Rosita Jünemann Ureta
Profesora Asociada
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Santiago, Chile
1. Ingeniería Sísmica 2. Modelamiento de Estructuras 3. Dinámica Estructural 4. Riesgo sísmico 5. Análisis secuencial sismo-tsunami
Ingeniero Civil, Diploma en Ingeniería Estructural, PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE CHILE. Chile, 2006
Instructor Adjunto Part Time
Santiago, Chile
2008 - 2016
Profesor Asistente Full Time
Santiago, Chile
2016 - 2023
Profesora Asociada Full Time
Santiago, Chile
2023 - A la fecha
Investigador Part Time
Centro de Investigación para la Gestión Integrada del Riesgo de Desastres. (CIGIDEN)
Santiago, Chile
2019 - A la fecha
Analista Revenue Management Full Time
LAN Airlines
Santiago, Chile
2006 - 2008
Chacón de la Cruz, Matías Fernando (2019 – 2021) Epistemic uncertainty of seismic performance of RC shear wall and free plan building models. Sponsoring researcher, FONDECYT Postdoctoral 2019, Project N°3190680.
Álvarez Reyes, Ronald Stephan (2024 – 2025). Vulnerability of port infrastructure in a tectonically active coast under climate change. Sponsorship professor, CIGIDEN FONDAP 2023 con folio Nº 1523A0009.
PhD in Engineering Sciences
Echeverría Landeta, María José (2023) Vulnerability analysis and damage control of reinforced concrete wall buildings. Program Supervisor at PUC. She also obtained a dual degree with the University of Colorado Boulder under the supervision of Professor Abbie Liel.
Gálvez Plaza, Héctor Andrei (in progress) Estimation of the seismic capacity of damaged and repaired buildings. Co-supervised with Professor Matías Hube. PhD candidate since December 2018.
Patiño Mora, Karla Daniela (in progress). Seismic performance of residential structures with reinforced concrete walls using lightweight concrete. Co-supervised with Professor Hernán Santa María. PhD candidate since July 2023.
Nebrijo Ramos, Javier Alberto (in progress) Probabilistic analysis of sequential earthquake and tsunami risk consistent with the same source. PhD candidate since September 2023.
Buenrostro Orozco, Angélica Monserrat (in progress) Seismic-tsunami hazard assessment for subduction zones using deep learning techniques. Co-supervised with Professor Jorge Crempien.
Acevedo Calderón, Germán (in progress) Risk maps visualizations for resilient urban planning.
Master of Science in Engineering
Fernandez Retamal, Gustavo (in progress) Seismic Risk Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Wall Buildings Using Extensive Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis and Machine Learning Models.
Jaque Plaza, Cristián Sergio (in progress) Multi-hazard earthquake-tsunami risk analysis in masonry structures in Chile.
Beltrán Flores, Marcelo Ignacio (in progress) Evaluation of economic losses and recovery times in reinforced concrete buildings.
Arriagada Molina, Maycol David (2025) Implications of the Chilean seismic code in the design and performance of coupled wall buildings. Co-supervised with Professor Matías Hube. Graduated summa cum laude.
Muñoz Durán, Sebastián Marcel (2025) Seismic vulnerability assessment of Chilean RC wall buildings. Co-supervised with Professor Matías Hube. Graduated summa cum laude.
Cortés Guajardo, Javier Ignacio (2023) Effect of seismic protection devices in RC wall buildings. Graduated summa cum laude.
Cortez Bascuñan, Cristian Eduardo (2021) Performance of an RC building under seismic and tsunami actions via nonlinear dynamic analysis including soil-structure interaction. Graduated summa cum laude.
Lombardi Robertson, Renzo Alessandro (2021) Experimental assessment of the behavior of expanded glass lightweight reinforced concrete walls and beams. Graduated summa cum laude.
Tagle Lizana, Santiago José (2019) Performance of a RC wall building subjected to earthquake and tsunami loads in sequence. Graduated summa cum laude.
Edwards Campino, Juan José (2019) Optimization of a self-centering frictional damper (SCFD) and its application to nonlinear structures. Graduated summa cum laude. Co-supervised with Professor Juan Carlos de la Llera.
Master in Engineering
Pavez Basualto, Sebastián Eugenio (in progress) Study of construction costs in low and medium-rise buildings designed traditionally and with seismic isolators.
Haro Quezada, Jesús Alejandro (2019) Capacity spectrum method for TADAS dissipator design in a reinforced concrete building considering linear and non-linear structural behavior.
Piarpuezan Quintanchala, Mario (2019) Design of seismic protection systems for typical Ecuadorian structures according to NEC2015 and NCh2745-2013 standards.
Chiquín Reinoso, Dayana (2017) Comparison of fixed-base structure with isolated-base structure.
Seminars and conferences
Oral presentation on “ASISTE project: Seismic - Tsunami - Evacuation Analysis” (2024). Transpacific Resilience, QuakeCore – CIGIDEN international seminar.
Oral presentation on “ASISTE project: Seismic - Tsunami - Evacuation Analysis” (2024). Chilean Association of Municipalities (ACHM), 2024 winter school “Formulation of Municipal Plans, Disaster Risk, and Emergencies”.
Oral presentation on “Variables and Quantitative Metrics for Disaster Risk Assessment” (2024). 4th Seminar on Case Studies: Major Disasters and Expert Assessments 2024. Organized by the UC Center for Risk and Insurance and DICTUC.
Oral presentation on “Sequential Earthquake-Tsunami Analysis: Behavior of Chilean Buildings” (2024). Seminar on Advances in Earthquake and Tsunami Science. Milennium Nucleus CYCLO.
Oral presentation on “ASISTE project: Seismic - Tsunami - Evacuation Analysis” (2024). National Service for Disaster Prevention and Response (SENAPRED). Workshop on national risk maps.
