Ethnography Laboratory II
Thesis Seminar I and II

Department of Social Work and Sociology:
Social Anthropology Course

Doctorate in Sociology:
Simmel course and urban life
Direction of Doctorate and Master’s thesis in Sociology

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (2008 - 2016). Doctorate in Architecture and Urbanism. Fac. Architecture and Urbanism:
Ethnographies in the city
Urban research strategies
George Simmel and the study of the city
PhD thesis management in architecture and city studies

Academia Humanismo Cristiano University (2000 - 2009). School of Anthropology:
Ethnography Workshop I and IV
Urban Anthropology
Thematic Seminar: Tolerance and Discrimination in the culture.
Thematic Seminar: Poverty, State and Social Policies.
Method III: The biographical approach.

Diploma in Methods for Research in Social Sciences:
Course the qualitative approach

Master’s in Anthropology:
Ethnographic Methodologies
Theoretical foundations of Urban Anthropology
University of Chile (2007)
Master’s Anthropology in Development. Faculty of Social Sciences:
Modernity and daily life Course
Diploma in Civil Society and Cooperation:
Volunteering and Cooperation Course.

Difusión y Transferencia

Francisca Márquez 2017. The Frontiers of Transnationalism, In: Revista Mensaje Nº 658, May, https://www.mensaje.cl/sumario-658/
Francisca Márquez 2017. Memories of Pisagua, In: Revista Mensaje Nº 656, January: http://www.mensaje.cl/agendacultural/el-tren-no-volver-memorias-de-pisagua
Francisca Márquez 2014. Cultural Limits by Alejandro Grimson, In: Revista Mensaje N° 634, October: 58-59.
Francisca Márquez 2015. The Fury of the American Ghetto. In: Revista Mensaje N°641, August: 42-45
Francisca Márquez 2015. The sacred and the profane in the postapartheid era. Johannesburg, South Africa. Bifurcaciones. Revista de Estudios Culturales Urbanos. 01/07/2015 http://www.bifurcaciones.cl/2015/07/de-lo-sagrado-y-lo-profano-en-la-ciudad-del-pos-apartheid
Francisca Márquez 2010. Socioanalysis of the reasons for acting by Guy Bajoit, In: Revista Persona y Sociedad, Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Vol. XXIV, Nº 2, 2010: 93-97.

Francisca Márquez 10/04/2018 Tales of a city in pieces. In: Suplemento Documentos. La Segunda Newspaper, pp. 24 – 25. http://impresa.lasegunda.com/2018/04/10/A/US3C36SL
Francisca Márquez, 2018. Other knowledge and its importance in our societies. In: Interview Radio Heteroglossia. Sharing academic perspectives on social issues within and beyond the academia. Canadá. https://www.radioheteroglossia.com/es/entrevistas/2018-04-francisca-marquez-universidad-alberto-hurtado-otros-saberes-y-su-importancia-en-nuestras-sociedades-lecciones-de-chile
Reseña a libro Francisca Márquez, 2018. (Tales of a ) city in pieces: Santiago de Chile» por Ignacio Agüero. http://www.bifurcaciones.cl/2018/01/ciudad-trizada/ 15/01/2018
Francisca Márquez 2016. The diversity "Benetton" is not a guarantee of a democratic city In: Revista Planeo N°29, Fronteras Urbanas y Territoriales, Septiembre, http://revistaplaneo.uc.cl/2016/09/07/entrevista-a-francisca-marquez-la-diversidad-benetton-no-es-garantia-de-una-ciudad-democratica-me-temo-que-los-innumerables-ejemplos-de-gentrificacion-o-expulsion-de-habitantes-o/
Francisca Márquez 12/2017. Santiago de Chile: City in Pieces, interview at: http://cambiaelmundo.cl/publicaciones/santiago-de-chile-la-ciudad-trizada
Francisca Márquez 25/10/2017 Francisca’s Diary by Diego Escobedo. at: http://m.elmostrador.cl/cultura/2017/10/25/el-diario-de-francisca-la-ana-frank-chilena
Francisca Márquez 10.10.2017 "Chile Dice": Experts analyze why the "dream of home ownership" remains the greatest desire of Chileans. The high value of the family, of private property and even the highest requirements to access mortgage loans are some of the variables that could explain this situation.10 Oct 2017 | 15:34 | Por Natacha Ramírez, Emol.com - http://www.emol.com/noticias/Nacional/2017/10/10/878246/Expertos-analizan-resultados-de-Chile-Dice-sobre-suenos-de-los-chilenos.html
Francisca Márquez (interview) Doors to Modernity, in: La Tercera newspaper, Suplemento Mas Deco, 29.07.2017. http://www.masdeco.cl/las-puertas-hacia-la-modernidad/
Francisca Márquez (interview) How Peruvian are we? In: La Tercera, Suplemento Tendencias, 18.01.2014, http://www.latercera.com/noticia/tendencias/
Francisca Márquez 2014. Review: The limits of culture. Criticism of identity theories, In: Revista Mensaje, N°634, http://www.mensaje.cl/agendacultural/los-lmites-de-la-cultura-crtica-de-las-teoras-de-la-identidad
Francisca Márquez 2013. Life Diary 1973, En: The New Yorker, November 14, 2013. Chile´s Endurin Rifts: Part I. http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/photobooth/2013/11/chile-photographs-pinochet-history.html#slide_ss_0=1.
Francisca Márquez 2013. Life Diary 11th September 1973. In the temporal sample: Golpe Records. Installation of the dictatorship. Museum of Memory. 10th September to 29th December 2013. Santiago de Chile.
Francisca Márquez 2013. Fernando Castillo Velasco.1918-2013. From modernist utopia to supervised self-management. In: Revista Mensaje. N° 623. pp. 35-37.
Francisca Márquez 2006. A return to the neighbourhood. In: Revista Mensaje. N°324.
Francisca Márquez 2004. Chile Solidario: the inescapable task of all. In: Revista Mensaje Nº 530. July.

