
Rodrigo Renato Astroza Eulufi

Associate Professor


Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Structural Engineering; Earthquake Engineering; System Identification; Experimental Dynamics; Bayesian Methods


  •  Licenciado en Ciencias de la Ingenieria, mencion Civil, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2005
  •  Earthquake Engineering, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2007
  •  Ingeniero Civil , UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2007
  •  Structural Engineering, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA-SAN DIEGO. Estados Unidos, 2015

Experiencia Académica

  •   Assistant Professor Full Time


    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences


    2016 - 2021

  •   Associate Profesor Full Time


    Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences


    2021 - A la fecha

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Profesor Investigador Full Time

    Universidad de los Andes

    Santiago, Chile

    2007 - 2010

  •   Profesor Asistente Full Time

    Universidad de los Andes

    Santiago, Chile

    2016 - 2021

  •   Associate Professor Full Time

    Universidad de los Andes


    2021 - A la fecha

Formación de Capital Humano

Guía de 38 memoristas de Ingeniería Civil (36 titulados y 2 en desarrollo)
Guía de 17 tesistas de Magister en Ciencias de la Ingeniería (11 graduados y 6 en desarrollo)
Guía de 6 alumnos de Doctorado en Ciencias de la Ingeniería (6 en desarrollo)

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Colegio de Ingenieros de Chile Award


    Chile, 2007

    Best Graduate Award of Civil Engineering at Universidad de Chile

  •   Fulbright-Conicyt Equal Opportunities Scholarship


    Chile, 2010

    Scholarship to pursue PhD studies in the United States.

  •   NSF fellowship


    Estados Unidos, 2012

    Fellowship to attend the Asia-Pacific Summer School in Smart Structures Technology at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.

  •   Dissertation Fellowship Award


    Chile, 2015

    Dissertation Fellowship Award for outstanding achievements during the Ph.D. program at the University of California, San Diego.

  •   Named Member of the Scientific Committee of EVACES

    Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures

    Chile, 2016

    Named Member of the International Scientific Committee of the Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures (EVACES)

  •   Outstanding paper award

    Earthquake Engineering Research Institute

    Estados Unidos, 2018

    Outstanding paper award year 2016 in the journal Earthquake Spectra.


Article (83)

