Víctor Parada Daza
Profesor Titular
Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Santiago, Chile
Combinatorial optimization, Evolutionary computing, Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning
Systems Engineering and Computer Science, Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro, COPPE. Brasil, 1989
Chemical Engineer, UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCION. Chile, 1981
Titular Professor Full Time
Santiago, Chile
1993 - A la fecha
Professor Full Time
1990 - 1992
Profesor Titular Full Time
Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Santiago, Chile
1993 - A la fecha
Profesor Asistente Full Time
Universidad de Concepción
Concepción, Chile
1990 - 1992
Thesis and Undergraduate Final Work the last 10 years.
Doctorate in Engineering Sciences, Universidad de Santiago de Chile
2010. Evaluation of genetic programming to generate algorithms for complex optimizations problems and a comparison against human-designed algorithms.
Master in Computer Engineering, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
1998. Optimization of the Expansion and Distribution Electricity Networks by Simulated Annealing. Daniels, K.
2000. Modeling and Resolution of the Constrained, Two-dimensional Cutting Problem by Tabu Search. Rojas, R.
2000. A Genetic Algorithm for Two-dimensional, Non-Guillotine Cutting Problem. Rojas, W.
2003. A parallel genetic algorithm to solve the constrained two-dimensional guillotine cutting problem. Romero, F.
2003. Design of an optimized lay-out for an industrial plant using genetic algorithms. Flores, J.
2003. Solution to the crew scheduling problem in underground transport by a constructive and evolutionary method. Elizondo, R.
2003. Obtaining an algorithm for the traveling salesman problem through a computer game. Acuña, D.
2005. Numerical advances in the solution of the traveling salesman problem with the use of elastic and guilty neural networks with a parallel implementation. Corbinaud, R.
2007. Design and Implementation of a Colaborative System for the Detection of Unwanted Massive Mail. Mora, H.
2007. Games, Experts and Computational Intractability. Peña, A.
2007. Automatic Generation of Programs to Solve Guillotine Cutting problem by Genetic Programming. Soto, A.
2007. Automatic Generation of Programs to Solve Combinatorial Optimization Problems. Schwarzenberg, P.
2008. Construction of a Fixture for Chilean Soccer by Simulated Annealing. Gaete, F.
2008. Metaheuristic based on Bacterial Chemotaxis to solve the Flow Shop Problem. Palma, M.
2009. An Specification language for Tabu Search in mixed integer programming. Morales, S.
2009. A Hybrid Model to Solve the Cutting and Packing Problem. Vega, D.
2010. Chaotic Methods Included in the Meta-heuristic Marriage in Honey Bees. Ortega, K.
2011. Automatic generation of algorithms for a combinatorial optimization problem under evolutionary computation. Cárcamo, A.
2011. A contribution to the vehicle assignment problem with multiple depots. Miranda, S.
2011. Automatic Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems. Sepúlveda, M.
2012. Generation of work shifts for airport logistics through simulated annealing. Cáceres, C.
2013. Automatic combination of operators of a genetic algorithm to solve the traveling salesman problem. Contreras, C.
2013. Automatic generation of grouping algorithms. Oyarzún, J.
2013. Automatic generation of algorithms for the constrained shortest path problem. Rey, C.
2015. Dynamic optimization of thermal comfort in a living space by means of a dynamic genetic algorithm. Martín, R.
2015. A parallel and distributed genetic algorithm for the blocks scheduling problem in open pit mines. Navarro, F.
2015. Computational co-evolution in combinatorial optimization problems. Acevedo, N.
2016. Competitive coevolutionary design to the automatic generation of algorithms for the flexible Job Shop Scheduling problem. Vega, D.
2017. Evolution of algorithms for related combinatorial optimization problems. Sáez, T.
2017. Automatic generation of local search metaheuristics by genetic programming. Asencio, V.
2017. Detection of malware in Android system using neural networks. Cisterna, A.
Undergraduate Final Works in Computer Engineering, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
1998. A Parallel Hybrid Algorithm for the Set Covering Problem. Duclos, F.
1998. Parallelization of the Tabu Search Algorithm. Ahumada, A.
1998. A Solution to the Packing Problem by an Evolutionary-Constructive Method. Rosales, R.
1998. Study of the TLRN Neuronal Model Used as Phoneme Recognizer. Tapia, M.
1999. Development of a Weekly Programming Tool for Production. Vial, R.
1999. A Solutionto the Container Packing Problem. Aguirre, H.
1999. Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search for the Distribution Tree Generation Problem: Comparative Analysis between Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search. Schwarzenberg, P.
1999. A Study of the Optimal Generation Trees Problem for Electric Supply Networks Based on the Algorithm A *. Cruz, L.
2001. Capacity Programming for Multiproduct Manufacturing Lines. Paredes, H.
2001. Solution to the problem of allocation of capacity and flow in a network. Venegas, M.
2001. Use of Non-informed Methods for the Optimization of Electrical Distribution Network Topologies. Mora, S.
2001. A Study Based on the Maximum Flow Problem to Solve a Planning Production Problem in Open Pit Mines. Saa, R.
2001. Optimal Generation Trees for Supply Networks: Comparative Analysis between Simulated Annealing and a Parallel Model Based on Simulated Annealing. Villalón, B.
2001. A System for the Timetabling Problem. Pablo, J.
2001. An Interface for a Timetabling and Classrooms Assignment System. Vasconi, R.
2002. A System for Timetabling in Chilean Schools. Peña, J.
2002. The Combinatorial Nature of Some Practical Optimization Problems. Vilches, H.
2002. Implementation of a Heuristic Based on Dijkstra Algorithm to Solve the Traveling Salesman Problem. Olea, R.
2002. A Metaheuristic Model to Maximize Profit in the Final Pit in an Open Pit Mine. Pizarro, M.
2002. Optimization in Simulated Annealing for the Multiple Knapsack Problem. Martínez, F.
2002. A Solution to the Traveling Salesman Problem from the Floyd Algorithm. Antonioletti, P.
2002. An Insertion Method to Solve the Traveling Salesman Problem. Miranda, P.
2002. Application of Genetic Algorithms to Solve the Strip Problem. Salamanca, J.
2002. Solving the Distribution of Activities of Drivers of Metro Trains by means of the Tabu Search Algorithm. Ibarra, M.
2002. A Computational System for the Minimization of Loss of Raw Materials. Leal, D.
2002. Development of a Methodology and a Computational Tool for the Construction of Knoeledge Web Sites. Ramírez,O.
2002. Library of Functions for the Shortest Path Problem. González, I.
2002. Development of a Public-Oriented Website for the Dissemination of Research Project in Optimization. Godoy, C.
2002. An Efficient Implementation of the Prim Algorithm to Generate Spanning Trees in a Large Size Graph. Arriagada, L.
2002. Computational Study of the Moving Cone Method for the Determination of the Final Pit in Open Pit Mines. Núñez, R.
2002. Study of the Vehicle Routing Problem Using Tabu Search. Fierro, G.
2003. Solution to the Resource Constrained Scheduling Problem by a Hybrid Constructive-Evolutionary Algorithm. Cases, A.
2003. A Flight Role Algorithm. Lamas, A.
2003. Design and Implementation of a High Performance Algorithm for the Time Assignment Problem. Toro, G.
2004. Design and Implementation of an Algorithm for the Generation of a Given Sequence for an Automated Assembly Line. Aracena, J.
2004. Development of a Knowledge Web Site for the Shortest Path Problem. Gutiérrez, P.
2004. Modeling and Solution of the Scheduling of Operational Resources in High Voltage Substations of Chilectra. Letelier, D.
2004. A Software Oriented to the Companies that Cut Irregular Pieces. Martínez, C.
2004. A Study about the Use of Optimization Tools in Small Companies for the Cutting Stock Problem. Muñoz, C.
2004. A Simulated Annealing for the Vehicle Routing Problem. Oliva, K.
2004. A New Mesh Heuristic Search Method for the Knapsack Problem. Soto, V.