Márquez, Francisca 25/05/2018 Roundtable "Neighborhood Geographies. Beyond the neighborhood: relations and processes of proximity in the production of the urban "into the Track: Cities and Urban Studies of the Latin American Studies Association - LASA 2018.(conferencia via Skype).
Márquez, Francisca 26/04/2018 Presentation with Ponciano del Pino, Académico Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú y Claudio Barrientos, Académico Universidad Diego Portales, en Seminario “Memories and territory: the emergence of the local”. Auditorio Nuevo Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Chile. http://www.facso.uchile.cl/agenda/142622/seminario-memorias-y-territorio-la-emergencia-de-lo-local
Márquez, Francisca y Gabriel Espinoza 20/03/2018. When things move places. In: Coloquio Programa Interdisciplinario de Estudios Migratorios (PRIEM), Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Alberto Hurtado. http://mailing.uahurtado.cl/2018/comunicaciones/invitaciones/transfronterizos/
Márquez, Francisca 29/11 al 2/12/2017 Everyday objects and memory spaces, Journées franco-italienne - EHESS- Paris. Quelles relations entre la maison et le musée? Cultures matérielles et mémoires domestiques. En: IIAC-Lahic (EHESS, CNRS), Alma Mater Studiorum- Università di Bologna, Paris. https://sef.hypotheses.org/555
Márquez, Francisca 19 al 21/09/2017. I National Meeting of Investigators in Arts and Culture nas Ciências Sociais, Culture, Memória e Desenvolvimento (CMD) Research Group, doctorate program of Graduação em Sociologia da Universidade de Brasília (PPGSOL-UnB), Brazil.
Márquez, Francisca 25/10/2017 Ethnography & Sketch, In: Social Research Design. Fair of experimental qualitative techniques, Depto. De Sociología, U. de Chile, Campus Gómez Millas Santiago.
Márquez, Francisca 11/10 al 13/10/2017 Conference: Marginality and inequality. Validity of a problem of alterity and discrimination in our capitalist cultures. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE. Urban Marginality and Institutional Effects.
P. Universidad Católica. http://proyectomuei.com/index.php/charlas-magistrales/
Márquez, Francisca 07/08 al 08/08/2017 Writing, Identity & Historical Times. Life Diary 1973. In Childhood and Dictatorship Workshop. Francisca’s Diary.Universidad Academia Humanismo Cristiano, Santiago, Chile. https://www.evensi.com/workshop-infancia-y-dictadura-sesion-diario-de-francisca/218438693
Márquez Francisca 28/04 al 01/05/2017 Continuities and ruptures in the ruins of memory, Panel # 1 Section Recent History and Memory. Continuities and ruptures in recent history and Latin American memory. LASA XXXV - Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Estudios Latinoamericanos, Lima, Perú. https://lasa.international.pitt.edu/esp/lasa2017_archive/exhibitors.asp
Márquez, Francisca 1/4/2016 On monuments, graffiti and other matters. Culture and science talks, Museo Fonck, Viña del Mar. https://livestream.com/exploravalpo
Márquez, Francisca 8/4/2016 On ghettos, estates, communities and neighbourhoods. Conferencia Museo Arte Contemporáneo Conmemoración, Quinta Normal, 10 años Programa Quiero mi Barrio - MINVU.
Márquez, Francisca 20/4/2016 Cities and imaginaries. Symposium nº6, I Ibero-American Symposium on the History of Cartography (6SIAHC), Santiago de Chile, Universidad de Chile, Pontificia Universidad de Chile, 19, 20 y 21 abril 2016, Biblioteca Nacional, Archivo Nacional de Chile.www.uchile.cl/.../programa-6-simposio-iberoamericano-de-historia-de-la-cartografia-..
Márquez, Francisca 30/4/2016 Obispo Berríos DocumentarForum y - Combate de Angamos.Foro Conmemoración Programa MINVU - Quiero Mi Barrio, Museo Arte Contemporáneo, Quinta Normal.
Márquez, Francisca 4/11/2015. "Urban problems and cultural barriers ", en la celebración de la semana de Sociología de la Universidad Silva Henríquez, Santiago.
Márquez, Francisca 30/11 al 4/12/2015. "Commemorate and subvert the narratives of the nation. Santiago, Buenos Aires and Brasilia ", Working Knowledge Group, arts, memory and space: ways of doing and power; and in the Working Group "Images and cities: the image in ethnographic research In: XI Meeting of Anthropology of the MERCOSUR, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay. http://xiram.com.uy/actas-del-congreso/grupos-de-trabajo/detalle-grupo-de-trabajo-69
