
Adrian Adrian Mundt Mundt

Profesor Titular


Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Psiquiatría comunitaria; Epidemiología; Salud mental en presos; Adicciones; Prevención de consumo de sustancias en adolescentes.


  •  ciencias médicas, CHARITÉ - UNIVERSITÄTSMEDIZIN BERLIN. Alemania, 2003
  •  Médico-cirujano, CHARITÉ - UNIVERSITÄTSMEDIZIN BERLIN. Alemania, 2003

Experiencia Académica

  •   Profesor Titular Part Time



    Santiago, Chile

    2015 - A la fecha

  •   Profesor Asistente Part Time


    Santiago, Chile

    2015 - 2022

  •   Profesor Asociado Part Time



    Santiago, Chile

    2022 - A la fecha

Experiencia Profesional

  •   médico de planta

    Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin


    2003 - 2012

  •   Marie Curie Postdoctoral Research Fellow

    Queen Mary University of London

    Reino Unido

    2012 - 2015

  •   Profesor

    Universidad Diego Portales


    2015 - A la fecha

  •   Profesor Facultad de Medicina Part Time

    Universidad de Chile

    Santiago, Chile

    2015 - A la fecha

Formación de Capital Humano

Miembro del claustro académico de Doctorado en Psicoterapia U Chile y PUC


Article (78)

Adolescent cannabis use in the context of legalization debate in Chile
Changes in rates of psychiatric beds and prison populations in sub-Saharan Africa from 1990 to 2020
Minimum and optimal numbers of psychiatric beds: expert consensus using a Delphi process
Psychiatric beds and prison populations in 17 Latin American countries between 1991 and 2017: rates, trends and an inverse relationship between the two indicators
The alcohol prevention magnitude measure: Application of a Spanish-language version in Santiago, Chile
The effects of national mental health plans on mental health services development in Chile: retrospective interrupted time series analyses of national databases between 1990 and 2017
The prevalence of comorbid serious mental illnesses and substance use disorders in prison populations: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Assessing government responsibility for COVID-19 deaths
Changes in national rates of psychiatric beds and incarceration in Central Eastern Europe and Central Asia from 1990-2019: A retrospective database analysis
Expert Arguments for Trends of Psychiatric Bed Numbers: A Systematic Review of Qualitative Data
Telepsychiatry Consultation for Primary Care Treatment of Children and Adolescents Receiving Child Protective Services in Chile: Mixed Methods Feasibility Study
The story behind Chile's rapid rollout of COVID-19 vaccination
'Maybe It Is Only in Prison That I Could Change Like This' The Course of Severe Mental Illnesses During Imprisonment - A Qualitative 3-Year Follow-Up Study From Chile
Complex politics in nations' COVID responses
Factors related to an increase of cannabis use among adolescents in Chile: National school based surveys between 2003 and 2017
The revolving prison door: Factors associated with repeat incarcerations in Spain
The Unhappy Mental Health Triad: Comorbid Severe Mental Illnesses, Personality Disorders, and Substance Use Disorders in Prison Populations
Associations between childhood abuse, mental health problems, and suicide risk among male prison populations in Spain
Hospital length of stay among older people treated with flexible and integrative psychiatric service models in Germany
Initiating Change of People With Criminal Justice Involvement Through Participation in a Drama Project: An Exploratory Study
Mental disorders and mental health symptoms during imprisonment: A three-year follow-up study
Severe mental illness and substance use disorders in prisoners in low-income and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prevalence studies
The Underlying Structure of Comorbid Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders in Prison Populations
Prevalence of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Prisoners
Substance Use During Imprisonment in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Disturbances of Embodiment as Core Phenomena of Depression in Clinical Practice.
The relative prevalence of schizophrenia among cannabis and cocaine users attending addiction services.
Exposure to physical and sexual violence prior to imprisonment predicts mental health and substance use treatments in prison populations
Prevalence of mental disorders at admission to the penal justice system in emerging countries: a study from Chile
Psychometric properties of the symptom check-list-90-R in prison inmates
The course of major depression during imprisonment - A one year cohort study
The course of major depression during imprisonment - A one year cohort study
The course of major depression during imprisonment - A one year cohort study
Did female prisoners with mental disorders receive psychiatric treatment before imprisonment?
Did female prisoners with mental disorders receive psychiatric treatment before imprisonment?
Informal coercion in psychiatry: a focus group study of attitudes and experiences of mental health professionals in ten countries
Informal coercion in psychiatry: a focus group study of attitudes and experiences of mental health professionals in ten countries.
Prevalence of mental disorders at admission to the penal justice system in emerging countries: a study from Chile.
Psychiatric Hospital Beds and Prison Populations in South America Since 1990 Does the Penrose Hypothesis Apply?
Testing the Penrose Hypothesis-Reply.
Treating substance abuse is not enough: Comorbidities in consecutively admitted female prisoners
Treating substance abuse is not enough: comorbidities in consecutively admitted female prisoners.
Treating substance abuse is not enough=> comorbidities in consecutively admitted female prisoners.
When local poverty is more important than your income: Mental health in minorities in inner cities.
Nicotine Dependence More Strongly Correlates with Psychological Distress in Disadvantaged Areas of Kazakhstan than Germany
Prescription Patterns of Psychotropic Medications for the Treatment of Psychotic Disorders in the Largest Mental Health Institutions of Uganda
Prescription Patterns of Psychotropic Medications for the Treatment of Psychotic Disorders in the Largest Mental Health Institutions of Uganda
Social Characteristics of Psychological Distress in a Disadvantaged Urban Area of Kazakhstan
Social Characteristics of Psychological Distress in a Disadvantaged Urban Area of Kazakhstan
Social characteristics of psychological distress in disadvantaged areas of Berlin
[People with mental disorders in East and West Germany: indicators of institutionalized care since reunification].
Nicotine Dependence More Strongly Correlates with Psychological Distress in Disadvantaged Areas of Kazakhstan than Germany
People with mental disorders in East and West Germany. Indicators of institutionalized care since reunification
People with mental disorders in East and West Germany. Indicators of institutionalized care since reunification
Prevalence Rates of Mental Disorders in Chilean Prisons
Prevalence Rates of Mental Disorders in Chilean Prisons
Prevalence rates of mental disorders in Chilean prisons.
Changes in the Provision of Institutionalized Mental Health Care in Post-Communist Countries
Changes in the Provision of Institutionalized Mental Health Care in Post-Communist Countries
Changes in the provision of institutionalized mental health care in post-communist countries.
Prescription patterns of patients diagnosed with schizophrenia in mental hospitals in Tashkent/Uzbekistan and in four German cities.
Psychometric properties of a Russian version of the General Health Questionnaire-28.
Random sampling for a mental health survey in a deprived multi-ethnic area of Berlin.
[Trauma therapy in crisis and disaster areas--a critical review of standardized interventions such as narrative exposure therapy].
Use of psychiatric inpatient capacities and diagnostic practice in Tashkent/Uzbekistan as compared to Berlin/Germany.
Depression in middle-aged and older first generation migrants in Europe: results from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE).
Pharmacoepidemiology of patients hospitalized for somatoform disorders in psychiatric hospitals and departments.
Exacerbation of Psychogenic Movement Disorder by Interferon{alpha} Treatment of Hepatitis C.
High-frequency stimulation of the nucleus accumbens core and shell reduces quinpirole-induced compulsive checking in rats.
Targeting activated microglia in Alzheimer's pathology by intraventricular delivery of a phagocytosable MRI contrast agent in APP23 transgenic mice.
Uzbekistan: psychiatry in transition.
High frequency stimulation and temporary inactivation of the subthalamic nucleus reduce quinpirole-induced compulsive checking behavior in rats.
Lesions of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta and in the ventral tegmental area enhance depressive-like behavior in rats.
Pregabalin in patients with antidepressant treatment-resistant somatoform disorders: a case series.
Reduced availability of serotonin transporters in obsessive-compulsive disorder correlates with symptom severity - a [11C]DASB PET study.
GLUT4 overexpression or deficiency in adipocytes of transgenic mice alters the composition of GLUT4 vesicles and the subcellular localization of GLUT4 and insulin-responsive aminopeptidase.
A method to assess biochemical activity of liver cells during clinical application of extracorporeal hybrid liver support.
Burden of separation and suicide risk of prisoners with minor children.