2004. Online Resolution Under Web Environment for the Traveling Salesman Problem. Torres, M.
2005. Web Site for Online Resolution of Job-Shop and Flow- Shop Scheduling Problems. Álvarez, C.
2005. A Computational Tool for the Rostering and Crew Scheduling Problem in Santiago-Rancagua Trains. González, D.
2005. Software Platform and Framework Based on Tabu Search Algorithm for Optimization Problems. Fuentealba, E.
2005. Improvement Techniques in Mesh Optimization. Gómez, J.
2005. A Genetic Programming Approach for Knapsack Problems. Martínez, M.
2005. Designing an Algorithm from a Computational Game to Solve the Rectangular Cutting Problem. Novoa, E.
2005. Development of a Website for Productive Processes. Pérez, J.
2005. Development of a Knowledge Web Site for the Determination of the Final Pit in Open Pit Mines. Salas, M.
2005. A Knowledge Web Site of Knowledge Oriented to the Forescasting Problem. Villalobos, A.
2006. Automatic Generation of Algorithm for the Binary Knapsack Problem by Genetic Programming. Barra, L.
2006. A Heuristic Based on Games for the Euclidean Traveling Salesman Problem. Burgos, J.
2007. Study of the Cell Formation Problem with Simulated Annealing. Pailla, A.
2007. Evolutionary Jobshop Tool. Simmonds, M.
2008. Implementation of a Web Site that describes and solves the problem of timetabling in schools using Simulated Annealing. Cerón, C.
2008. Construction of a Fixture for Chilean Soccer with Simulated Annealing. Gaete, F.
2008. A Heuristic Solution for Manufacturing Cells with Simulated Annealing. Espinoza, G.
2008. Computer Implementation of an Online System for the Cutting Problem. Iturra, J.
2008. Solution for a Forest Harvesting Problem by simulated annealing. Maturana, M.
2009. A Computer Module Based on Simulated Annealing for Combinatorial Optimization Problems. Reyes, E.
2009. Generation of Algorithmic Structures By Genetic Programming for the Non-guillotine Cutting Problem. Zepeda, A.
2009. A Solution for the Chilean Football Fixture Problem By Parallel Genetic Algorithm. Pezoa, M.
2009. An IT solution for the problem of cutting of logs in the Chilean forestry industry. Cortés, I.
2010. Solution to the Web Sesionization Problem Based on an Integer Programming Model and Simulated Annealing. Arce, T.
2010. Automatic Generation of Algorithmic Structures for the Vertex Coloring Problem. Rivera, G.
2010. Generation of Driving Schedules for Urban Bus Lines. Fuentes, K.
2010. Measuring the Effect of Cooperation in Parallel Genetic Algorithms. Castrillón, M.
2010. Web Site Usage Patterns Using Classifier Systems. Reyes, M.
2010. Hyper-Heuristic Algorithms in Optimization. Karim, A.
2011. A solution for the strip packing problem by means of a parallel evolutionary algorithms. Toro, C.
2011. A parallel genetic algorithm to plan the extraction in an open pit mine with multiple destinations. Huerta, J.
2011. A parallel genetic algorithm for a production problem in open pit mines. Gatica, A.
2011. Multi-criteria analysis of financial investments. Silva, A.
2011. A website for the incorporation of videos in the classrooms. Bastías, C.
2011. Teaching support system that allows the use of videos in the field of biology for a high school course. Silva, M.
2011. Automatic generation of algorithms for the vertex coloring problem. Contreras, C.
2011. A Solution to the Pickup and Delivery problem for a transport company. Abarza, F.
2012. A cooperative genetic algorithm for cutting and packing problems. Flores, A.
2012. Generation of an algorithm for the knapsack problem from a computer game. Lizama, J.
2012. New artificial algorithms for the scheduling of buses and drivers in urban transport. Parada, S.
2012. Instance Reduction for the generalized minimum spanning tree problem. Meixner, M.
2012. A web system to link educational videos of second and third level in engineering. Vergara, M.
2013. New algorithmic approaches for job shop and flow shop scheduling problems. Ramos,V.
2013. Evaluation of a cellular genetic algorithm for the cutting stock problem. Soto,D.
2013. Searching for specialized algorithms for families of instances in optimization problems. Palermo, M.
