
Lake Sagaris

Profesora Asociada Adjunta

Pontificia Universidad Católica

Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Cambio climático, transiciones sustentabilidades justas, Salud, edad, género y transporte activo; Comunicación para la acción; Participación ciudadana-sociedad civil, Investigación Participativa para la Acción


  •  Creative Writing, UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA . Canada, 1981
  •  Planning and geography, UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. Canada, 2006
  •  Urban-regional planning and community development, UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. Canada, 2012

Experiencia Académica

  •   Subdirectora, ALC Center for BRT Excellence Part Time


    2014 - 2016

  •   Profesora Asociada Adjunta Part Time



    Santiago, Chile

    2013 - A la fecha

  •   Profesora Asociada Adjunta Part Time


    Catedra de Sustentabilidad

    Santiago, Chile

    2020 - A la fecha

  •   Investigadora asociada Other



    Santiago, Chile

    2013 - A la fecha

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Profesora Asistente Adjunta Part Time

    Pontificia Universidad Católica


    2013 - A la fecha

  •   Profesional independiente

    Editora y traductora


    2000 - 2012

  •   Presidenta y fundadora

    Ciudad Viva


    2000 - 2010

  •   Corresponsal extranjera

    Medios diversos: Times of London, CBC, CTV, etc.

    Reino Unido

    1980 - 2000

  •   Post-doctoral Fellow

    Pontificia Universidad Católica


    2013 - 2015

  •   Directora Investigación Other

    Fundación Laboratorio de Cambio Social

    Santiago, Chile

    2014 - A la fecha

  •   Profesora Asociada, Instituto Desarrollo Sustentable Part Time

    Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile

    Santiago, Chile

    2020 - A la fecha

  •   Directora Investigación Other

    Laboratorio de Cambio Social

    Santiago, Chile

    2013 - A la fecha


Article (30)

Improving Participation for Sustainable Transport: Testing CoAXs Amidst Controversy Around a BRT Project in Santiago, Chile
New horizons for sustainable transport planning: An analysis of seven years of gender-related research in Chile
Participatory pedagogies enhance engineering education for sustainability
Using the five Ws to explore bikeshare equity in Santiago, Chile
Persistence of walking in Chile: lessons for urban sustainability
Using PAR to frame sustainable transport and social justice on policy agendas. A pilot experience in two contrasting Chilean cities
Beyond "safe": Chilean "Kool" routes to school address social determinants of health
Experiences of voluntary early participation in Environmental Impact Assessments in Chilean mining
Experiences of voluntary early participation in Environmental Impact Assessments in Chilean mining
Citizen participation for sustainable transport=> Lessons for change from Santiago and Temuco, Chile
Autopistas, ciudadanía y democratización=> la Costanera Norte y el Acceso Sur, Santiago de Chile (1997-2007)
Exploring the social and spatial potential of an intermodal approach to transport planning
Exploring the social and spatial potential of an intermodal approach to transport planning
Evaluating how cycle-bus integration could contribute to "sustainable" transport
Evaluating how cycle-bus integration could contribute to "sustainable" transport
Workshop 4 report: Developing inter-modal transport systems
Workshop 4 report=> Developing inter-modal transport systems
Lessons from 40 years of planning for cycle-inclusion: Reflections from Santiago, Chile
Reflections on citizen-technical dialogue as part of cycling-inclusive planning in Santiago, Chile
Reflections on citizen-technical dialogue as part of cycling-inclusive planning in Santiago, Chile
Citizen Participation for Sustainable Transport: The Case of Living City
Citizen participation for sustainable transport: the case of Living City in Santiago, Chile (1997-2012)
Citizen participation for sustainable transport=> the case of Living City in Santiago, Chile (1997-2012)
From Participation to the Right to the City: Democratic Place Management at the Neighbourhood Scale in Comparative Perspective
From Participation to the Right to the City: Democratic Place Management at the Neighbourhood Scale in Comparative Perspective
From sustainable transport development to active citizenship and participatory democracy: The experience of Living City
From sustainable transport development to active citizenship and participatory democracy: The experience of Living City
Autopistas, ciudadanía y democratización: La Costanera Norte y El Acceso Sur, Santiago Chile (1997-2007)
Challenges to environmental governance in post-dictatorial contexts: the case of the Panul reserve, Metropolitan Santiago, Chile
Citizens' Anti-highway Revolt in Post-Pinochet Chile: Catalyzing Innovation in Transport Planning

