
Sandra Lorena Céspedes Umaña

Assistant Professor

Concordia University

Montreal, Canada

Líneas de Investigación

Satellite communications; Space networking; Internet of things; Vehicular networking; Intelligent transportation systems; Ad hoc protocols; Protocol design; Routing


  •  Electrical and Computer Engineering, UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO. Canada, 2012
  •  Telematics Engineering, UNIVERSIDAD ICESI. Colombia, 2003

Experiencia Académica

  •   Assistant Professor Full Time


    Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas

    Santiago, Chile

    2014 - 2021

  •   Assistant Professor Full Time



    Cali, Colombia

    2012 - 2014

  •   Lecturer Full Time



    Cali, Chile

    2005 - 2014

  •   Research Assistant Part Time



    Waterloo, Canada

    2010 - 2012

  •   Associate Researcher Other


    Advanced Center of Electrical and Electronic Engeering

    Santiago, Chile

    2020 - A la fecha

  •   Associate professor Full Time


    Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas

    Santiago, Chile

    2021 - A la fecha

  •   Assistant professor Full Time


    Montreal, Canada

    2022 - A la fecha

Experiencia Profesional

  •   Infrastructure Manager Full Time

    People On Line

    Cali, Colombia

    2003 - 2005

  •   Intern Full Time

    Fujitsu Laboratories of America

    Sunnyvale, Estados Unidos

    2011 - 2011

Formación de Capital Humano


"Context-aware mechanisms for the integration of vulnerable road users in smart transportation", Alexis Yañez, Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering (U. de Chile), Ph.D. in Computer Science (Concordia)
"AI-Driven Framework for Sustainability and Scalability in Smart Campuses", David Bonilla Verdugo, Ph.D. in Computer Science
"Laser Link Scheduling in Interplanetary Delay and Disruption Tolerant Networks", Jason Gerard, Ph.D. in Computer Science
"Autonomic Networking in Constrained IoT", Maryam Hatami, Ph.D. in Computer Science
"Design and Evaluation of Congestion Control Algorithm for Fluctuating Bandwidth at Extreme Condition Scenarios of 5G-Advanced and 6G Mobile Networks", Jorge Sandoval Arenas, Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering
"Supporting IP Communications in Satellite IoT Networks", Rodrigo Muñoz-Lara, Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering

2023 "Medium access coordination in space networking," Raydel Ortigueira. Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering
2021 "Designing and modeling of coordination mechanisms for offloading of traffic from DSRC to TV White Spaces in vehicular communication networks". Adriana Arteaga. Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering.


"Adaptation of MAC protocol for LoRa in a monitoring system for hydric resources", Gabriel Flores, Master in Computer Science

2024 "Enhancing Scalability of Direct-to-Satellite IoT Networks: Multi-Satellite Network Size Estimation and Scalable Resource Allocation Mechanisms", Pablo Ilabaca, MASc in Software Engineering
2024 "Secure and Autonomic Framework for SCHC Context Management in LoRaWAN-IPv6 Networks", Maryam Hatami, Master of Computer Science
2023, "Network Size Estimation for LoRa-Based Direct-to-Satellite IoT", Diego Maldonado, Master in Computer Science
2022, "SCHC over Sigfox", Diego Wistuba, Master in Electrical Engineering
2022, "Adaptive protocols in heterogeneous vehicular networks with vulnerable road users", Tomás Lara, Master in Electrical Engineering
2022, "Real-time early warning system for cyclist with turn prediction". Salomón Torres. Master in Computer Science
2020 "Compression and fragmentation of IP packets in LoRa WAN", Rodrigo Muñoz, Master in Electrical Engineering
2020 "Adaptation and evaluation of HTTP/2 for restricted devices in the Internet of Things". Diego Londoño. Master in Electrical Engineering
2020 "Control algorithm for relaying nodes to improve safety cooperation at intersections". Pablo Ortega. Master in Electrical Engineering
2019 "An intelligent decision system for interworking of 802.11p and LTE in heterogeneous vehicular networks". Felipe Valle. Master in Electrical Engineering
2019 “Context-aware system for selection and parameterization of dissemination mechanisms in vehicular ad-hoc networks” Alexis Yáñez I. Master in Electrical Engineering
2017 “Modelling and Implementation of a Protocol for Partially Connected Topologies in Underground Mines.” Javiera Born B. Master in Computer Science
2016 “Simulación y análisis de desempeño de la red LTE para Infraestrutura de Medición Avanzada en Smart Grids.” César Cárdenas L.. Master in Telecommunication networks
2014 “Evaluación de topologías y mecanismos de enrutamiento en redes AMI para redes eléctricas inteligentes en entornos rurales y urbanos colombianos.” Diego Fernando Ramírez Hincapié. Master in Telecommunications and Systems.

