Edith Lorena Elgueta Cancino
Associate Professor
Universidad Andrés Bello
Santiago, Chile
My research aims to determine the relationship between cortical reorganisation, motor-sensory function and chronic musculoskeletal pain, and how skilled motor training influence them.
Human Motor control , UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND. Australia, 2013
Physiotherapy, UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DEL MAULE. Chile, 2004
Neurosciences and Physiotherapy, University of Queensland . Australia, 2019
Lecturer Full Time
Health Sciences
TALCA, Chile
2006 - 2011
Research Assistant Part Time
Health and Behavioural
Brisbane, Australia
2011 - 2015
Research Assistant Part Time
Health and Behavioural Sciences
Brisbane, Australia
2016 - 2016
Research Assistant Part Time
Health and Behavioural Sciences
Brisbane, Australia
2017 - 2018
Tutor Part Time
Health Sciences
Santiago, Chile
2005 - Sin Información
Lecturer Part Time
Concepcion, Chile
2005 - 2006
Research Fellow Full Time
Aalborg University
Aalborg, Dinamarca
2019 - 2019
Assistant Professor Full Time
University of Birmingham
College of Life and Environmental Sciences
Birmingham, Reino Unido
2021 - 2023
Research Fellow Full Time
University of Birmingham
College of Life and Environmental Sciences
Birmingham, Chile
2019 - 2021
Physiotherapist Full Time
Hospital del Trabajador
Santiago, Chile
2006 - 2006
As lecturer at the Universidad de Talca I had the opportunity to be the principal Baccalaureate thesis supervisor of 5 students. This allowed me to gain experience as a researcher since I had to develop the ideas for my students’ projects and supervise their methodological quality along with the coordination for setting up the experiments. This was an invaluable experience for my career since this motivated me seeking for higher levels of education in order to develop a good quality research.
I have collaborated with the Human Motor Control Laboratory of the Universidad de Talca as researcher and technical advisor during 2016-2017 period. Also during the last three years I have been in contact with different institutions across the country promoting communicating and promoting science. In 2016 I delivered 3 plenaries talks at: Universidad Católica del Norte (campus La Serena), Universidad de Talca, Asociación Chilena de Ciencias del Movimiento Humano (Santiago).
As Chilean student overseas I have promoted Chilean research I co-founded the Chilean Student Association at University of Queensland (UQChile). As president of this association, I participated in the organising committee of the 4th Chilean Graduate Conference in Australia. We were granted of two grants to found the conference: fondos concursables “ChileGlobal” of fundación imagen de Chile ($5.000.000 pesos) and 2016-2017 COALAR grants of Council for the Australian Latin-American Relations (10.000 AUD).
Impacto del entrenamiento del balance a través de realidad virtual en una población de adultos mayores |
Efectos de la estimulación somatosensorial periférica en el control postural de individuos con lesión en médula espinal |

Eduardo Martinez
Assistant Professor
College of Life and Environmental Sciences
University of Birmingham
Birmingham, Reino Unido