Closing Seminar for the FONDEF IT20I0054 ASISTE project: Seismic - Tsunami - Evacuation Analysis (2023). Organized the seminar and presented the project. Participants: professionals from the public and private sectors, faculty members, researchers, and students.
Workshop “Risk assessment for natural hazards in civil engineering” (2023). Organized a research workshop for academics and students in the context of a visit by Professor Abbie Liel from the University of Colorado, Boulder.
Oral presentation on “Seismic-tsunami risk assessment” at the International Seminar on Port Engineering and Operation SIOP (2022).
Oral presentation on “Platforms for prospective risk assessment” at the Risk Management in Infrastructure Seminar, Ministry of Public Works (2022).
Oral presentation on “Platforms for prospective risk assessment” at the Earthquake Hazard Workshop (2022).
Oral presentation on “Disaster Risk Workflow DRW” in IN-CORE – CIGIDEN research meeting (2021).
Oral presentation “Damage and economic losses for earthquake scenarios in San Antonio: an application of the DRW platform” RIESGOS – PUC Scientific workshop on Multi-Risk Analysis in Chile (2021).
Oral presentation “Performance of RC buildings subjected to sequential earthquake and tsunami loading.” University College London – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, workshop on resilience (2021).
Oral presentation “Inspection Protocol” at the Post-Earthquake Structure Inspection Seminar organized by the Student Initiative of the Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering IEDIEG (2021).
Oral presentation “Structural evaluation of lightweight concretes HARD” at the closing seminar of the FONDEF ID17I10215 HARD project (2020).
Oral presentation “High-strength lightweight concretes” at the Association of Structural Civil Engineers AICE Seminar (2020).
Oral presentation “Double pushover analysis of a reinforced concrete wall building subjected to sequential seismic-tsunami loading” at the KIZUNA Earthquakes and Tsunamis in High-rise Buildings Seminar (2018).
Teaching seminars, career-oriented talks, and initiatives aimed at promoting female participation in the field
Oral presentation “Women in Civil Engineering”. Graduate meeting, School of Engineering (2024).
Postgraduate exhibition, School of Engineering (2022, 2023, 2024).
Undergraduate exhibition, Major in Structural Engineering, School of Engineering (2023, 2024).
Lecture “Natural Risk Disaster” at PUC School of Government, part of the course GOB3010 (2020, 2021, 2022).
Vocational talk to promote civil engineering among female students at Los Andes Women’s College (2019-2022).
Oral presentation “Structural Engineering” as part of the Women in Civil Engineering Network (REDMIC) (2022).
Oral presentation “Women in Civil Engineering,” Structural and Geotechnical Engineering Department Seminar (2022).
Structural and Geotechnical Engineering Department Seminar women reunion (2021, 2022).
Participation in the “Female Engineers and Concrete” forum during the II Concrete Week at the Universidad del Norte, Colombia (2020).
Other outreach and community engagement activities
Awarded “Your research in an infographic” competition (2022). ASISTE: Seismic – Tsunami – Evacuation Analysis in Chilean coastal Cities. II Scientific and Technological Dissemination Contest. Development of infographics about the project.
Participation in the ACHISINA Committee responsible for updating the Chilean standard NCh2745 - Seismic Isolation Building Design (2021-2022).
Participation in the PUC Constitutional Forum for Chile’s new Constitution (2019-2020).
Premio Departamento de Ingeniería Estructural y Geotécnica
Chile, 2006
Best structural engineer Class of 2006
Premio Nacional Colegio de Ingenieros de Chile
Chile, 2006
Distinguished structural engineer of the 2006 Chilean promotion
Premio Iniciativas con impacto al servicio público
Chile, 2024
Premio otorgado anualmente a un profesor de la Escuela de Ingeniería por sus iniciativas con impacto de servicio público
EASER: Evolution Assessment of Seismic Risk |
ASISTE 2.0: Análisis Sismo - Tsunami - Evacuación |
Research Center for Integrated Disaster Risk Management (CIGIDEN) |
Valorización de Riesgos Catastróficos (VRC) |
An integrative framework for tsunami vertical-evacuation planning |
ASISTE: Análisis Sismo - Tsunami - Evacuaicón |
Development of a new concrete with high ratio strength-density (HARD) for sustainable construction |
Seismic capacity of repaired reinforced concrete wall buildings |
Vulnerability analysis and damage control of reinforced concrete wall buildings |
Development and implementation of an integrated human-structure interaction model in geographical settings under severe earthquake loads |
Centro Nacional de Investigación para la Gestión Integrada de Desastres Naturales |
Damage to Chilean High-rise Buildings During Large Thrust Earthquakes |
Evaluation and upgrading of the earthquake response of shear-wall buildings after the large 2010, Chile earthquake |
Seismic performance and design of precast concrete structures with dissipative connections |

Rosita Jünemann
Profesora Asociada
Ingeniería Estructural y Geotécnica
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Profesor Titular
Facultad de Ingeniería
Santiago, Chile

Matias Hube
Profesor Asociado
Ingeniería Estructural y Geotécnica
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Matías Chacón
Investigador Postdoctoral
Estructural y Geotécnia
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Santiago, Chile

José Almazán
Profesor Asociado
Ingenieria Estructural y Geotecnica
Santiago, Chile

Jorge Crempien
Assistant Professor
Structural and Geotechnical Engineering
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Alejandro Urrutia
Jefe de Proyectos
CIGIDEN, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Santiago, Chile