Márquez, Francisca 23/11/2015. University, Science and other knowledge, In: Seminario “El desafío público de las ciencias sociales en Chile”, Universidad de Los Lagos, Santiago. http://www.santiago.ulagos.cl/panel/images/pdf/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427ePrograma_Ceder-stgo.pdf
Márquez, Francisca 12/11/2015."From the migrants in the barbarous city of Santiago". Immigrant Panel , how do they influence the transformation of the city and its inhabitants? ",In: Seminario Santiago, lecciones desde la ciudad de Benjamín Vicuña Mackenna. Museo Benjamín Vicuña Mackenna Consejo de Monumentos Nacionales, Santiago. http://www.museovicunamackenna.cl/647/articles-81402_archivo_04.pdf
Márquez, Francisca 12 al 17/07/2015. Lecture "Nation, monumentality and commemorations in the Latin American cities Brasilia, Buenos Aires and Santiago",In: 55 ICA - Congreso Internacional de Americanistas Simposio Patrimônios Culturais: Identidades, Lugares E Performances, coordinado por las antropólogas Izabela Tamaso - Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG) – Brasil y Monica Lacarrieu, UBA, San Savador, El Salvador. http://sistemanodalsinaloa.gob.mx/archivoscomprobatorios/_29_articulosdivulgacion/5576.pdf
Márquez, Francisca 25al 26/03/2015. Master’s Conference, Identities and University In: Coloquio Internacional de Investigación y Desarrollo, Universidad Benemérita de Puebla – BUAP, Tehuacán, Puebla, México.
Márquez, Francisca 5/01/2015. III Conference on Cultural Policies. Memory spaces. Forms and brands in Santiago and Buenos Aires. (Fondecyt nº 1120529), Depto. Antropologia. UAH, Santiago.
Márquez, Francisca 19-20/08/2015. “Performance, Memory and Materialities in Art and Culture”. Londres 38, Santiago, Chile.
Márquez, Francisca 13/01/2015. Observe and draw. Notes from ethnography. In: Línea & Lugar. Primer Coloquio de Investigación en Historia del Arte. UAH y Museo de Bellas Artes, Santiago. http://www.mnba.cl/617/articles-49136_archivo_01.pdf
Márquez, Francisca 25/08/2014. On the difficult urban condition. Exclusion and social fragmentation, In: Mesas Hurtadianas, Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Exclusión socioespecial en Chile, Santiago. http://creas.uahurtado.cl/2014/08/mesas-hurtadianas-2014-exclusion-socio.html
Francisca Márquez 26/09/2014. City, housing and migrants, In: Seminario Acceso a la Vivienda, la ciudad y a la movilidad de los migrantes latinoamericanos que habitan y transitan en Chile, FADEU, U. de Chile, Santiago.
Francisca Márquez 2014. Utopias and monuments in the Latin American Cities: Brasilia, Buenos Aires and Santiago. In: Muestra EXPLORA CONICYT - Fondecyt nº 1120529
Francisca Márquez 2014. Meat and stone. Strret Photography. In: Seminario Mostrar a los otros, lo que los otros no miran. Perspectivas en torno a la fotografía de Sergio Larraín. Mesa: Lugares comunes y otros sitios. Chile en la fotografía de Larraín. Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes. Santiago, 11 de abril. http://www.mnba.cl/617/w3-article-35245.html?_noredirect=1
Francisca Márquez 2013. Utopias and monuments in the Latin American Cities: Brasilia, Buenos Aires and Santiago. In: VII Jornadas de Antropología Social de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, con su. Grupo de Trabajo Economía política del patrimonio, la cultura y las políticas culturales, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Noviembre. http://www.filo.uba.ar/contenidos/investigacion/institutos/antropo/jias/jias6/pdfs_grupos/GT%2011.pdf
Francisca Márquez 2013. Monumental forms, utopias and urban social movements. In: VIII Congreso Chileno de Antropología. GT6. Pueblos Indígenas y Patrimonio Cultural: Diálogos y Enfoques en América Latina Contemporánea. Arica, 11 al 15 de noviembre.
Francisca Márquez 2013. Utopia(s) and urban forms in Latin American Heritage: Santiago. Brasilia and Buenos Aires. En: Congreso Alas 2013. Grupo de Trabajo Imaginarios sociales. memoria y pos- colonialidad. Santiago. 1 October. https://es.scribd.com/document/222935780/Grupo-de-Trabajo-06-Imaginarios-sociales-memoria-y-pos-colonialidad