Abstract (1)


BookWhole (1)

Multiple medication use in somatic symptom disorders: From augmentation to diminution strategies

Errata (1)

Erratum to: Initiating Change of People With Criminal Justice Involvement Through Participation in a Drama Project: An Exploratory Study (Frontiers in Psychiatry, (2019), 10, 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00716)

Letter (4)

Incomplete discussion of bipolar disorder and comorbid substance use disorder reply
Deinstitutionalisation, imprisonment and homelessness
A More Robust Test of the Penrose Hypothesis Reply
When local poverty is more important than your income: Mental health in minorities in inner cities

Proyecto (6)

Diseño y pilotaje de un Servicio de Telepsiquiatría para mejorar la atención de salud mental para niños, niñas y adolescentes con vulneración de derechos y/o sujetos a la Ley de Responsabilidad Penal Adolescente
A theatre-based initiative for prisoners with severe mental illnesses in South America
INCAS Institutionalized care of people with mental disorders in South America
Institutionalized care of people with mental health problems in Eastern European and Post Soviet countries
Mental health in disadvantaged urban areas of Berlin, Germany and Almaty, Kazakhstan
Adrian Mundt

Profesor Titular


Santiago, Chile

Rosemarie Fritsch


Santiago, Chile


PsicólogaPsicóloga vinculada

Clínica Psiquiátrica Universitaria

Hospital Clínica de la Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Carolina Villagra



Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Alberto Minoletti


Facultad de Medicina

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Viviana Guajardo

Profesor Asistente


Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Rubén Alvarado


Departamento de Salud Pública

Universidad de Valparaíso

Viña del Mar, Chile