13 Undergraduates ( 2022:1; 2021:3 ;2020: 1 ,2019:6 ;2017: 1;2016:1; 2014: 2, 2012:1)

Difusión y Transferencia

1. 2020 - present. Associate Editor. IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine. ISI - Q1
2. 2019 - 2022. Associate Editor. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. ISI - Q1
3. 2024. Associate Editor. IEEE Internet of Things Magazine. ISI - Q1
4. 2024. Associate Editor. IEEE ACCESS - Vehicular Technology Section. ISI. Q3

TALKS AND TUTORIALS (last 5 years)

1. Keynote Speaker, “From Earth's Orbit to the Cosmos: A Vision for a Multi-Planetary Space IoT System,” IEEE Latin American Conference on Communications, Medellin, Colombia, Nov 2024.

1. Invited Lecture, “On the Scalability and Interoperability of Direct-to-Satellite IoT,” Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems, French National Centre for Scientific Research, Toulouse,
France, Nov 2023.
2. Invited Lecture, “Toward the Internet of Space Things,” IEEE Seminar, University Santiago de Cali, Cali, Colombia. Oct 2023
3. Keynote Speaker, “Advancing toward the Space Internet,” Innovation Seminar Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, Sogamoso, Colombia (Online). Oct 2022

1. Expert Talk (Invited), “Network Size Estimation in Direct-to-Satellite IoT: a follow-up” 2022 Space- Terrestrial Internetworking Workshop - STINT Workshop, Manitoba, Canada, Sep 2022.

1. “El rol de los centros de investigación para enfrentar los desafíos del futuro”. Panelist. Centro Avanzado
2. “IoT goes to space: A revision of the challenges to enable IoT connectivity from nano-satellites constellations”, Keynote speaker, IEEE Colombian Conference on Communications and Computing (COLCOM), Colombia.
3. “5G, Mitos y realidad”, Panelist. Un viaje por la Ciencia, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, Universidad de Chile

1. Las últimas noticias. Entrevista sobre Internet espacial de Starlink, enero 2021.
2. EMOL TV. Entrevista sobre Llegada de 5G a Chile, diciembre 2020.
3. Sonar FM. Entrevista sobre el Campus 5G. Programa Sonar 2040, 18 diciembre 2020.
4. La Tercera. Lanzamiento de Primer Campus 5G en Chile, noviembre 2020.
5. CNN/Chilevision. Entrevista sobre Llegada de 4G a la Luna. Programa Futuro 360, octubre 2020. Disponible en:
6. Radio Infinita. Entrevista sobre Campus 5G en la Universidad de Chile. Programa Work Café Santander. Chile, septiembre 2020.
7. ElPeriodista. Invitada sobre Desafíos del 5G en Chile, junto con ex Subsecretario de Telecomunicaciones, Pedro Huichalaf. Programa LateElPeriodista. Chile, agosto 2020.
8. Las últimas noticias. Entrevista para nota: “Así es el roaming automático nacional que mejora cobertura de Internet en zonas aisladas”. Disponible en: . Chile, junio 2020.
9. Radio Carabineros. “Bicicletas interconectadas inalámbricamente”. Entrevista en programa “Cuidemos nuestro medio ambiente”. Chile, abril 2018.
10. Magazine Traffic Technology Today. Entrevista para artículo: “Protecting Cyclists”. Disponible en: UK, abril/mayo 2017.
11. La Nación. “Los ingenieros de la matrix: ¿quién ordena internet?”. Entrevista a cuatro ingenieros representantes de Latin América en la Fuerza de Trabajo de Ingeniería de Internet (IETF). Disponible en: Argentina, julio 2016.
12. Revista Brando (versión impresa). “Los ingenieros de la Matrix”. Entrevista a cuatro ingenieros representantes de Latin América en la Fuerza de Trabajo de Ingeniería de Internet (IETF). Argentina, julio 2016.
13. La Tercera. “Inédito proyecto permitirá chatear sin Internet”. Disponible en: Chile, junio 2016
14. El Definido. “El Whatsapp chileno que conecta a los vecinos sin Internet”. Disponible en: Chile, junio 2016
15. TyN Magazine. “Cómo contribuye América Latina a la normalización de Internet. Disponible en: , mayo 2015.