Francisca Márquez 2013. Heritage neighbourhoods, crossed glances. In: Seminario Identidad y Turismo Sustentable. Barrio Yungay. Biblioteca de Santiago. Santiago. 24 y 25 septiembre. http://barrioyungay.cl/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/24-09-Ponencia-Francisca-M%C3%A1rquez-y-Rojas.pdf
Francisca Márquez 2013. Questioning the image. Coloquio de investigación del Magíster en Estudios de la Imagen de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado, MAVI - Museo de Artes Visuales, Santiago 1° August http://mailing.uahurtado.cl/2013/filosofia/mail_35/pdf/programa.pdf
Francisca Márquez 2011. Border Urbanity and Modernity. Latinoamérica. In: 17-21 April: The 10th international SIEF congress 2011: People Make Places - ways of feeling the world. Lisboa.
Francisca Márquez 2011. Notes for ethics of social research of the invisible. En: VII Taller Personas en la Investigación Científica. Comité Asesor de Bioética Fondecyt. CONICYT. 16 December. Santiago.
Francisca Márquez 2011. Plaza Italia in urbanism of Vito Acconci. In: Seminario SCL 2110. El Chile del Tricentenario. Fondart Bicentenario. Fundación Imagen Chile. U. de Chile. Centro Cultural Moneda. 15 de octubre.
Francisca Márquez 2010. Santiago de Chile: Modernization. segregation and urban identities in the Twenty First Century. In: Florence Conference. Everyday Life in the Segmented City. Papers on appropiations of urban space. University of Florence. July 22-25. Italia.
Francisca Márquez 2010. Urban images travel through Santiago. In: Seminario. Imaginarios y representaciones para pensar la ciudad. Universidad de Chile. Auditorio Facultad Arquitectura y Urbanismo. 23 de septiembre.
Francisca Márquez 2010. Imaginaries and identities: liquid concepts in the understanding of the urban. Round table presentation: Anthropology & Microsociology: Ethnographies of collective action and urban conflicts. In: VII Congreso Chileno de Antropología. Antropología en el Bicentenario. Retrospectivas. Intereses del Presente. Aperturas. San Pedro de Atacama. 25-29 October
Francisca Márquez. 2010. Inequality. subjectivity and social cohesion. In: International Seminar.Cultura de Integración y Cohesión Social en las Ciudades de Chile. IEUT. FADEU. PUC. Centro de Extensión UC. 18 May.
Francisca Márquez 2010. Santiago de Chile: Modernization, segregation and urban identities in the Twenty First Century. In: Everyday Life in the Segmented City, Papers on appropriations of urban space, Florence Conference, July 22-25
Francisca Márquez 2010. The city itself and the barbarian city: Santiago de Chile in the 21st century, In: SYMPOSIUM The contemporary urban social space: changes and challenges for science and politics, Sciences, Technologies and Cultures. Dialogue Between the Disciplines of Knowledge. Mirando al Futuro de América Latina y El Caribe, 29 Octubre to1 November 2010, Santiago de Chile
Francisca Márquez 2010. The City of Others. Border territory in Santiago de Chile, twentieth century, WG 11 Culture, Territory, Cultural policies, Social practices, diversity and exclusion, VI Conference on Social Anthropology Research, 3, 4, 5 and 6 August 2010, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Francisca Márquez 2010. The social capital of migrants in the human development of Latin American societies, In: Coloquio Capital Social y desarrollo humano en las migraciones latinoamericanas; Federación Internacional de Universidades Católicas, FIUC, Centro de Coordinación de Investigación, 12 – 13 April 2010, Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó, Medellín, Colombia.
Francisca Márquez 2009. Latin American Cities, daily and imaginary, In: VIII Reunión de Antropología del MERCOSUR, Diversidad y poder en América Latina", 29 September to 2 October, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Francisca Márquez 2009. Identity landscapes in the city: Santiago de Chile, In: Symposium: The challenges of the Social Sciences in the interpretation of the multiple spatialities of the Metropolis: The understanding of socio-spatial production / reproduction of cities ". 53rd International Congress of Americanists, "The American peoples, changes and continuities. The construction of our own in a globalized world ", Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City, from July 19 to 24 2000.