2013. Generation of new algorithms using genetic programming for the flexible job shop problem. Barra, G.
2013. Automatic generation of algorithms with genetic programming for the multidimensional Knapsack Problem. Bezares, C.
2013. Specialization and improvement of terminals to solve the Knapsack problem through genetic programming. Gacitúa, M.
2013. Evolution of path detector algorithms for the traveling salesman problem. Hinojosa, J.
2013. Generation of algorithms for flexible job-shop problems using genetic programming. Figueroa, A.
2013. Solving the guillotine cutting problem by evolutionary computation. Bertolini, V.
2013. Automatic generation of algorithms for the traveling salesman problem by genetic programming. Loyola, C.
2014. Generation of algorithms using genetic programming for the generalized traveling salesman problem. Soto, G.
2014. New heuristics for the independent set problem in graphs. Soto, C.
2014. Design of manufacturing cells with automatically produced algorithms. Pérez, M.
2014. Hypereuristics for the the maximum independent set problem. Soto, C.
2014. Generation of algorithms for the cell formation problem using evolutionary computation. Pérez, M.
2014. Generation of work shifts for airport logistics through robust optimization. Salazar, M.
2016. Reduction of the processing time of a dynamic genetic algorithm for the control of mobile lattices using machine learning. Meriño, A.
2016. Web interface for monitoring and claiming failures of traffic signals in Santiago. Lazos, M.
2016. Musical composition using genetic programming. Hermansen, I.
2017. Software tool to predict bunching of urban buses. Salinas, P.
2017. Prediction of general elections through neural networks. Vásquez, N.
2017. Analysis of phone calls in a company selling software to identify patterns. Escobar, M.
2017. New contributions for the automatic generation of algorithms for the multidimensional knapsack problems. Herrera, J.
Member of Editorial Boards
Pesquisa Operacional. http://www.sobrapo.org.br/revista-pesquisa-operacional
Revista Ingeniería Industrial. http://revistas.ubiobio.cl/index.php/RI/
Revista ICHIO. http://www.revistaichio.cl/index.php/JCIOR
Revista Ingeniería de Sistemas. http://www.dii.uchile.cl/ris/
Automatic design of methods for combinatorial optimization problems |
1. Energy-efficient and robust approaches for the scheduling of production, services and urban transport. Proyecto ECOS-CONICYT=> C13E04, 2014-2015. |
2. Solving combinatorial optimization problems with stable set constraints. Proyecto CONICYT, Stic-AmSud=> 13STIC-05, 2012-2014. |
3. Desarrollo de una plataforma astroinformática para la administración y análisis de datos inteligentes a gran escala. Proyecto FONDEF=> D11I1060, 2012-2014. |

Víctor Parada
Profesor Titular
Ingeniería Informática
Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Carlos Contreras
Profesor Asistente
Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial
Universidad de Concepción
Concepción, Chile

Carlos Herrera
Director / Profesor Asociado
Ingeniería Industrial
Concepción, Chile

Mauricio Sepulveda
Researcher and Professor
Engineering & Technology
Universidad San Sebastian
Santiago, Chile

Gustavo Gatica
Profesor Investigador Asistente
Departamento de Ciencias de la Ingeniería
Santiago, Chile

Mauricio Araya
Assistant Professor
Electronic Engineering
Valparaíso, Chile

Pablo Román
Profesor Asistente
Departamento de Ingeniería Informática
Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Pablo Schwarzenberg
Director de Carrera Ingeniería Civil Informática
Facultad de Ingeniería
Universidad Andrés Bello
Santiago, Chile

Miguel Alfaro
Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial
Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Rosa Medina
Profesor Asistente
Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial
Concepción, Chile

Pedro Palominos
Profesor Titular
ingeniería Industrial
Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Santiago, Chile

luis vargas
Head of External Affairs
Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE
Santiago, Chile