
Nicolás Cristián Gálvez Robinson

Líneas de Investigación


Article (11)

A spatially integrated framework for assessing socioecological drivers of carnivore decline
Puma Puma concolor density estimation in the Mediterranean Andes of Chile
Cost-efficient effort allocation for camera-trap occupancy surveys of mammals
Response of a small felid of conservation concern to habitat fragmentation
Activity patterns by two colour morphs of the vulnerable guina, Leopardus guigna (Molina 1782), in temperate forests of southern Chile
Forest cover outside protected areas plays an important role in the conservation of the Vulnerable guina Leopardus guigna
Values, animal symbolism, and human-animal relationships associated to two threatened felids in Mapuche and Chilean local narratives
Rufous-legged Owl (Strix rufipes) and Austral Pygmy Owl (Glaucidium nanum) stand use in a gradient of disrupted and old growth Andean temperate forests, Chile
Relationship between fragmentation, degradation and native and exotic species richness in an Andean temperate forest of Chile
Analysis of the echolocation calls and morphometry of a population of Myotis chiloensis (Waterhouse, 1838) from the southern Chilean temperate forest
Avifauna of Araucaria araucana temperate forests of southern Chile Avifauna de los bosques templados de Araucaria araucana del sur de Chile
Elke Schüttler

Associate investigator

Sub-antarctic biocultural conservation program

Universidad de Magallanes

Puerto Williiams, Chile