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Márquez, Francisca

    Université Catholique de Louvain Belgique

    Chile, 1989

    Scholarship for posgraduate: 1992 Master’s in Development. Institute d 'Etude de Pays en Développement. Université Catholique de Louvain. Belgium. 1993 Diploma in Sociology of Work. Université Catholique de Louvain. Belgium

  •   Márquez, Francisca

    Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgique

    Chile, 2001

    Scholarship for postgraduated: 2005 Doctorate in Sociology. Université Catholique de Louvain. Belgium.

  •   Márquez, Francisca


    Chile, 2018

    2018 - 2023 Fondecyt No. 1180352 Urban ruins. Replicas of memory in Latin American cities. Santiago, Quito and Bogota. Principle Investigator. 2012 - 2015 Fondecyt N ° 1120529. Utopia (s). Idea and form in the heritage of Latin American cities: Brasilia. Santiago and Buenos Aires. Principle Investigator. 2009 - 2011 Fondecyt No. 1095083. The City of Other Immigrants in Border Territories: The Chimba in the Twentieth Century. Principle Investigator. 2005 - 2008 Fondecyt. Nº 1050031. Community and urban identity: Accounts from neighborhoods in Greater Santiago: 1950-2000. Principle Investigator. 2003 Fondecyt International Cooperation No. 7030019. History of social mobility of low income urban families. Principle Investigator. Co-researcher: Guy Bajoit. UCL Belgium.

  •   Márquez, Francisca

    CNCA _ Consejo de las Culturas y de las Artes

    Chile, 2016

    2016 - 2017 National Council of Arts and Culture. CNCA. Book background. Folio n ° 219795. [Relatos de una] Ciudad trizada- Tales of a city is pieces. Author 2010-2011 National Council for Culture and Arts, CNCA, Book Fund, Folio n ° 14956. Cities of Georg Simmel. Contemporary readings. Editor


Article (38)

The missing bodies :Memories, impacts and subversions in the Museum of Fine Arts Santiago de Chile, 1973 - 2015
Los cuerpos que faltan. Memorias, impactos y subversiones en el Museo de las Bellas Artes. Santiago de Chile, 1973 – 2015
Memoria y futuro en el habitar de la arquitectura moderna Unidad Vecinal Portales, Santiago de Chile, 1964 -2010.
Occupying and Reclaiming a National Historical Monument: The Casa Central of the Universidad de Chile
Ocupación y reclamo del Patrimonio Histórico Nacional: Universidad De Chile.
Identidades, arraigos y soberanías. Migración peruana en Santiago de Chile
El desafío ético del respeto a las muchas verdades. Universidad, ciencia y otros saberes
Identities, roots and sovereignty. Peruvian Migration in Santiago, Chile,
The ethical challenge of respecting the many truths.
Immigrants in the border land. The other city. Santiago de Chile
Inmigrantes en territorios de frontera. La ciudad de los otros. Santiago de Chile
Las heridas de la memoria. Disputas patrimoniales en el Palacio de la Moneda Chile
Monumentos Históricos Nacionales en Buenos Aires y Santiago: el lugar del patrimonio dominante. Revista ARQ 88, Dossier patrimonio, P.U.C.
The wounds of memory. Patrimonial disputes in the Palacio de la Moneda, Chile.
De territorios, fronteras e inmigrantes. Representaciones translocales. La Chimba. Santiago de Chile
Geografías de un territorio de frontera: La Chimba, Santiago de Chile. Siglo XVII – XXI.
Geographies of a frontier territory: The Chimba, Santiago de Chile. XVII Century - XXI [Geografías de un territorio de frontera: La Chimba, Santiago de Chile. Siglo XVII - XXI]
Geography of the frontier territory: La Chimba, Santiago, Chile. 17th-21st centuries
Habitar la ciudad bárbara. La Chimba del siglo XXI
Inhabit the Barbarian City: La chimba of the 21st century [Habitar la Cludad Bárbara: La chimba del siglo xxi]
Santiago de Chile: Ciudad propia. Ciudad bárbara
Santiago de Chile: Our own city, barbarian city
Modernisation. segregation and urban identities in the twenty-first century
Santiago: Modernisation. segregation and urban identities in the twenty-first century.
Accounts and neighborhood identities of Greater Santiago: 1950-2000
Historias e identidades barriales del Gran Santiago: 1950-2000
Deseos e Identidades en Disputa: Santiago de Chile 1958 - 2008
Spatial frontiers and neo-communitarian identities in the city: The case of Santiago de Chile
Spatial frontiers and neo-communitarian identities in the city: The case of Santiago de Chile
Imaginaries in the city of Santiago: Footprints of a metamorphosis Imaginarios urbanos en el gran Santiago: Huellas de una metamorfosis
Imaginarios urbanos en el Gran Santiago: huellas de una metamorfosis
Urban imaginaries in Gran Santiago: footprints of a metamorphosis
Cultura y pobreza: alcances conceptuales.
Márgenes y ceremonial: la vivienda social en Chile
Identidad y Fronteras Urbanas en Santiago de Chile

BookReview (1)


BookSection (6)

Vertical city landscapes. Tajamar Towers
Urban conditions for immigrants in the city
Observe and draw. Notes from urban ethnography
Power and Dispute in the Monumentality of the Nation: Buenos Aires, Brasilia and Santiago.
From the invisible and the right to anonymity. Notes on ethics in social research
To inhabit the city from its borders. La Chimba, Santiago de Chile

BookWhole (6)

El diario de Francisca. 11 de septiembre de 1973.
Patrimonio. Contranarrativas Urbanas
[Relatos de una] Ciudad Trizada. Santiago de Chile
[Relatos de una] Ciudad Trizada. Santiago de Chile.
Migrant Routes, Live, work and celebrate.
Georg Simmel Cities: Contemporary lectures.

Review (1)

The Memory of Inhabiting Modern Architecture Villa Portales, 1955-2010
Francisca Marquez

Full Professor



Santiago, Chile


Assistant Professor

School of Architecture, Design and Urban Studies

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

María Forray


Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chil

Santiago, Chile