Premios y Distinciones

  •   Associate Editor IEEE Internet of Things Journal


    Estados Unidos, 2019

    Associate Editor IEEE Internet of Things Journal (5-years Impact Factor: 5.863 )

  •   Associate Editor IET Communications


    Chile, 2015

    Associate Editor IET Communications (5-years Impact Factor: 1.174)

  •   IEEE Senior Member


    Estados Unidos, 2017

    Reconocimiento a la trayectoria profesional

  •   ISOC Fellow

    Internet Society

    Suiza, 2015

    Fellowship to attend the IETF Meeeting

  •   Mejor docente pregrado


    Chile, 2019

    Premio a los mejores docentes del área de pregrado de la Universidad

  •   4th Winner of the Challenge on “Future 6G NTN Systems"


    Turquia, 2024

    Challenge of the IEEE ComSoc Satellite and Space Communications Technical Committee


Article (24)

Road Incident Detection Under Rate Adaptation-Based Congestion Control in Cooperative Vehicular Systems
Satellite Visibility Prediction for Constrained Devices in Direct-to-Satellite IoT Systems
Network Size Estimation for LoRa-Based Direct-to-Satellite IoT
Optimal Traffic Load Allocation for Aloha-Based IoT LEO Constellations
Impact of diversity combining schemes in a multi-cell VLC system with angle diversity receivers
Toward the Coexistence of Cognitive Networks for Vehicular Communications on TVWS for IEEE Std. 802.22
A comprehensive survey on vehicular networks for smart roads: A focus on IP-based approaches
Automated Decision System to Exploit Network Diversity for Connected Vehicles
Impact of Awareness Control on V2V-Based Overtaking Application in Autonomous Driving
Impact of Safety Message Generation Rules on the Awareness of Vulnerable Road Users
Capacitated Multicommodity Flow Problem for Heterogeneous Smart Electricity Metering Communications Using Column Generation
Communication Requirements in Microgrids: A Practical Survey
POSACC: Position-Accuracy Based Adaptive Beaconing Algorithm for Cooperative Vehicular Safety Systems
A baseline for context-aware system for safety messages dissemination in VANETs
Review and Evaluation of MAC Protocols for Satellite IoT Systems Using Nanosatellites
Vehicular Communications Over TV White Spaces in the Presence of Secondary Users
Group Cycling Meets Technology: A Cooperative Cycling Cyber-Physical System
Design and simulation of a collision notification application with geocast routing for car-to-car communications
On Achieving Seamless IP Communications in Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks
Overcoming Intrinsic Losses With a Physical-Transport Cross-Layer Control System for Low-SNR Links
A Multihop-Authenticated Proxy Mobile IP Scheme for Asymmetric VANETs
VIP-WAVE: On the Feasibility of IP Communications in 802.11p Vehicular Networks
IP Mobility Management for Vehicular Communication Networks: Challenges and Solutions

ConferencePaper (36)

"Unlocking DtS-IoT Medium Access Through the Massively Scalable Distributed Queuing Protocol
GEMINIS–Green Evaluation Methodology for IoT and Network Infrastructure Sustainability
SCHC over DtS-IoT: Performance of SCHC Confirmation Modes in Satellite IoT
Analysis of Channel Models for LoRa-based Direct-to-Satellite IoT Networks Served by LEO Nanosatellites
Evaluation of Opportunistic Access Strategies for Vehicular Networking Over TVWS
Analysis and Evaluation of HTTP/2 Flow Control Algorithm for IoT
Increasing Safety at Vehicular Intersections with a Controlled Retransmission of Beacons
Pedestrians also Have Something to Say: Integration of Connected VRU in Bidirectional Simulations
Direct-To-Satellite IoT - A Survey of the State of the Art and Future Research Perspectives: Backhauling the IoT Through LEO Satellites
Performance Enhancement of VLC-Based Systems Using Diversity Combining Schemes in the Receiver
Understanding and Characterizing Transmission Times for Compressed IP packets over LoRaWAN
CaSSaM: Context-aware system for safety messages dissemination in VANETs
Comparison of path loss models for vehicular communications in TV white spaces
Connectivity improvement in urban intersections obstructed by buildings using RSUs
Dynamic beaconing using probability density functions in cooperative vehicular networks
Dynamic control of beacon transmission rate and power with position error constraint in cooperative vehicular networks
Evaluation of MAC protocols for IoT satellite systems
Implementation of a Low-Cost Vehicular VLC System and CAN Bus Interface
Next generation vehicular communications via interworking of DSRC and TV White Space
Optimal Placement of Data Aggregation Points for Smart Metering using Wireless Heterogeneous Networks
Proposal for an intelligent distribution model of DNS queries according to time zones
Proposal for architecture and simulated implementation of an early warning system for cyclists based on an algorithm of right turn predictions of vehicles
QoS evaluation of the future high-efficiency IEEE 802.11ax WLAN standard
Demo: A prototype for a platoon-based cyclist cooperative system
Novel channel hopping sequence approaches to rendezvous for VANETs
Enhancing vehicular applications by exploiting network diversity
Performance evaluation of CoAP and HTTP/2 in web applications
Platoon-based cyclists cooperative system
Spectrum sensing for vehicular dynamic spectrum access
A bridge structural health monitoring system supported by the Internet of Things
Improving performance of TCP-based applications in power line communications for smart grids
Performance evaluation of future AMI applications in Smart Grid Neighborhood Area Networks
Poster: Smart networked bicycles with platoon cooperation
Vehicular cloud computing in the dawn of 5G
Traffic flow analysis over a IPv6 hybrid manet
A Deep Dive into Congestion Control and Buffer Management for Fluctuation-Prone 5G-A/6G Links