BookReview (1)

An analysis of the role of cycling in sustainable urban mobility

BookSection (10)

Gender, transport, and health: Emerging trends and gaps in global
Movilidad activa: aprendizajes y aplicaciones en América Latina y el mundo
36. Intermodal Bike-Bus-Train: Strategies to Improve Service and Acceptability
8. Community participation in Public Transport Decision Making
Nurturing neighbourhoods to sustain quality of life in megacities and large city regions, An interdisciplinary reflection on planning for sustainable and socially just cities, from Santiago, Chile
Walking and gender equity: Insights from Santiago Chile
Gendering smart mobilities in Latin America: Are “smart cities” smart enough to improve planning for walking, women and social justice?
Hacia ciudades activas: el rol de la "cicloinclusión" y una planificación intermodal.
Las Juntas de Vecinos de Bellavista y Temas de Transporte
Cycling for Social Justice in Democratizing Contexts: Rethinking “sustainable” mobilities

BookWhole (1)

Otra clase de amor: Ciudad Viva y el nacimiento de un urbanismo ciudadano en Chile

Editorial (2)

Editorial-Introduction special issue transport & health in Latin America
Gender, transport and health studies open new horizons for planning

Proyecto (14)

FoCo Migrante En tiempo de Covid19: Rutas Bakanes en el Barrio
Rutas Bakanes en la Araucanía, enfoque Lautaro
Centro de Desarrollo Urbano Sustentable, CEDEUS
Balance de Transporte Justo=> benchmarking sustentabilidad con equidad
Ella se mueve segura=> Mujeres Seguridad y Transporte Público
Centro de Desarrollo Urbano Sustentable, CEDEUS
Innovación en la participación para un nuevo plan de transporte sustentable en Temuco-Padre Las Casas
Rutas Bakanes=> Explorando un programa de calidad para una política nacional de salud, educación y transporte
Centro de Desarrollo Urbano Sustentable, CEDEUS
Toronto Cycling Think & Do Tank
Across Latitudes and Cultures, Center for Excellence in Bus Rapid Transit
"Citizens, Complexity and the City, Lessons from Citizen Participation in Urban (Transport) Planning in Santiago, Chile 1990-2012." PhD thesis, Department of Planning and Geography. Toronto=> Toronto.
Ciudad Viva=> Testeo de experiencias de urbanismo ciudadano y evaluación de su efectividad
Master of Science in Planning thesis=> "Integrating bicycle travel into transport networks in Santiago, Chile (Spanish)." Department of Geography and Planning. Toronto=> University of Toronto.

Review (1)

Lessons from 40 years of planning for cycle-inclusion: Reflections from Santiago, Chile
Lake Sagaris

Profesora Asociada Adjunta


Pontificia Universidad Católica

Santiago, Chile

Rodrigo Mora

profesor asistente


Universidad de Chile

santiago, Chile

Ignacio Tiznado

Investigador Postdoctoral

Escuela de Ingeniería

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Giovanni Vecchio

Assistant professor

Instituto de Estudios Urbanos y Territoriales

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Marie Herrmann

Profesora Asociada

Departamento de Urbanismo

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Anahi Ocampo

Profesora asistente

Gestión Forestal y su Medio Ambiente

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Stefan Steiniger

Profesor (Auxiliar)

Ingeniería de Construcción y Transporte

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

Valparaiso, Chile