
Juan Francisco Araya Araya

Líneas de Investigación


  •  Quimico, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2015


Article (66)

A new Petricola (Bivalvia: Veneridae) from central Chile, southeastern Pacific
Electrochemical Hydrogen Evolution over Hydrothermally Synthesized Re-Doped MoS2 Flower-Like Microspheres
Melamine-assisted synthesis of nitrogen-doped ReS2 nanosheets/carbon composites
Shelter, ecophysiology and conservation status of Plectostylus araucanus (Pulmonata: Bothriembryontidae) in the fragmented Maulino Forest, central Chile
The little Aplysia coming of age: from one species to a complex of species complexes in Aplysia parvula (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Heterobranchia)
A new deep-sea balanomorph barnacle (Cirripedia: Thoracica: Bathylasmatidae) from Chile
Deep-Water Ophiuroids (Echinodermata) Associated with Anthozoans and Hexactinellid Sponges from Northern Chile
First record of a Xenophyophore (Rhizaria: Foraminifera) on the Chilean margin
First record of Lillipathes ritamariae Opresko and Breedy, 2010 (Cnidaria: Antipatharia) from the southeastern Pacific Ocean
On the presence of Distichoptilum gracile Verrill, 1882 (Octocorallia: Pennatulacea), in the southeastern Pacific
Rediscovery of Pacificella variabilis (Gastropoda: Achatinellidae) on Easter Island
Rediscovery of Terebratulina austroamericana Zezina, 1981 (Brachiopoda: Cancellothyrididae) from off northern Chile
Southernmost records of Escarpia spicata and Lamellibrachia barhami (Annelida: Siboglinidae) confirmed with DNA obtained from dried tubes collected from undiscovered reducing environments in northern Chile
A new terrestrial snail species (Gastropoda: Bulimulidae) from the Region de Antofagasta, northern Chile
A new terrestrial snail species (Gastropoda=> Bulimulidae) from the Región de Antofagasta, northern Chile.
First record of Terpios fugax Duchassaing and Michelotti, 1864 (Demospongiae: Suberitidae) in the Eastern Pacific Ocean
Low-Dimensional ReS2/C Composite as Effective Hydrodesulfurization Catalyst
Microspherical ReS2 as a High-Performance Hydrodesulfurization Catalyst
New records of terrestrial mollusks (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora) from Antofagasta, northern Chile
On the presence of Chaetopleura hennahi (Gray, 1828) (Polyplacophora: Chaetopleuridae) in Chile
On the presence of Chaetopleura hennahi (Gray, 1828) (Polyplacophora=> Chaetopleuridae) in Chile.
A new deep-water Astyris species (Buccinoidea: Columbellidae) from the southeastern Pacific
A new species of Echinolittorina Habe, 1956 (Gastropoda: Littorinidae) from the Quaternary of Chile
A new species of Echinolittorina Habe, 1956 (Gastropoda=> Littorinidae) from the Quaternary of Chile
Bostryx hennahi (Gray, 1828) the largest Chilean bulimulid (Mollusca=> Pulmonata), rediscovered among Tillandsia communities in northern Chile
First record of Lillipathes ritamariae Opresko and Breedy, 2010 (Cnidaria=> Antipatharia) in the southeastern Pacific Ocean
First record of the azooxanthellate coral genus Coenocyathus Milne Edwards & Haime, 1848 in the southeastern Pacific Ocean (Anthozoa, Scleractinia)
First record of the azooxanthellate coral genus Coenocyathus Milne-Edwards & Haime, 1848 (Anthozoa=> Scleractinia) in the southeastern Pacific Ocean.
New record of Cuspidaria patagonica Smith, 1885 (Bivalvia=> Cuspidariidae) in northern Chile
New records of deep-sea sea spiders (Chelicerata: Pycnogonida) in the southeastern Pacific
New records of deep-sea sea spiders (Chelicerata=> Pycnogonida) in the southeastern Pacific
On some land snails (Mollusca: Gastropoda) of Los Molles, central Chile
On some land snails (Mollusca=> Gastropoda) of Los Molles, central Chile
On the distribution of Physalia physalis (Hydrozoa: Physaliidae) in Chile
On the distribution of Physalia physalis (Hydrozoa=> Physaliidae) in Chile
On the presence of Distichoptilum gracile Verrill, 1882 (Octocorallia=> Pennatulacea) in the southeastern Pacific.
Pinna rapanui n. sp (Bivalvia: Pinnidae): The Largest Bivalve Species from Easter Island, South Pacific Ocean, Chile
Pinna rapanui sp. n. (Mollusca=> Pinnidae) the largest bivalve of Easter Island, South Pacific Ocean, Chile.
Shallow water heterobranch sea slugs (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia) from the Region de Atacama, northern Chile
Shallow water heterobranch sea slugs (Gastropoda=> Heterobranchia) from the Región de Atacama, northern Chile
Synthesis of highly destacked ReS2 layers embedded in amorphous carbon from a metal-organic precursor
Synthesis of highly destacked ReS2 layers embedded in amorphous carbon from a metal-organic precursor
The first record of Terpios fugax Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864 (Demospongiae=> Suberitidae) in the Eastern Pacific
The northernmost record of Tytthosoceros inca Baeza, V,liz, Pardo, Lohrmann and Guisado 1997 (Plathyhelminthes: Pseudocerotidae) in Chile
The northernmost record of Tytthosoceros inca Baeza, Véliz, Pardo, Lohrmann and Guisado 1997 (Plathyhelminthes=> Pseudocerotidae) in Chile
A new species of Lilloiconcha Weyrauch, 1965 (Pulmonata=> Charopidae) from central Chile
An easy one-pot solvothermal synthesis of poorly crystalline solid ReS2/C microspheres
An easy one-pot solvothermal synthesis of poorly crystalline solid ReS2/C microspheres.
Current status of the non-indigenous molluscs in Chile, with the first record of Otala punctata (Müller, 1774) (Gastropoda, Helicidae) in the country and new records for Cornu aspersum (Müller, 1774) and Deroceras laeve (Müller, 1774)
New records of terrestrial molluscs of the Juan Fernandez Archipelago (Chile), with the description of a new genus and species of Charopidae (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora)
New records of terrestrial molluscs of the Juan Fernández Archipelago (Chile), with the description of a new genus and species of Charopidae (Gastropoda Stylommatophora)
The Bulimulidae (Mollusca: Pulmonata) from the Region de Atacama, northern Chile
The Bulimulidae (Mollusca=> Pulmonata) from the Región de Atacama, northern Chile
The shallow-water chitons (Mollusca, Polyplacophora) of Caldera, Region of Atacama, northern Chile
The southernmost record of the amphipod Hyperia curticephala (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Hyperiidae) in the Pacific Ocean
The southernmost record of the amphipod Hyperia curticephala (Crustacea=> Amphipoda=> Hyperiidae) in the Pacific Ocean
A review of the Hexactinellida (Porifera) of Chile, with the first record of Caulophacus Schulze, 1885 (Lyssacinosida=> Rossellidae) from the Southeastern Pacific Ocean
A review of the non-bulimulid terrestrial Mollusca from the Region of Atacama, northern Chile
Rhenium and molybdenum poorly crystalline disulfides and their mesophases with hexadecylamine
Rhenium and molybdenum poorly crystalline disulfides and their mesophases with hexadecylamine.
A new Charopidae from Chile and Argentina, Stephacharopa calderaensis n. gen. and n. sp., with remarks on the taxonomy of the genus Stephadiscus HYLTON SCOTT 1981 (Mollusca: Gastropoda Pulmonata)
A new species of Aeneator Finlay, 1926 (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Buccinidae) from northern Chile, with comments on the genus and a key to the Chilean species
A new species of Aeneator Finlay, 1926 (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Buccinidae) from northern Chile, with comments on the genus and a key to the Chilean species
Cornisepta guzmani n. sp.=> first species of genus confirmed from Pacific cold seep environments off central Chile (Gastropoda=> Vetigastropoda=> Fissurellidae)
New Charopidae from Chile and Argentina=> Stephacharopa calderaensis n. gen. et sp. (Mollusca=> Gastropoda=> Pulmonata)

