Carmen Paz Castro Correa
Profesora Asociada
Riesgos socionaturales; Vulnerabilidad social; Geomorfologia aplicada
Geógrafo, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 1987
PhD in Environment and Land Planning, UNIVERSIDAD DE ZARAGOZA. España, 2014
Profesora Asociada Full Time
Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo
Santiago, Chile
1986 - A la fecha
Profesora Asociada Full Time
Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile
1986 - A la fecha
Thesis Director:
Mirtha Norma Molina, The growth of the agricultural frontier and the alluvial population vulnerability in the Pocito Department, San Juan, Argentina, Master’s Degree in GeographyThesis, Universidad de Chile, 2005.
Cristina Escudero, Importance of the skills of the physical environment on spatial planning of urban areas Tulum Valley, San Juan, Argentina, Master's Degree in GeographyThesis, Universidad de Chile, 2005.
Monica Meza; Loss of soil quality product for agricultural management in the towns of Quillota and La Cruz; Master's Degree in GeographyThesis, Universidad de Chile.2009.
José Luis Muñoz Marcillo. Morphoedaphologic analysis degradation and its relation to the productive restructuring in the Aconcagua Valley, V Region de Valparaíso.Master's Degree in GeographyThesis.Universidad de Chile. 2010.
Laura Chávez. Small and medium disasters. Expression of the social construction of risk in two intermediate cities of agro-export basis: Case Quillota and Curicó. Master's Degree in GeographyThesis.Universidad de Chile. 2010.
Paula Francisca Vera. Informal settlements in the CalderaTown, Atacama Region, Master's Degree in GeographyThesis.Universidad de Chile. 2014.
Under-graduateDissertation Director:
Ignacio Ibarra Cofré. Geomorphology applied in the evaluation and analysis of natural hazards in the south area of the Pichilemu, Punta de Lobos sectors -CáhuilNilahue-estuary ". VI Region, Chile.Undergraduate Dissertation for Geographer Degree, Universidad de Chile. 2013.
Kappes Rodrigo Contreras. Evaluation of risk management in three intermediate cities in Chile.Undergraduate Dissertation for Geographer, Universidad de Chile. 2013.
Katherine Wyndham. Vulnerability and risk analysis of the tourism sector and the floating population in the La Serena commune against the occurrence of a natural hazard. IV Region of Coquimbo.Undergraduate Dissertation for Geographer, Universidad de Chile.2013.
Javiera Lorca Carrizo. Risks and development in the coastal area of the Pichilemutown, VI Region of Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins.Undergraduate Dissertation for Geographer, Universidad de Chile.2013.
Garrido Vanessa Farías. Natural hazard assessment of the San Pedro bay, IV Region of Coquimbo.Undergraduate Dissertation for Geographer, Universidad de Chile.2012.
ValentinaParga. Evaluation of the social construction for tsunami risk event in the urban area of the Caldera town, Atacama Region.Undergraduate Dissertation for Geographer, Universidad de Chile. 2012
William Ortiz Cid. Social vulnerability analysis and risk perception from natural hazards in the La Serena City, Coquimbo Region.Undergraduate Dissertation for Geographer, Universidad de Chile. 2011.
RominaDíaz and Jenny Torres.Social vulnerability analysis against natural hazards in the Caldera city, Copiapó Province, Atacama Region.Undergraduate Dissertation for the Civil Engineer in GeographyDegree, Universidad de Santiago de Chile. 2011.
Alberto Iriarte Hernández. Spatial assessment of nitrate leaching potential in soil of Cachapoal River basin.Undergraduate Dissertation for GeographerUniversidad de Chile. 2008.
Jocelyn Vega Vallejos. Analysis of the potential of Melipillasoils identifying suitable for disposal of biosolids, Region Metropolitana. Undergraduate Dissertation for Geographer, Universidad de Chile. 2008.
Marcela Rodríguez Garrido. Soil units identifications with suitable design of biosolids characteristics. Undergraduate Dissertation for Geographer, Universidad de Chile. 2008.
Juan Pablo Erick Raggi. Environmental effects on soils of Santiago western sector as a result of urban expansion.Maipú and Pudahuel.Undergraduate Dissertation for Geographer, Universidad de Chile. 2007.
Daniel Saavedra. Vulnerability analysis and evaluation to natural hazards in the Puerto Monttcity and expansion areas.Undergraduate Dissertation for Geographer, Universidad de Chile. 2007.
VanesaRugiero. Soil studies with potential application of biosolids in Chacabuco province, Santiago Metropolitan Region. Undergraduate Dissertation for Geographer, Universidad de Chile. 2006.
Jaime Gallardo Vicencio. Expansion of the urban boundary of the Salamanca city and the impacts on their agricultural land.Undergraduate Dissertation for Geographer, Universidad de Chile. 2006.
Roberto Fernández. Spatial assessment of erosion in the area of mid-mountain valley Cachapoalriver, Region IV.Undergraduate Dissertation for Geographer, Universidad de Chile. 2006.
Cecilia Saez. Geographical effects of catastrophic events: earthquake and tsunami case May 22, 1960, Ancud. Undergraduate Dissertation for Geographer, Universidad de Chile. 2006.
Max Elmes. Landslides analysis and risk assessment, flooding and seismicity in the piedmont of the Puente Alto commune. Undergraduate Dissertation for Geographer, Universidad de Chile. 2006.
Carolina Chávez. Natural hazards in medium and low mountains associated with the corridor of commerce Las Leñas, VI O'Higgins Region. Undergraduate Dissertation for Geographer, Universidad de Chile. 2005.
Pablo Sarricolea. Levels of natural hazards in an intermediate city and its areas of expansion.The case of La Serena, IV Region of Coquimbo.Undergraduate Dissertation for Geographer, Universidad de Chile. 2004.
University teaching undergraduate and post-graduate
Geography, Universidad de Chile:
- Contemporary Geographical Issues (2008 to 2010)
- Elective Regional Analysis: Risk assessment of natural origin (since 2008)
- Soils Geography (since 1992)
- Soil Quality and Control, University of Santiago de Chile (2001 to 2013)
Master of Geography, University of Chile:
- Analysis and Evaluation of Land Resources (2007-2010)
- Theory of Geography. Module Integrated Risk Management (2009 -2010)
- Degradation and Soil Quality (2007 - 2008)
Master Governance of Natural Resources and Risks, University of Heidelberg:
- Components of Risk Management (Summer School 2010)
- Risk Assessment, Vulnerability module (since 2012)
Master of Real Estate Development (DAPI), University of Chile
- Scientific Methodology Research (since 2008)
Master of Environment, University of Santiago de Chile:
- Environmental and land management projects (2011)