A simplified tri-linear model for monolithic exterior shear keys failing in sliding shear
Autonomous Sensor System for Low-Capacity Wind Turbine Blade Vibration Measurement
Data-driven analysis of crustal and subduction seismic environments using interpretation of deep learning-based generalized ground motion models
Effects of soil spatial variability on the seismic response of multi-span simply-supported highway bridges
Estimation of empirical response spectrum and local responses of the Justicia Espada Acuña Mena building using the mod-(var) method for the 2010 Central Chilean mega-earthquake (Mw=8.8)
Evolution of modal parameters of composite wind turbine blades under short- and long-term forced vibration tests
Probabilistic seismic assessment of multispan RC highway bridges considering soil-structure interaction and chloride-induced corrosion
Seismic fragility analysis of simply supported bridges considering uncertainty in scour condition
Soil amplification in the Santiago city, Chile, due to shallow crustal earthquakes
Two-dimensional simulation of the seismic response of the Santiago Basin, Chile
Uncertainty Quantification in Constitutive Models of Highway Bridge Components: Seismic Bars and Elastomeric Bearings
A Bayesian approach for fatigue damage diagnosis and prognosis of wind turbine blades
A experimental study of a cable-pulleys spring-damper energy dissipation system for buildings
A Lifecycle Assessment of a Low-Energy Mass-Timber Building and Mainstream Concrete Alternative in Central Chile
Adobe mixtures reinforced with fibrillated polypropylene fibers: Physical/mechanical/fracture/durability performance and its limits due to fiber clustering
Bayesian updating and identifiability assessment of nonlinear finite element models
Modeling the Loss of Vibration Energy in Buildings to Elastic-waves Using High-fidelity FE Modeling and Absorbent Exterior Boundaries
Probabilistic characterization of a high-cycle accumulation model for sands
Soil-basement interaction effects on the seismic response of tall buildings with basement levels
Statistical analysis of the modal properties of a seismically-damaged five-story RC building identified using ambient vibration data
Test Data-Informed Nonlinear Finite Element Model Updating and Damage Inference of a Shake-table Tested Bridge Column considering Bond-slip under Multiple Earthquakes
Bayesian inference for calibration and validation of uniaxial reinforcing steel models
Bayesian parameter and joint probability distribution estimation for a hysteretic constitutive model of reinforcing steel
Parameter estimation of resistor-capacitor models for building thermal dynamics using the unscented Kalman filter
Real-time thermal dynamic analysis of a house using RC models and joint state-parameter estimation
Seismic fragility assessment of Chilean skewed highway bridges
Seismic response analysis and modal identification of a full-scale five-story base-isolated building tested on the NEES@UCSD shake table
Time variant system identification of superstructures of base-isolated buildings
Adaptive Kalman filters for nonlinear finite element model updating
Auto-regressive model based input and parameter estimation for nonlinear finite element models
Biopolymer-Waste Fiber Reinforcement for Earthen Materials: Capillary, Mechanical, Impact, and Abrasion Performance
An information-theoretic approach for identifiability assessment of nonlinear structural finite element models
Bayesian updating of complex nonlinear FE models with high-dimensional parameter space using heterogeneous measurements and a batch-recursive approach
Effects of model uncertainty in nonlinear structural finite element model updating by numerical simulation of building structures
Information-Theoretic Approach for Identifiability Assessment of Nonlinear Structural Finite-Element Models
Performance comparison of Kalman-based filters for nonlinear structural finite element model updating
Performance comparison of Kalman−based filters for nonlinear structural finite element model updating
Shear bond behaviour of elemental composite beams with different configurations
Uncertainty quantification and propagation in liquefaction triggering phenomena
Uncertainty quantification and propagation in the modeling of liquefiable sands
A dual adaptive filtering approach for nonlinear finite element model updating accounting for modeling uncertainty
Bayesian optimal estimation for output-only nonlinear system and damage identification of civil structures
Bayesian optimal estimation for output-only nonlinear system and damage identification of civil structures
Pre-test nonlinear finite element simulation of a full scale five-story reinforced concrete building tested on the NEES-UCSD shake table
Pre-test nonlinear finite element simulation of a full scale five-story reinforced concrete building tested on the NEES-UCSD shake table
Bayesian nonlinear structural FE model and seismic input identification for damage assessment of civil structures
Bayesian nonlinear structural FE model and seismic input identification for damage assessment of civil structures
Nonlinear FE model updating and reconstruction of the response of an instrumented seismic isolated bridge to the 2010 Maule Chile earthquake
Nonlinear finite element model updating for damage identification of civil structures using batch Bayesian estimation
Nonlinear finite element model updating for damage identification of civil structures using batch Bayesian estimation
Predominant period and equivalent viscous damping ratio identification for a full-scale building shake table test
Shake table testing of an elevator system in a full-scale five-story building
Shake table testing of an elevator system in a full-scale five-story building
Site response analysis using one-dimensional equivalent-linear method and Bayesian filtering
Time-variant modal parameters and response behavior of a base-isolated building tested on a shake table
Finite element model updating using simulated annealing hybridized with unscented Kalman filter
Finite element model updating using simulated annealing hybridized with unscented Kalman filter
Full-Scale Structural and Nonstructural Building System Performance during Earthquakes: Part I - Specimen Description, Test Protocol, and Structural Response
Full-Scale Structural and Nonstructural Building System Performance during Earthquakes: Part II - NCS Damage States
Full-scale structural and nonstructural building system performance during earthquakes=> Part I – Specimen description, test protocol, and structural response
Full-scale structural and nonstructural building system performance during earthquakes=> Part II – NCS damage states
Influence of the construction process and nonstructural components on the modal properties of a five-story building
Influence of the construction process and nonstructural components on the modal properties of a five-story building
Landmark Data Set from the Building Nonstructural Components and Systems (BNCS) Project
Landmark dataset from the building nonstructural components and systems (BNCS) project
System identification of a full-scale five-story reinforced concrete building tested on the NEES-UCSD shake table
System identification of a full-scale five-story reinforced concrete building tested on the NEES-UCSD shake table
Dynamic characteristics and seismic behavior of prefabricated steel stairs in a full-scale five-story building shake table test program
Dynamic characteristics and seismic behavior of prefabricated steel stairs in a full-scale five-story building shake table test program
Experimental Evaluation of the Seismic Response of a Rooftop-Mounted Cooling Tower
Experimental Evaluation of the Seismic Response of a Rooftop-Mounted Cooling Tower
Extended Kalman filter for material parameter estimation in nonlinear structural finite element models using direct differentiation method
Extended Kalman filter for material parameter estimation in nonlinear structural finite element models using direct differentiation method
Material Parameter Identification in Distributed Plasticity FE Models of Frame-Type Structures Using Nonlinear Stochastic Filtering
Material Parameter Identification in Distributed Plasticity FE Models of Frame-Type Structures Using Nonlinear Stochastic Filtering
Damage Assessment and Seismic Intensity Analysis of the 2010 (M-w 8.8) Maule Earthquake
Damage Assessment and Seismic Intensity Analysis of the 2010 (M-w 8.8) Maule Earthquake
Effect of bidirectional hysteretic dampers on the seismic performance of skewed multi-span highway bridges
Experimental assessment of modal properties of hybrid CFRP-timber panels
Nonlinear FE model updating and reconstruction of the response of an instrumented seismic isolated bridge to the 2010 Maule Chile earthquake
Predominant period and equivalent viscous damping ratio identification on a full-scale building shake table test
Site response analysis using one-dimensional equivalent-linear analysis and Bayesian filtering
Time-variant modal parameters and response behavior of a base-isolated building tested on a shake table

BookWhole (1)

Batch and Recursive Bayesian Estimation Methods for Nonlinear Structural System Identification

ConferencePaper (5)

A Nonlinear Model Inversion Method for Joint System Parameter, Noise, and Input Identification of Civil Structures
Nonlinear FE model updating of seismic isolated bridge instrumented during the 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule-Chile Earthquake
Evolution of dynamic properties of a 5-story RC building during construction
Modal identification of a 5-story RC building tested on the NEES-UCSD shake table
Pre-Test Nonlinear FE Modeling and Simulation of a Full-Scale Five-Story Reinforced Concrete Building

Proyecto (8)

Toward Operational Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Highway Bridges by using Cu-based Shape Memory Alloy Devices
Seismic collapse assessment of cross-laminated timber buildings by multi-scale modelling techniques
Sistema de monitoreo para diagnóstico y pronóstico de daño estructural en turbinas eólicas
Uncertainty-informed multi-hazard risk evaluation of degrading civil structures
Bases y recomendaciones para complementar el análisis sísmico de puentes viales del Manual de Carreteras
Seismic response of the Santiago Basin
Sistema de monitoreo para diagnóstico y pronóstico de daño estructural en turbinas eólicas
Rodrigo Astroza

Associate Professor


Santiago, Chile

Francisco Pinto

Encargado de Proyectos Geotécnicos y Estructurales


Diseño y Construcciones Integrados

Mérida, Venezuela

Francisco Hernandez

Profesor Asistente

Ingeniería Civil

Universidad de Los Andes

Santiago, Chile

Gerardo Araya

Profesor Asociado

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Marcos Orchard


Electrical Engineering

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Cesar Pasten

Profesor Asociado

Departamento de Ingeniería Civil

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Erick Saavedra

Académico jornada completa en el Departamento de Ingenieria Civil en Obras Civiles.

Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Rodrigo Morales


Ingenieria en Biotecnologia

Universidad Católica del Maule

Talca, Chile

Constanza Ahumada

Profesor Asistente

Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Cristián Sandoval

Profesor Asociado

Departamento de Ingeniería Estructural y Geotécnica


Santiago, Chile


Adjunct Professor

Civil Engineering

Universidad de la Santiago de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Felipe Ochoa

Profesor Asistente

Ingeniería Civil


Santiago, Chile

Sebastián Rivera

Assistant Professor

Electrical Sustainable Energy

Delft University of Technology

Delft, Holanda

Sergio Ruiz

Profesor Asociado



Santiago, Chile