EditorialMaterial (2)

Taxonomy based on science is necessary for global conservation
New record of Cuspidaria patagonica Smith, 1885 (Bivalvia: Cuspidariidae) in northern Chile

Letter (3)

First columbellid species (Gastropoda: Buccinoidea) from deep-sea hydrothermal vents, discovered in Okinawa Trough, Japan
First record of Alternatipathes bipinnata (Cnidaria: Antipatharia) in the Southern Hemisphere
A new species of Lilloiconcha Weyrauch, 1965 (Pulmonata: Charopidae) from central Chile

Review (4)

Current status of the non-indigenous molluscs in Chile, with the first record of Otala punctata (Muller, 1774) (Gastropoda: Helicidae) in the country and new records for Cornu aspersum (Muller, 1774) and Deroceras laeve (Muller, 1774)
The shallow-water chitons (Mollusca, Polyplacophora) of Caldera, Region of Atacama, northern Chile
A review of the Hexactinellida (Porifera) of Chile, with the first record of Caulophacus Schulze, 1885 (Lyssacinosida: Rossellidae) from the Southeastern Pacific Ocean
A review of the non-bulimulid terrestrial Mollusca from the Region of Atacama, northern Chile
Juan Aliaga

Profesor conferenciante, investigador postdoctoral

Programa Institucional de Fomento a la Investigación, Desarrollo en Innovación (PIDi)

Universidad Tecnológica metropolitana

Santiago, Chile

Eglantina Benavente





Guillermo González



Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Harold Lozano



Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Guillermo D'Elia


Valdivia, Chile

Julio Urzúa



Santiago, Chile

Luis Ballesteros

Profesor Asistente

Facultad de Ingeniería

Universidad Autónoma de Chile

Santiago , Chile


Profesor Asistente


Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana

Santiago, Chile