ConferenceProceedingWhole (2)

2018 International Workshop on ADVANCEs in ICT Infrastructures and Services (ADVANCE’ 2018)
Proceedings of the IV School on Systems and Networks, SSN 2018

Patent (2)

Static Context Header Compression (SCHC) Compound Acknowledgement (ACK)
Static Context Header Compression (SCHC) over Sigfox Low-Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN)

Proyecto (16)

Diet-ESP: Compressed Profile for IPv6/IPsec over the 5G Fronthaul
Technical feasibility study for unified PCB manufacturing to serve PHY layer functions in WDOCSIS prototype
Toward Cognitive Near-Earth and Deep-Space IoT Networking
Internet of Space Things: Developing an agile platform for space operations of IoT
SaTellite networks Architectures pRotocols and informaticS (STARS)
IoT goes to space: Wireless networking protocols and architectures for IoT networks served by LEO satellite constellations
Sistema abierto experto para apoyar la gestión de recursos hídricos mediante monitoreo de bajo costo en tiempo real de aguas superficiales y subterráneas
Inclusive Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems: an Integration of Vulnerable Road Users through Vehicular Networking
Inclusive Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems=> an Integration of Vulnerable Road Users through Vehicular Networking
Enabling REsilient urban TRAnsportation systems in smart CiTies
Enabling REsilient urban TRAnsportation systems in smart CiTes
Instituto Sistemas Complejos de Ingeniería
VNET- Towards End-to-End Network Cloudification
Efficient Data Dissemination in Heterogeneous Vehicular Communication Networks
Exploiting network diversity for improved performance of traffic efficiency applications in urban vehicular networks
Exploiting network diversity for improved performance of traffic efficiency applications in urban vehicular networks

Review (2)

A Survey on Error Exponents in Distributed Hypothesis Testing: Connections with Information Theory, Interpretations, and Applications
Routing in Neighborhood Area Networks: A survey in the context of AMI communications
Sandra Céspedes

Assistant Professor

Computer Science and Software Engineering

Concordia University

Montreal, Canada

Cesar Azurdia

Associate Professor

Departamento de Ingeniería Electrica


Santiago, Chile

Alexis Yáñez

Estudiante de Doctorado

de Ingeniería Eléctrica

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Christian Lazo

tecnico Academico


Valdivia, Chile

Claudio Estevez

Profesor Asistente

Ingeniería Eléctrica


Santiago, Chile

Sandy Bolufé

Profesor Asistente

Ingeniería Eléctrica

Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Juan Gómez

Profesor Asistente


Universidad Andrés Bello

Santiago, Chile

Juan Fraire

Associate Professor

Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Córdoba, Argentina

Doris Saez

Full Professor

Electrical Engineering

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Pablo Palacios

Profesor Asistente

Universidad Diego Portales

Santiago, Chile

Alex Becerra

Ingeniero electrónico

Observatorio Gemini

La Serena, Chile

Jose_Ismael Soto


Ingenieria Electrica


Santiago, Chile

Carlos Becerra


Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación

Universidad de Talca

Linares, Chile

Jorge Silva

Associate Professor

Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile